Superficial Triangle And Cervical Viscera - Stephens 3/21 Flashcards
What branches off at the level of the greater Cornu of the hyoid bone?
Facial a.
Lingual a.
Occipital a.
What forms the External jugular vein (EJV)?
Where does it enter?
Posterior auricular and retromandibular veins
Posterior triangle deep to the platysma
Where are branchial fistulas remnants from?
What course do they follow?
1st pouch - Eustachian tube
SCM muscle
What is located in the longitudinal vertical groove between the esophagus and trachea?
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
What divides the subclavian artery?
Into what parts?
Anterior scalene muscle
1st- medial
2nd- deep
3rd- lateral
What structures run with/over the anterior scalene muscle?
Phrenic n. Over top it
Suprascapular and transverse cervical artery “hold” it down
What is contained within the carotid triangle?
Ansa cervicalis
CN 9, 10, 12
What are the suprahyoid muscles?
Stylohyoid Hypoglossus Mylohyoid Geniohyoid Digastric
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What drains the submandibular gland?
Where does this empty into?
Submandibular duct (Wharton’s duct)
Floor of the mouth at the apex of the sublingual caruncle
What nerve spirals around Wharton’s duct Superi-lateral to Infero-medially??
Lingual nerve
Where do submandibular gland Preganglionic PS fibers come from?
What do they exit the brainstem with?
What do they travel through?
With what?
Where do they terminate?
Superior salivatory nucleus
Facial nerve
Chorda tympani
Lingual nerve
Submandibular ganglion
Where do postganglionic sympathetic fibers originate from?
How do they reach the submandibular gland And sublingual glands?
Superior cervical ganglion
By coursing external carotid and facial plexus
What is located just behind the 3rd molar between the medial pterygoid and the mandible?
Lingual nerve
What is attached to the lingual nerve slightly anterior to the posterior border of the mylohyoid?
Submandibular ganglion
Thyroglossal cysts are embryological remnants of what?
Thyroglossal duct
Where does the inferior thyroid artery arise from?
Thyrocervical trunk
Where does the superior thyroid artery arise from?
Common or external carotids
Where do the superior and middle thyroid veins drain to?
Inferior thyroid vein?
Brachiocephalic vein
What primarily supplies the parathyroid glands?
Inferior thyroid artery
Where does the trachea extend from?
Where does the thyroid isthmus cross the anterior surface?
Rings 2-4
_____ requires an extensive surgical procedure to open a long-term airway through tracheal rings 2-4 usually for a ventilator.
_______ is an emergency airway that is cut through tracheal rings 2-4
_______ establishes an emergency airway by cutting through the cricothyroid membrane
What has this replaced?
Penetrating wounds to the base of the neck may result in what?
What kind of fibers does the lingual nerve contain?
Distribute to where?
Anterior 2/3’s of tongue
What are the 3 key landmarks of the neck?
6th cervical vertebra
Greater Cornu of the hyoid bone
Anterior scalene muscle