Superficial Muscle Insert & Orgin Flashcards
Brachiocephalic Origin
Multiple origins on the skull, and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th cervical vertebrae
Brachiocephalic Insert
Into just below the point of shoulder on the humerus
Triceps Brachii Long Head Orgin
At the backside of the scapula
Triceps Brachii Long Head Insert
Just below the elbow joint
Triceps Brachii Lateral Head Origin
On the humerus bone below the point of shoulder
Triceps Brachii Lateral Head Insert
Just below the elbow joint
Cervical Trapezius Origin
Attachments to ligaments at the top of the neck starting at C2 to T3
Cervical Trapezius Inserts
Cranial side of the spine of the scapula
Thoracic Trapezius Origin
Attachments to ligaments at the top of the neck from T3 to T10 just behind the withers
Thoracic Trapezius Insert
The caudel side of the spine of the scapula
Latissimus Dorsi Origin
Ligaments and fascia near the spine of the thorax beginning at the top of the withers all the way to the lumbar region
Latissimus Dorsi Insert
On the humerus below the shoulder joint
Cervical Ventral Serrated Origin
The cervical vertebra C4-C7
Cervical ventral Serrated Insert
The scapular cartilage
Thoracic Ventral Serrated Origin
By attaching to the first 8 or 9 ribs
Thoracic Ventral Serrated Insert
Into the scapular cartilage
Descending Pectoral Origin
The manubrium in the sternum (the top of the sternum in the chest)
Descending Pectoral Insert
Between the legs on the humerus or forearm
Ascending Pectoral Origin
At the sternum along the midline between the forelegs and to the zyphoid process (at the end of the sternum.)
It also originates from the cartilages of the 4-9 ribs.
Ascending Pectoral Insert
On the humerus or forearm below the shoulder joint
Deltoid Origin
Along the spine of the scapula and lies alone the caudal side.
Deltoid Insert
On the humerus or forearm
Tensor Fascia Lata Origin
On the front of the ilium. It then blends with a large mass of fascia called the Fascia Lata
Tensor Fascia Lata Insert
Both muscle and fascia insert on the patella and also just below the patella on the tibia
Gluteus Superficialis Origin
In the gluteal fascia and the ilium
Gluteus Superficialis Insert
At the hip joint on the head of the femur
Semitendinosis Origin
The last 2 vertebrae of the sacrum and the first 2 of the caudal vertebrae, as well as the sacrosciatic ligament and ishial tuberosity (the butt bone.)
Semitendinosis Insert
Behind and just below the stifle on the back of the hind leg. It will then combine with the other 2 hamstring muscles as well as 2 other muscles to form the Achilles tendon which inserts below the hock.
Biceps Femoris Origin
Multiple origins including the last 3 sacral vertebrae, the sacrosciatic ligament, the tail fascia, and the ischial tuberosity (butt bone)
Biceps Femoris Insert
At the patella and tibia where it will join with the other 2 hamstring muscles as well as 2 additional muscles to form the Achilles tendon which inserts at the hock.