Summary TTraining Flashcards
Which three factors play a role when setting up a survey?
- Measurement
- Representation
- Economics
What is survey measurement?
- Interactivity
- Multi-media
- Interviewer presence
- Self-administration
What is survey representation?
- Coverage quality
- Sampling control
- Response rate
What is survey economics?
- Sample size
- Questionnaire size
- Survey speed
- Survey cost
Which three experimental designs are there?
- Pre-experimental
- True-experimental
- Quasi experimental
How can you increase internal validity in an experiment?
- Randomization
- Design control
- Statistical control
Which exerpimental biases are reduced when implementaing Randomization?
- Selection bias
- Instrumentation
- History
- Mortality
Which exerpimental biases are reduced when implementaing Control Groups?
- History
- Maturation
- Instrumentation
- Statistical Regression
Which exerpimental biases are reduced when implementaing Extra Groups?
- Testing
- STatistical Regression
Which exerpimental biases are reduced when implementaing Statistical Control?
- History
- Selection Bias
Which three types of Pre-experimental designs are there?
- One shot case-study
- One-group pretest-posttest
- Static group
Which three types of True experimental designs are there?
- Pretest posttest control
- Posttest-only control group
- Solomon four group design
Which two types of Quasi-experimental designs are there?
- Time series group
- Multiple series group