Subjunctive & Imperatives Flashcards
Subjunctive (Present, Imperfect, Perfect, Pluperfect, Si Clauses)
How is the present subjunctive formed?
Yo form of present tense, remove ‘o’ or ‘oy’ ending. -ar verbs get -er endings whilst -er + -ir verbs get -ar endings.
How is the perfect subjunctive formed?
Present subjunctive of haber (haya) + past participle (ido/ado)
How is the imperfect subjunctive formed?
Take part 6 form of preterite, remove -ron ending, add -ra, -ras, -ra, -ramos, -rais, -ran.
How is the pluperfect subjunctive formed?
Imperfect subjunctive of haber (hubiera) + past participle (ado/ido)
What should the sequence of tenses be for the subjunctive (main + subordinate clause)?
Present/future/perfect/future perfect + present/perfect subjunctive.
Imperfect/preterite/conditional/pluperfect/conditional perfect + imperfect/pluperfect subjunctive.
What is the subjunctive used for?
Influence/emotion/judgement, doubt/possibility, future possible actions, wishes/desires, recommendations, some impersonal expressions, indefinite/negative antecedents, cuando + future event, who/what/when ever, perhaps, ojala, si constructions. Must be 2 diff subjects in main + subordinate clause. Subordinate clause always introduced by que. Whatever/however. Can be used in questioning state of disbelief.
What are imperatives?
How do you form an imperative when speaking to ‘tu’?
Use 3rd person present tense.
How do you form an imperative when speaking to ‘vosotros’?
Take off -r from infinitive + add ‘d’.
How do you form an imperative when speaking to ‘usted’?
Take off -o from 1st person present. Add -e to ‘ar’, add -a to ‘er’ + ‘ir’ verbs.
How do you form an imperative when speaking to ‘ustedes’?
Take off -o from 1st person present. Add -en to ‘ar’, add -an to ‘er’ + ‘ir’ verbs.
How do you form an imperative when speaking to ‘nosotros’?
Means ‘let’s do…’. Take off -o from 1st person present. Add -emos to ‘ar’ + -amos to ‘er’ + ‘ir’ verbs.
How are negative commands formed?
Formed using present subjunctive e.g. No salgas.
With positive commands, what happens when an object pronoun is used?
Object pronoun attached directly to end of imperative e.g. cómprelo
With positive commands, what happens when direct + indirect object pronouns are used?
Indirect object pronoun comes before direct e.g. cómpremelo.
What is the rule about accents concerning commands with pronouns?
Must use accent when 1+ syllable is added if command is 2+ syllables long. If it’s only 1 syllable long, only need to add stress if 2 pronouns added.
With negative commands, what happens when an object pronoun is used?
Object pronouns come before imperative e.g. no me lo compre.
With negative commands, what happens when direct + indirect object pronouns are used?
Indirect pronoun comes before direct pronoun e.g. no me lo compre.
Irregular 1st person subjunctives:
Caber, caer, conocer, construir, decir, distinguir, elegir, hacer, oír, parecer, poner, salir, tener, traer, valer, venir + ver.
Quepa, caiga, conozca, construya, diga, distinga, elija, haga, oiga, parezca, ponga, salga, tenga, traiga, valga, venga + vea.
Irregular subjunctive stems:
Haber, ir, saber, ser.
Haya, vaya, sepa + sea.
Which verbs have irregular stem endings in the present subjunctive?
c -> qu (buscar/busque), g -> gu (pagar/pague), z -> c (lanzar/lance), guar - gü (averigüe).
Totally irregular subjunctive verbs?
Dar -> Dé, des, dé, demos, deis, den.
Estar -> Esté, estés, esté, estemos, estéis, estén.
Give examples of verbs that require the subjunctive. (Verbs/expressions of will/want)
Aconsejar, decir, dejar, desear, es hora, es importante, es necesario, esperar, es preciso, evitar, exigir, hacer falta, hacer, impedir, insistir en, invitar, mandar, necesitar, pedir, permitir, preferir, prohibir, proponer, querer, recomendar, rogar + sugerir (que).
Give examples of verbs that require the subjunctive. (Verbs/expressions of emotion/feeling)
Alegrarse de, es bueno, es conveniente, es difícil, es extraño, es fácil, es increíble, es interesante, es inútil, es justo, es una lástima, es malo, es mejor, es peor, es preferible, es raro, es triste, es útil, estar contento, estar triste, extrañarse, gustarse, más vale, sentir, sorprenderse, temer, tener miedo (que).
Give examples of verbs that require the subjunctive. (Verbs/expressions of doubt/possibility/opinion)
Aparecer, buscar, detestar, dudar, es dudoso, es imposible, es improbable, es posible, es probable, negar, no es cierto, no es claro, no es evidente, no es obvio, no es, no está seguro, no es verdad, tal vez (que).
Give examples of verbs that require the subjunctive when negative/interrogatory but not when affirmative.
Conocer, creer, espérer, estar cierto, estar seguro, es cierto, es claro, es evidente, es seguro, es una realidad, es un hecho, es verdad, pensar, saber (que).
Give examples of verbs that require the subjunctive when affirmative but not when negative.
Dudar, negar.
Why rule is different to do with cualquiera + cualesquiera?
They drop the final ‘a’ before a noun.
What happens when whenever records a repeated fact?
Use ‘siempre que’ + infinitive.
How might you express however + adjective/adverb?
Por…que + Subjunctive.
When words meaning ‘perhaps’ have an element of doubt implied, what are they followed by?
The subjunctive. e.g. quizas/tal vez/acaso + subjunctive.
How is ojalá used?
Followed by present/imperfect subjunctive. Used to convey strong wish/desire. Ojalá + pres subj = definite poss.
Ojalá + imp subj = Wish less likely to be fulfilled.
What are the irregular past participles?
Abierto, cubierto, descubierto, dicho, vuelto, devuelto, disuelto, resuelto, escrito, descrito, frito, hecho, satisfecho, muerto, puesto, roto + visto.
What is the subjunctive?
A mood, not a tense.
When is the imperfect subjunctive used?
When verb in main clause is imperfect/pluperfect/preterite/conditional or when action not completed or might happen in future or when using si. (si + imp subj + cond)