study questions Flashcards
What term is defined as the generic modifiable factors that impact behavior?
Behavior change techniques
When a person is ambivalent about changing, what stage of change are they likely in?
What behavior change technique is a specific plan that drives behavior by identifying cues toward action?
Guided practice
Coping plan
Implementation intention
Implementation intention
Which communication technique allows the fitness professional to show appreciation of a client’s strengths?
Collecting summaries
Transitional summaries
Social support is best described by which statement?
Posting on social media about the recent successes of clients
Providing counseling sessions with clients who exhibit signs of depression
The intentional things that people do to assist others to achieve a specific behavior
Rearranging a schedule to accommodate a client’s availability
The intentional things that people do to assist others to achieve a specific behavior
Which scenario best demonstrates companionship support?
Making time to talk to clients about how their exercise program is going
Coordinating group events that are centered around physical activities
Creating handouts for clients that cover topics about fitness and wellness
Taking someone shopping to purchase attire for exercise
Coordinating group events that are centered around physical activities
A Certified Personal Trainer is speaking with a client who is not currently doing any consistent aerobic training. They ask how ready the client is to do aerobic training once a week for 30 minutes, using a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 representing “not at all ready” and 10 representing “completely ready.” If the client is at a 9, what stage of change are they in?
Which of the following is a behavior change technique where clients list potential barriers and make plans to overcome them?
Coping responses
Implementation intentions
Resisting social pressure
Coping responses
Research has demonstrated that moderate-intensity exercise is best for which of the following?
Developing intrinsic motivation
Winning a triathlon
Reducing burnout
Providing psychological benefits
Providing psychological benefits
Intentions are a good predictor of behavior, but what has been shown to help translate intentions into behavior?
Outcome expectations
Subjective norms
Action self-efficacy
Performing a biceps curl with a dumbbell in the hand is an example of which type of lever?
Third class
First class
Second class
Fourth class
Third class
How should the amortization phase of the stretch-shortening cycle be described?
The transition between the isometric and eccentric phases
The transition between the concentric and isometric phases
The transition from eccentric loading to concentric unloading
The transition from concentric loading to eccentric unloading
The transition from eccentric loading to concentric unloading
Which subsystem is responsible for providing both frontal plane mobility and stabilization of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex?
Lateral subsystem
Anterior oblique subsystem
Deep longitudinal subsystem
Posterior oblique subsystem
Lateral subsystem
Which of the following statements would be accurate with regard to muscle force and velocity during an eccentric muscle action?
As the contraction velocity decreases, the ability to develop force increases.
As the contraction velocity increases the ability to develop force also increases.
As the contraction velocity increases, the ability to develop force decreases.
As the contraction velocity decreases, the force remains constant.
As the contraction velocity increases the ability to develop force also increases.
What type of input may provide a runner with a cue to contract the evertor muscles to avoid an inversion injury?
Stretch-shortening cycle
Force velocity
External feedback
What type of lever could be described as having a fulcrum in the middle like a seesaw?
First class
Third class
Second class
Fourth class
First class