Study Guide - Resistance Exercises Flashcards
Ball Squat, Curl to Press and Multiplanar Step-Up Balance, Curl, to Overhead press are examples of what type of resistance training exercise?
Total Body-Stabilization Exercises
Which total body-stabilization exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and technique?
Preparation: begin with both feet shoulders-width apart pointing straight ahead and knees over the second and third toes. Position the ball in the low-back region as shown
Movement: lower into a squat position, keeping lower extremities in proper alignment. Stand to a fully upright position while contracting the gluteal muscles and quadriceps. Once stabilized, curl and press the dumbbells overhead until both arms are fully extended. Slowly return to the start position and repeat. Regression, decrease range of motion. Progression, alternating-arm, one-arm, and single-leg
Technique: when performing any form of a ball squat, try to use the ball to guide one through the squatting motion (sitting into a chair) versus relying on the ball for support (leaning back on the ball)
Ball Squat, Curl to Press
Which total body-stabilization exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and technique?
Preparation: stand in front of a box with feet shoulders-width apart
Movement: step onto box with one leg, keeping foot and knee pointed straight ahead, push through heel and stand up straight, balancing on one leg. Flex the other leg at the hip and knee, Once balance has been established, curl and press the dumbbells overhead until both arms are fully extended. Slowly return the dumbbells to the starting position. Return opposite leg to the ground and step off the box. repeat on other leg. Regression, omit balance. Progression, frontal plane, transverse plane
Technique: when pressing overhead, make sure the low back does not arch. This may indicate tightness of the latissimus dorsi and weakness of the intrinsic core stabilizers
Multiplanar Step-Up Balance, Curl, to Overhead Press
Lunge to Two-Arm Dumbbell Press and Squat, Curl, to Two-Arm Press are examples of what type of resistance training exercise?
Total Body-Strength Exercises
Which total body-strength exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and technique?
Preparation: begin with both feet shoulders-width apart. Hold two dumbbells in hands at chest level (palms facing body)
Movement: lunge forward, come to a stabilized position with front foot pointing straight ahead and knee directly over second and third toes. Both knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle, front foot should be flat on the ground, and back goot should have the heel lifted off the ground. From this position, drive off of front foot and back into a standing position. Press the dumbbells overhead until arms are fully extended. Lower weight and repeat
Technique: when performing any squatting or lunging motion, make sure the foot stays straight and the knees stay in line with the toes. This ensures proper joint mechanics (arthrokinematics) and optimal force generation (via proper length-tension relationships and force-couple relationships), increasing the benefit of the exercise and decreasing its risk
Lunge to Two-Arm Dumbbell Press
Which total body-strength exercise includes the following preparation and movement?
Preparation: begin with both feet shoulders-width apart and pointing straight ahead, and knees over the second and third toes
Movement: perform a squat as low as can be safely controlled, keeping lower extremities in proper alignment. Before any compensation occurs, activate gluteal muscles and stand to a fully upright position. Once stabilized, curl and press the dumbbells overhead until botha arms are fully extended, with palms facing away. Slowly return the dumbbells to the start position and repeat.
Squat, Curl, to Two-Arm Press
Two-Arm Push Press and Barbell Cleans are examples of what kind of resistance exercises?
Total Body-Power Exercises
Which total body-power exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and technique?
Preparation: stand with feet shoulders-width apart. Hold two dumbbells in hands at shoulder level
Movement: quickly drive dumbbells up, as if doing a shoulder press. At the same time, drive the legs into a stagger stance position. Back leg should be in triple extension (plantar flexion, knee extension, hip extension) with the front leg bent slightly. Maintain optimal alignment on the return to the starting position and repeat
Technique: one must establish proper stability (stabilization level training) and prime mover strength (strength level training) before progressing to the power exercises
Two-Arm Push Press
Which total body-power exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and safety?
Preparation: Squat down next to bar, keeping feel flat on the floor. Arms grapes the bar fully extended slightly wider than shoulders-width apart. Position shoulders over or slightly ahead of the bar, and the pelvis should be in a neutral position
Movement: initiate the first pull by extending knees and hips, lifting bar straight up (keeping the bar close to the shins) with elbows extended. Continue to move bar upward by explosively extending hips, knees, and ankles (plantarflexion) in a jumping motion. At maximal plantarflexion, elevate shoulders and flex and pull with the arms. Pull bar as high as possible before rotating elbows under the bar. Point elbows forward. Rack the bar across the front of the shoulders, keeping the torso erect. Flex hips and knees to absorb the weight of the bar.
Safety: this is a simplified description and illustration of performing this exercise. This exercise is an advanced power exercise and requires proper instruction before attempting.
Barbell Clean
Ball Dumbbell Chest Press and Push-Ups are examples of what resistance exercises?
Chest-Stabilization Exercises
Which total chest-stabilization exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and safety?
Preparation: lie on stability ball as shown. Maintain a bridge position by gluteal muscles and keeping shoulders, hips, and knees at the same level. Feet should be shoulders-width apart with toes pointing straight ahead. Hold one dumbbell in each hand, at chest level
Movement: press both dumbbells straight up and then together, by extending elbows and contracting chest. Hold. Slowly return dumbbells toward body by flexing the elbows. Regression, dumbbell chest press progression on bench. Progression, alternating-arm, single-arm.
Technique: To ensure proper alignment, the ears, shoulders, hips, and knees should all be in line with one another
Ball Dumbbell Chest Press
Which total chest-stabilization exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and safety?
Preparation: begin in a push-up position. Draw in navel and contract gluteal muscles
Movement: keeping pelvis in neutral position, slowly lower body toward ground, by flexing elbows and retracting and depressing shoulder blades. Push back up to starting position, by extending elbows and contracting chest. Do not allow head to jut forward. Regressions, on knees, hands on bench, feet on floor, and hands on wall, feet on floor. Progressions,lower extremities on ball, hands on medicine balls, and hands on stability ball
Safety: a common compensation that occurs when performing a push-up is the low back arching (stomach falls toward the ground). This is an indicator that the individual possesses weak intrinsic core stabilizers and the exercrice must be regressed
Flat Dumbbell Chest Press and Barbell Bench Presses are examples what kind of exercises?
Chest-Strength Exercises
Which chest-strength exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and technique?
Preparation: lie on flat bench with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold one dumbbell in each hand, and chest level
Movement: press both dumbbells straight up and then together, by extending elbows and contracting chest. Hold. Slowly return dumbbells toward body by flexing elbows and allowing shoulders to retract and depress
Technique: when performing chest presses, the range of motion at the shoulder joint (how far the elbows go down) will be determined by the load one is lifting (control) and tissue extensibility. The key is to only go as far as one can control without compensating
Flat Dumbbell Chest Press
Which chest-strength exercise includes the following preparation and movement?
Preparation: lie on flat bench, feet flat on floor and toes pointing straight ahead. Hold a barbell and grasp the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulders-width apart
Movement: slowly lower the bar toward the chest by flexing the elbows, Avoid letting the back arch or the head jut off the bench. Press the bar back up, extending arms and contracting chest, until elbows are fully extended
Barbell Bench Press
Two-Arm Medicine Ball Chest Pass and Rotation Chest Pass are both what type of resistance training exercises?
Chest-Power Exercises
Which chest-power exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and technique?
Preparation: stand facing a wall or partner and establish a squared stance position. Hold a medicine ball (5 to 10% of cody weight) with both hands, elbows flexed, at chest level
Movement: push and release the ball straight ahead as hard as possible, by extending the elbows and contracting the chest. Do not allow the shoulders to elevate. Catch and repeat as quickly as possible
Technique: if it is not an option to be able to perform power exercises with a medicine ball (facility-dependent, equipment), this exercise can also be done using tubing or cable. Just make sure to adjust the weight or resistance accordingly so one can still perform the movement quickly and under control without compensation
Two-Arm Medicine Ball Chest Pass
Which chest-power exercise includes the following preparation and movement?
Preparation: stand, with body turned at a 90-degree angle from a wall or partner. Hold a medicine ball (5 to 10% of body weight) with both hands, elbows flexed, at chest level
Movement: use abdominal muscles, hips, and gluteal muscles to rotate body quickly and explosively toward the wall. As body turns, pivot back leg and allow it to go into triple extension (plantarflexion, knee extension, hip extension). With the upper body, push the medicine ball using the back arm to extend and apply force as shown. Catch and repeat as quickly as possible, under control
Rotation Chest Pass
Standing Cable Row and Ball Dumbbell Row are what kind of resistance exercises?
Back-Stabilization Exercises
Seated Cable Row and Seated Lat Pulldowns are what kind of resistance exercises?
Back-Strength Exercises
Medicine Ball Pullover Throw and Soccer Throws are what kind of resistance training?
Back-Power Exercises
Single-Leg Dumbbell Scaption and Seated Stability Ball Military Press are what kind of resistance exercises?
Shoulder-Stabilization Exercises