Study Guide - General Muscular Anatomy Flashcards
What muscles make up the intrinsic core stabilizers?
Transverse abdominis, internal obliques, multifidus, transversospinalis divisions (X3), diaphragm, and pelvic floor
What is the function of the intrinsic core stabilizers?
Provide stability for the LPHC and concentric abilities
What muscle of the intrinsic core stabilizers supports internal organs, provides intra abdominal pressure, and helps stabilize the core?
Transverse Abdominis
What muscle of the intrinsic core stabilizers creates spinal flexion, lateral flexion, and ipsilateral rotation through their concentric actions?
Internal Obliques
What muscle of the intrinsic core stabilizers its deep within the torso, inferior to the lungs, helps with breathing when it concentrically contracts by creating expanded volume in the thoracic cavity and also assists with stabilizing the core?
What muscle of the intrinsic core stabilizers balances out the spinal flexion produced by the internal obliques by concentrically creating spinal extensions and rotation in the opposite direction?
What muscle group of the intrinsic core stabilizers includes three separate divisions (thoracis, cervisis, and capitis) and works with the multifidus to create lateral flexion and rotation?
Transversospinalis Divisions
What are the three divisions of the transversospinalis muscle group?
Throacis, cervisis, and capitis
What is the function of the superficial abdominis?
Control the movement of the spine
What is the superficial abdominis sometimes called because they are more superficial and can be seen in a mirror?
Outer Unit
What muscles make up the superficial abdominis?
Rectus abdominis and external obliques
What is the rectus abdominis sometimes called?
6 pack
What muscle of the superficial abdominis concentrically performs spinal flexion and assists with laterally flexing and rotating the spine?
Rectus Abdominis
What are the external obliques sometimes called?
Love handles
What muscle of the superficial abdominis is primarily responsible for contralateral rotation of the spine, plus assisting with flexing and lateral flexion as well?
External Oblique
What muscles make up the back?
Superficial erector spinae, latissimus dorsi, teres major, rhomboids (X2) and trapezius muscles (X3)
What muscle of the back provides spinal extension, lateral flexion, and rotation of the spine?
Superficial erector spinae
What muscle of the back connects the shoulders to the pelvis, is the prime mover muscle for extension, adduction and internal rotation of the shoulders, and can also impact the position of the pelvis when arms are held overhead?
Latissimus Dorsi
What muscle of the back helps produce a combination of adduction, extension, and internal rotation of the shoulders?
Teres Major
What muscle of the back includes the rhomboid major and minor to help pull the shoulders back through scapular retraction and downward rotation; it is also the deepest movement muscle fo the back, residing above the erector spinae and underneath the latissimus dorsi?
What are the two divisions of the rhomboid muscles of the back?
Rhomboid major and minor
What muscles of the back is the most superficial muscles, including lower, middle, and upper trapezius, grouped together?
Trapezius Muscles
What are the three divisions of the trapezius muscles of the back?
Lower, middle, and upper trapezius
The three trapezius muscles grouped together are known as what?
What muscles made up the deltoids?
Anterior deltoid, medial deltoid, and posterior deltoid
Which deltoid muscle provides shoulder flexion and internal rotation?
Anterior deltoid
Which deltoid muscle provides shoulder abduction?
Medial deltoid
What deltoid muscle provides shoulder extension and external rotation?
Posterior deltoid
What are the muscles of the rotator cuff?
Subscapularis, teres minor, infraspinatus, and supraspinatus
What is the function of the rotator cuff?
Stabilize the shoulder during movement