Study Guide - Balance Exercises Flashcards
Single-leg balance, single-leg balance reach, single-leg hip internal and external rotation, single-leg lift and chop, and single leg throw and catch are examples of what kind of exercises?
Balance-Stabilization Exercises
Which balance-stabilization exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and technique?
Preparation: stand with feet shoulder-width apart and pointing straight ahead. Hips should be in a neutral position
Movement: lift one leg directly beside balance leg. Maintain optimal alignment, including level hips and shoulders. Hold for the desired time (typically 5 to 20 seconds). Switch legs and repeat as instructed
Technique: make sure the gluteal musculature of the balance leg remains contracted while performing this and all balance exercises to help stabilize the lower extremity
Single-Leg Balance
Which balance-stabilization exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and safety?
Preparation: stand with feet shoulders-width apart and pointing straight ahead. Hips should be level and in a neutral position
Movement: life one leg directly beside balance leg, move lifted leg to the front of the body. Hold for a few seconds. Return to original position and repeat. As a progression, reach the floating leg to the side of the body and then reaching behind the body
Safety: keep the hips level when performing balance exercises. This will decrease stress to the LPHC
Single-Leg Balance Reach
Which balance-stabilization exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and safety?
Preparation: stand with feet shoulders-width apart and pointing straight ahead. Hips should be in a neutral position
Movement: lift one leg while maintaining optimal alignment, including level hips and shoulders. Slowly internally and externally rotate hip of lifted leg, holding each end position for a few seconds. Switch legs and repeat as instructed
Safety: make sure when performing this exercise to rotate through the hip of the balance leg versus the spine. This will decrease stress to the spine and enhance control of the LPHC
Single-Leg Hip Rotation
Which balance-stabilization exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and safety?
Preparation: stand holding a medicine ball with feet shoulders-width apart and pointing straight ahead. Hips should be in a neutral position
Movement: lift one leg while maintaining optimal alignment, including level hips and shoulders. Lift medicine ball in a diagonal pattern until medicine ball is overhead. Slowly return to original position and repeat
Safety: when performing balance exercises, make sure the knee of the balance leg always stays in line with the toes
Single-Leg Lift and Chop
Which balance-stabilization exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and safety?
Preparation: stand holding ball with feet shoulders-width apart and pointing straight ahead. Hips should be in a neutral position
Movement: lift one leg while maintaining optimal alignment, including level hips and shoulders. Toss the medicine ball to a partner or trainer while maintaining optimal postural alignment. Repeat.
Safety: there are several methods to increase the demand of this exercise; trainer can toss the medicine ball at various heights and across the body, increase the distance between both individuals, and increase velocity of each throw
Single-Leg Throw and Catch
Single-leg squat, single-leg squat touchdown, single-leg Romanian deadlift, multiplanar step-up to balance, and multiplanar lunge to balance are examples of what kind of exercises?
Balance-Strength Exercises
Which balance-strength exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and safety?
Preparation: stand with feet shoulder-width apart and pointing straight ahead. Hips should be in a neutral position
Movement: life one leg directly beside balance leg. Maintain optimal alignment, including level hips and shoulders. Slowly squat as if sitting in a chair, flexing at hips, knees, and ankles. Hold for a few seconds. Slowly stand upright and contract gluteal muscles. Repeat as instructed
Safety: make sure the knee always stays in line with the toe and it does not move inside or outside the second and third toe. This will decrease stress to the knee
Single-Leg Squat
Which balance-strength exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and technique?
Preparation: stand with feet shoulders-width apart and pointing straight ahead. Hips should be in a neutral position
Movement: lift one leg directly beside balance leg. Slowly squat as if sitting in a chair, reaching hand opposite of balance leg toward foot. Slowly stand upright using abdominal muscles and gluteal muscles. Repeat as instructed.
Technique: Iif individuals cannot touch their goot, have them first work on reaching to their knee, then to the shin, then to the foot
Single-Leg Squat Touchdown
Which balance-strength exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and technique?
Preparation: stand with feet shoulders-width apart and pointing straight ahead. Hips should be in a neutral position
Movement: lift one leg directly beside balance leg. Bend from the waist and slowly reach hand down toward the toes of the balance leg. It is important to keep the spine in a neutral position and avoid hunching over. Slowly stand upright using abdominal muscles and gluteal muscles. Repeat as instructed.
Technique: One can use the same progression with this exercise as that performed in the single-leg squat touchdown; reach to the knee, reach to the shin, reach to the foot
Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift
Which balance-strength exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and technique?
Preparation: stand in front of a box or platform with feet shoulders-width apart and pointing straight ahead. Hops should be in a neutral position.
Movement: step onto box with one leg, keeping toes pointing straight ahead and knee directly over the toes. Push through front heel and stand upright, balancing on one leg. Hold for a few seconds. Return lifted leg to the ground, followed by the opposite leg, keeping toes and knees aligned. Repeat as instructed. As progressions, use the same process and step up from the side (frontal plane) or turn 90 degrees (transverse plane)
Technique: make sure at the end position that the balance leg’s hip is in full extension for maximal recruitment of the gluteal musculature
Multiplanar Step-Up to Balance
Which balance-strength exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and safety?
Preparation: stand with feet shoulders-width apart and pointing straight ahead. Hips should be in a neutral position
Movement: lunge forward with toes pointed straight ahead and knee directly over the toes. Push off of front foot through heel onto back leg and maintain balance on the back leg. Repeat as instructed. As progressions, use the same process and lunge to the side (frontal plane) or turn 90 degrees (transverse plane)
Safety: when performing a lunge, make sure the stride length is not too large, particularly if one has tight hip flexors. This can force the spine into excessive extension, increasing stress to the low back
Multiplanar Lunge to Balance
Multiplanar hop with stabilization, multiplanar single-leg box hop-up with stabilization, and multiplanar single-leg box hop-down with stabilization are examples of what kind of exercises?
Balance-Power Exercises
Which balance-power exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and safety?
Preparation: stand with feet shoulders-width apart and pointing straight ahead. Hips should be in a neutral position
Movement: lift one leg directly beside balance leg. Hop forward (sagittal plane), landing on the opposite foot. Stabilize and hold for 3 to 5 seconds. Hope backward (sagittal plane), landing on opposite foot in starting position. Stabilize and. hold for 3 to 5 seconds. As progressions, use the same process and hop side-to-side (frontal plane) or turning degrees (transverse plane)
Safety: for all balance-power exercises, make sure the landing is soft (quiet) to ensure efficient acceptance of forces through the tissues and keep the knee in line with the second and third toes
Multiplanar Hop with Stabilization (Sagittal, Frontal, and Transverse)
Which balance-power exercise includes the following preparation and movement?
Preparation: stand in front of a box or platform with feet shoulders-width apart and pointing straight ahead. Hips should be in a neutral position
Movement: lift one leg directly beside balance leg, hop up and land on top of box on one leg as illustrated. Hold for 3 to 5 seconds. Repeat as instructed. As progressions, use the same format to hop in the frontal and transverse planes
Multiplanar Single-Leg Box Hop-Up with Stabilization
Which balance-power exercise includes the following preparation, movement, and technique?
Preparation: stand one a box or platform with feet shoulders-width apart and pointing straight ahead. Hips should be in a neutral position
Movement: lift one leg directly beside balance leg. Hop off box and land on ground on one leg, keeping toes pointing straight ahead and knee directly over the toes. Hold for 3 to 5 seconds. Repeat as instructed. As progressions, use the same format to hop in the frontal and transverse planes
Technique: keep the knee in line with the toes when landing and land as softly as possible
Multiplanar Single-Leg Box Hop-Down with Stabilization