Study Guide 3.3 Flashcards
What is species diversity?
the number of different species present in an ecosystem and the relative abundance of each of those species
What is species evenness?
a measure of the relative abundances of species within a community
When choosing a community to save which community should you choose?
The community with more species
What is genetic diversity?
The overall diversity in the DNA between the individuals of a species
What relates to the size of a population?
genetic diversity
Higher species diversity=
higher genetic diversity
What is ecosystem diversity?
with the study of different ecosystems in a certain location and their overall effects
What is the benefit of ecosystem diversity?
more food resources
What is another benefit of ecosystem diversity?
more habitats
What happens with environmental change in ecosystem diversity?
it’s more resilient to environmental change
Greater diversity=
greater stability
What is a biodiversity benefit for humans?
What is a biodiversity benefit for humans?
What is a biodiversity benefit for humans?
What is a biodiversity benefit for humans?
What is a biodiversity benefit for humans?
clean air
What is a biodiversity benefit for humans?
clean water
Clean air and clean water are example of what
indirect services
What is a biodiversity benefit for humans?
What is a biodiversity benefit for humans?
soil health