STUDY 2 Flashcards
It got its start with office automatically the concept of the virtual office.
Virtual Organization
Business Organization
Physical Organization
Virtual Organization
includes all the all the formal and informal electronic systems primarily concerned w/ the communication of information and from persons both inside and outside the firm.
Office Automation
The concept of a virtual office got its start with telecommuting and was refused to achieve an office facility called hoteling.
Virtual Office –
_ to work at home at term of telecommuting was introduced because it seemed like an appropriate way to describe how employees could electronically commute to work
•A big advantages of telecommuting to employees is that it _
provides them w/ flexibility in scheduling their job tasks so that personal task can also be accommodated, pay more attention to communications needs.
Disadvantages of Telecommuting for Employees
First the employees can develop a sense of not belonging. When employees do not come indirect daily contract with their colleagues, they may lose the feeling of being an important par of an organization, another disadvantage is fear of job loss or career damage.
There is an indication that there is decreasing interest in telecommuting. Firms engaged in telecommuting revealed that more than _plan to scale back, _ plan decrease, _ plan a phase-out and only _ plan an increase.
4 percent
•The initial narrow focus of telecommuting on certain classes of office workers who could do all of their work at home has been broadened to include all kinds of employees who come to office only when necessary.
Advantages of Virtual Office
Reduced Facility cost
Reduced Equipment cost
Reduced work stoppers
Social Contribution
firm does not require such as large office capacity, since some employees can share are working elsewhere. Making possible reduced costs for office rent and expansion.
Reduced facility cost
rather than provide a set of office equipment to everyone, the employees can share equipment in much the same way that participants in local are network share its resources.
Reduced Equipment cost
when winter storms, floods. Hurricanes, and like make it impossible for employees to travel to the physical workplace, company activity can come to screeching halt.
Reduce work stoppers
the virtual office makes it possible for the firm to employ persons who would not otherwise have an opportunity to work.
Social contribution
Disadvantages of Virtual Office
- Low morale
* Fear of security
Number of factors can produce low employee morale. One is absence of positive feedback that comes from face to face interaction with superiors and peers.
Low morale
Security of data and information might be more difficult to control in a virtual office environment.
Fear of security
Operations through the firm are designed so that they that are not tied to physical locations.
Virtual Organization
-The industries that are the most attracted to concept to the virtual office and the virtual organization are those that add value in the form of information, ideas and intelligence .
The Societal Impacts of Virtual Organization
The Information Services Organization
- The Information Resources
* The Information Specialist
as including computer hardware, computer software, information specialists, users, facilities the database and information.
The Information Resources
the employees whose full-time responsibility is to contribute to the availability of information re
Information specialist
responsible for the content and presentation of the firm’s Web site.
- Web sites rely heavily on images and webmaster will generally have some expertise in graphics manipulation or design.
This was accomplished by giving the corporates IS units authority to make decisions about the strategic use of IT in their areas.
Innovation Organization Structures
Three models of Innovation Structure
- The Partner Model
- The Platform Model
- Scalable Model
the IT unit has responsibility for value innovation, strategic planning, infrastructure management, financial management, human resources management and services provisioning
The Partner model
IT will not actively initiate business innovation but will provide the network so that innovation can be accomplished by the business areas.
The Platform model
Show that two sourcing networks are utilized to interface w/ vendors when engaging in infrastructure management and solutions delivery
Scalable model
It is synonymous with user he or she uses the end product of a computer-based system .
End user
It is the development by users of all part of their information systems.
End-user computing (EUC)
Four main influences
●The impact of computer education
●The information services backlog
●Low-cost hardware – low cost microcomputers
●Prewritten software – offered enhance support and ease of use, and it enables firms and individual users with little compuer expertise to implemetn computer –based system.
It is important information resources who can make a real contributiont meeting strategic objectives and achieving a competitive advantage.
Users of the firms information system
Benefits of End-User computing
- Match Capabilities and challenges
* Reduce Communication Gap
Risk of End-User Computing
Poorly Aimed Systems •Poorly Designed and Documented Systems •Inefficient Use of Information Resources •Loss of Data Integrity •Loss of security •Loss of control
It is something that can be learned, either through formal courses of study or through such individuals efforts as reading and observation
It is the ability to use computer resources to accomplish necessary processing.
Computer literacy
It consists of understanding how to use information at each step of the problem- solving process, where that information can be obtained, and how to share information with others.
Information Literacy
Are those topics that are usually included in the undergraduate and graduate business core courses – accounting, finance, marketing, management, MIS, and operations.
Business fundamentals
describes how to depict phenomena as normative systems structures.
System theory
– consists of the steps that are taken to develop an information system.
•System Life Cycle (SLC)
System development process
Are used to describe the process, which we describe in System modeling
System development Life Cycle (SDLC)
A refinement this view that is now emerging is that the knowledge of the organization’s people is a valuable resource and should be managed.
Knowledge Management (KM)
•Project involved the development of a New Product Development (NPD)
- Leverage multidisciplinary NPD knowledge asset
- Improve NPD decision making
- Facilitate learning and knowledge exchange
KM Challenges
- Executive/Strategic Management
- Costs, Benefits, Risks
- Operational Management
- Standards
a firm that operates across products markets, nation, and cultures.
Multinational corporation (MNC) –
It has been coined to describe the information system used by an MNC.
Global Information System (GIS)
The way that the physical resources human, material, machine, and money.
Physical Organization
They are the movements of machine-readable data across national boundaries
Transborder data flows (TDF)
Describes an information system that consists of networks that cross national boundaries
Politically imposed constraints
Cultural and communications barriers