Preliminary Flashcards
involves having a current knowledge and understanding of computers and their uses.
Computer Literacy
Because the requirements that determine ____ change as technology changes, you must keep up with these changes to remain computer literate.
Computer Literacy
Electronic machine operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory
Functions of a computer
Manipulates data
Accepts data
Produces results
Stores results
It is a collection of unprocessed items, which can include text, numbers, images, audio, and video.
It conveys meaning and is useful to people.
Person who communicates with a computer or uses the information it generates
Information Processing Cycle
Input Process Output Storage Communication
4 types of hardware components
Input Device
Output Device
Storage Device
Communications Device
Input Device
Scanner Keyboard Microphone Webcam Mouse Touch screen Touch sensitive pad Stylus Graphic tablet Game controller Biometric Device Magnetic stripe card reader MICR RIFD Reader Barcode reader Optical mark recognition Trackball Pointing stick Digital pen Signature Capture Pad Graphics tablet Game pads Joysticks and Wheels Light Guns Dance Pads Motion-Sensing Game Controllers Guitar Balance Pad Digital Cameras Voice Input Voice Recognition Audio Input Video Input Web Cams Video Conferencing Biometrics Terminal DVD Kiosks
Output device
Printer Monitor (LCD, CRT, Plasma,) Speakers Headphone Earbuds Data Projector Interactive Whiteboard
Storage Device
Memory cards External hard disk System unit (processor, memory and storage device) Card reader/writer USB Flash Drive Hard disk drive
any hardware component that allows users to enter data and instructions into a computer.
Input device
An input device that contains keys you press to enter data into the computer
The most widely used pointing device on desktop computers
Controls the movement of the pointer, also called the mouse pointer, on the screen
It is a stationary pointing device with a ball on its top or side.
To move the pointer using a trackball, you rotate the ball with your __
thumb, fingers, or the palm of your hand
It is a small, flat, rectangular pointing device that is sensitive to pressure and motion
It is a pressure-sensitive pointing device shaped like a pencil eraser that is positioned between keys on a keyboard
Pointing stick
It is a touch-sensitive display device.
Touch screen
Touch screens that recognize multiple points of contact at the same time are known as ___. Users can interact with touch screens by touching areas of the screen.
Portable media players that do not have touch screens typically have a ___, which is an input device that enables users to scroll through and play music, view pictures, watch videos or movies, adjust volume, and/or customize settings
Touch Sensitive pad
It is a small metal or plastic device that looks like a tiny ink pen but uses pressure instead of ink.