Structure of the forearm Flashcards

Name the carple bones

1) Scaphoid
2) Lunate
3) Triquetral
4) Pisiform
5) Trapezium
6) Trapazoid
7) Capitate
8) Hamate
Some lovers try positions that they cannot handle

Superior arrow: Succiform recess
Lateral arrow: Fibrous articular disc
Inferior arrow: Wrist joint proper

1) Radiocarpal joint
2) Midcarpal joint
3) Carpometacarpal joint (Only thumb has movement)
What is the function of bursae?
Fluid filled sacs that prevent rough edges of bone from rubbing skin raw or protect muscles.
What are the bursae of the glenhumoral joint?
Subscapularis bursa
Subacromial bursa
Sub deltoid bursa (lateral continuation of subacromial bursa)
What nerve innervates the subscapularis and what is the muscles function?
Upper and lower subscapular nerve
Internally rotates arm
What is the function of the supraspinatus and what nerve innervates it?
Adbucts arm
Suprascapular n.
What is the function of the infraspinatus and what nerve innervates it?
Externally rotates arm
Suprascapilar nerve
What is the function of teres minor and what nerve innervates it?
Externally rotates arm.
Axillary nerve.