Humerus features Flashcards
Identify the purple landmark

Brachialis origin
Identify the green landmark

Crest of lesser tubercle
Identify the green feature

Crest of greater tubercle
Identify the green feature

Groove for ulnar nerve
Identify the purple landmark

Insertion of coracobrachialis
What is the purple landmark

Lateral epicondyle of humerus
What is the purple feature

Medial epicondyle of humerus
Identify the purple feature

Medial head of the triceps brachii origin
Identify the green feature

Olecranon fossa
Identify the purple feature

Origin of brachioradialis
Identify the purple feature

Origin of extensor carpi radialis
Identify the green feature

Surgical neck of humerus
What is the purple landmark?

lateral head of the triceps brachii origin