Anterior and lateral compartments of leg Flashcards
What are the anterior compartments of the leg?
Tibialis anterior Extensor digitorium longus Extensor hellucis longus Peroneus tertius
What are the lateral compartments of the leg?
Peroneus longus Peroneus brevia = Fibularis
What retinaculum exist at the ankle?
Superior extensor retinaculum Inferior extensor retinaculum Superior peroneal retinaculum Inferior peroneal retinaculum
What are the dorsal foot muscles?
Extensor digitorium brevis Extensor hellicus brevis
Describe the route of the femoral art;
The femoral art. goes through the adductor canal, passing ant. -> post. through the adductor hiatus. As it passes through the popliteal fossa it becomes the popliteal art. Popliteal art. it divides in 3.
What are the three divisions of the popliteal art?
Circumflex fibular art. Post. tibial art. Ant. tibial art.
What are the compartments of the leg?
Ant. Post. Lat.
What are the movements of the foot?
Dorsiflexion and Plantarflexion Eversion and Inversion
What are the tarsals of the foot?
Lat and med. malleolus Talus Calcaneus Cuboid Navicular Lat. Intermediate and medial cuneiform
What nerve supplies the ant. compartment of the leg?
Deep Peroneal
What supplies the lateral compartment of the leg?
Superficial peroneal
Describe the route of the common peroneal and its clinical importance;
The common peroneal nerve winds around the neck of the fibula before dividing into deep and superficial. Damage to these nerves can result in foot drop.
What is the clinical presentation of foot drop?
Foot is passively positioned plantar flexed and inverted. High stepping or slapping gait as dorsiflexors of the ankle are not functioning.
What nerve supplies the dorsal foot muscles?
Deep peroneal
What are the root contributions to the sciatic nerve?
L4 L5 S1 S2
What happens to the sciatic nerve towards the knee?
Divides into Tibial nerve and Common peroneal nerve
What two words are interchangable in the leg? (ish)
Fibular and peroneal So fibularis longus and brevis or common fibular nerve, then deep and superficial
What is compartment syndrome?
Most common in the leg or forearm following trauma. Results when pressure in the compartment rises and occludes the arterial supply. Risking ischemia and necrosis to the muscles and nerves.
How can compartment syndrome present?
Pain Pallor Pulselessness Paresthesia Paralysis