Structure In Poems Flashcards
Structure in exposure
Cyclical- start and ending repeats ‘but nothing happens’ in order to excentuate the montone and anti climactic nature of war
rhyme scheme has a mass use of slightly off pararhymes like ‘silent’ and ‘salient’- leaves a feeling of dissatisfaction reflective of the atmosphere of the battle, the instability of it is also reflective of the battered mentality of the soliders who were clinging on
very bleak and monotone five line stanzas, reflects the futility of war with an anticlimactic anaphora in ‘but nothing happens’
elipses in the first lines create pauses that slow the pacing and prove the boring nature of warfare
Structure in ozimandias
the irregular rhyme scheme contrasts the regular proper nature of the sonnet structure, highlighting the contrast between societal opinions on heirachy and tyrany
there is a blend of the typical sonnet structure woth the petrachan lines, shelley is highlighting the longevity and timeless nature of the arts and literature that defies time and can consantly be modernised
Structure in storm on the island
there are half rhymes at the beginning and end of the poems, showing how the storm cannot be prevented and will inevitably return and also the resiliency of the humans
it is in a very controlled iambic pentameter which when mixed with the colloquial language gives a very involving conversational tone- shows the community aspect of the collective perpective and how groupwork is needed to endure a storm
however theres enjambment which implies a barrage of information and perhaps a rush during the storm, the reader will become bretahless which mimics the overpowering nature
incredibly sporadic and uncontainable, shows the omnipotence of nature in juxapoision to that of the controlled structure of the people witholding it, momentary half rhymes show break through of power to the people
Structure in the prelude
shows the change in mental state from the beginning and the end of the poem
first he says ‘stealth’ showing his arrgance as he beleives he is entitlted to the boat and to exploit nature as he pleases, but at the end it becomes clear that he views him coming back as ‘stole’ he has a new sense of humility for trespassing, hes more aware of natures omnipotence
there is no rhyme scheme as it is an epic monolouge, only a conversational usage of iambic pentameter. its status as an epic poem is conterevesial as there is no clear hero as he does no good deed, rather it can be argued nature is the hgiher power herioic figure or even that its meant on a spiratual level and depicts him maturing and gaining the humility that moulded him to become a leading roamntic.
there is one huge stanza as is custom in an epic poem, the lack of breakage and pauses combined with the sweeping enjambement that disallows many breath pauses means that as the poem progresses so does the readers inability to continue to speak, this corresponds with the building sense of overwhelm.
Structure in MLD
Very controlled scheme in iambic pentametr shows the obsessive need for power
The play is written in very tightly controlled iambic pentameter, used by shakespeare to show nobility and the usage of subtle enjambment rhyming cuplets and caesura makes it appar far more conversational than it is- showing how men in power try and give a false perception of equality.
Its also only presented in one stanza which has multiple effects; the unwavering length can show a stream of consciousness as if the duke i droning for a long period of time- he dos not have self control only power over others and likely that has caused him to have a lack of this, it also makes it overwhelming to read and tiring like his presence
Structure in COTLD
The anaphora at the beginning of most stanzas has a sudden rhythm that mimics the horses charging and the pack mentality of people running, this is dactylic diameter, its unreleting rhythm shows how choiceless the soldiers were
The meter is usally a satirical poem, so for something this serious it creates a sad tone
Its in ballard form which is often the type used to share stories to commemorate history- fitting
Irregular and sporadic showing the chaos of the battle, but the rhyming couplets maintain a sense of inevitability of the demise of the soldiers
Structure of bayonet charge
Its very chaotic and sporadic mimicking the untameable and panicked nature of war.
The entire first stanza is written using enjambment which helps the readers sympathise with the chaos of the soldiers experience as they would be breathless and flustered, when the sentence ends on a heavy rhetorical question it leaves a lasting impact and intake of breath to amke the reader especially question the societal ideals of warfare
In the second stanza theres a highly contrasting usage of caesura which causes for lots of awkward and long pauses which give the reader time tk assess the rhetorical question and indeed the overall purpose of warfare, overal the confusing mxture of breaks nad overflowing lines show the disjointed and unplanned aspects of warfare
Structure in kamikaze
- six line stanzas are harsh and controlled which could be representitive of the strict conditions soldiers were put under
- this si completely juxtaposed by the free verse and the enjambemnt throughout the poem. The freedom of the freeverse could have multiple meanings; the lack of control could show the conflcit between that and the harsh stazas which shows the soldiers persoanl battle for autonomy, it could equally represent the very lack of control the soldier had over his agency through the lack of rhythm and rhyme. It also adds authenticity and shows it to be an honest account told by the daughter through its lack of intense rhythm
- the enjambment furthers the conflict between the orderly perciptions of a soldier and the anxiety and agency of the kamikaze pilot. reflects the pilots anxietythrough the breathlessess ad also refelcts a stream of conciousness as this is a persoanl account
War photographer structure
- writtne with a harsh structure, six line stazas and a typical abbcdd rhyme scheme- reflects the orderly nature of rural england, the unchanging aspect may be reflective of how the photographer is compltely helpless in altering his audiences views. the structure may also represent his very calm and meticulous working nature which its likely he sticks to so not to be lastingly effected by war- plays into duffys criticism of the impact of war on all.
- cyclical structure; ends and begins with him reflecting/ going about his work which shows the futility of his job and his complete inability to change the lack of care held by the brittish public for warzones. the poem ends with a half rhyme in the final line which creates a disjointed sound that highlgihts the speed people return to normality- this is a contrast to the lengthy poem long developement of the foilm and shows how much more the photographer cares than the general public. it ends with despondant bathos
Remains structure
- begins with a lot of communal pronouns and colloquial langauge that ignores his personal guilt and plays into the stereotype of uncaring soldiers
- enjambment; splits up all the violent imagery across lines which builds up the tension- may also symbolise his inability to separate his memories into past and present, this always occurs at key violent moments
- caesura; it is supposed to provide finality but ‘but i blink’- the conjunction but shows how rapidly war can overflow into persoanl life, it interupts the poem abruptly which mirrors how it interupts his memory- forces the reader to break and consider conflict
Structure in COmH
- italics; separate the stories of black figures who he has learned of from the tales he was fed as a child
- repetition; the beginning of every stanza opens with the anaphoric repetition of ‘dem tell me’ which emphasises his anger and need for his story to be told publicly. it could also mirror the dominating nature of the stories he has been told by his collonisers
- rhyme; theres a very basic rhyme scheme and couplets which shows how immature and backwards the european view of things are, it is alaso used to tie toegther white and black stories such as ‘cat’ and ‘dat’ which highlights the need to end segregation
- stanza; they all end with a black story which could show the clear relevancy of his heritage but could alternivitely show how stories were pushed to the back and he had to discover them later in life. all tales of black figures get their own stanza as a sign of celebration and respect which contrasts the childlike mocking ature of the stanza that they follow.
-enjambment; shows an overflow of emotion and anger on the topic, it also helps tie black and white history onto the same sentence.
Structure of london
- cyclical structure; it begins and ends with the impact of suffering, this may suggest suffering is a consant cycle that has to be ended, like his idolised french rev
- iambic tentmeter; 8 sylables per line, incredibly controlled structure that mimics the relentless control and opression of society
- consistent stanzas and rhyme scheme; very fixed quatrain structure, similar to the tentameter- shows the trapping of the lower classes autonomy by the constraints of the upper class which is relentless and unending. the repeitive nature may also mimic blakes anger that no one will stand up to the system
- small breaks; there are a few breaks in the tight consistency of the structure, represent an opportunity for people to break free- could also represent how beaten dpwn and weak societies poor are.
- first letter of every line in the 3rd stanza; sppels out HEAR, theres a clear focus throughout the poem on auditory suffering- here blake could be telling his audience to phsyically listen out for signs of opression, or asking them to hear closely his message
Structure of the émigrée
- free verse with no rhyme/rhythm; creates a sense of chaos that may represent the war torn countrys instability, may also presen the writers freedom
- some order in the stanza lengths; shows how the new city is trying to contain/suppress her as an immigrant
- enjambment; in the last stanza the word walls is separated from the rest of the sentence, it is isolated which draws attnetion to it and draws connotations of entrapment
Structure of tissue
- allegory: poem with a hidden meaning, looks to reveal the transient nature of life and urge the reader to let go of materialism in place for the divine/the importance of human relations
- stanzas: writtrn in tight quatrains which represents how restrictive human control in society is. The last line breaks this and implies that we need to break free of human societal control
-free verse: loose structural form shows that freedom can be found even in restrictive institutions. Also implies chaos and hence insignificance can be found even in human places that live under a facade of unlimited power - enjambement: unifies lines and implies that human life should be unified under the knowlege and embracing of futile human life
- together those two methods break the harsh structure and look to imply humans do not have the unwavering power they are perceived to have
Structure in poppies
- free verse: uncensored and chaotic thoughts that symbolise a lack of control over emotions and a difficultly to make sense of her feelings. Creates a sense of an outpour of emotions and a stream of concious ness. Symbolises the length war impacts those away from the battlefield
- enjambement: gives her sentences a fragmented feeling which implies she is grasping at half formed memories to retrace her son