aic quotes Flashcards
is it the one you wanted me to have
the ring is a metaphor for a courting style of materialistic love, here in her need for reassurance by gerald shes showing how she relies on him for approval and how he will dictate her autonomy
Now I really feel engaged
this is a deeply materialistic mindset and shows the hollow nature of her mariage, she does not love him for his character wether she only reaps the rewards of his company when met with something of physical value
oh how horrible!
a clear sign of femenine compassion, despite her naive nature at her core as both a woman and a youth she has a real sense of empathy
these girls aren’t cheap labour - they’re people
this is the earliest socialist statement, she openly commendms the key capitalsit values of a selfish egotistical strive for success despite being enveloped in a naivity, priestly is showing the receptibility of the youth to a needed societal change. using the terms girl and people humanises them deriving sympathy for both the socialist movement and sheilas character- girl somewhat gives youth and hence more empathy
‘pretty?’ ‘i couldnt feel sorry for her’
sheila is a product of an enviroment that prioritises looks as the key factor to be physically attractive, and for her being deemed attractive is the most important thing as she must maintain her husbands loyalty- women had no votes, bank accounts or well paying jobs.
her assumption eva is well off based off of her looks shows the classist beauty standarsd, being pretty was what mattered- thats why gerald liked eva and not the ‘hard eyed dough faced woman’ whom he actually ‘hated’- but in order to maintain this you had to be able to afford cosmetics and clothing- likely why sheila was so harsh and possibly why sheila has sympathy for evas events.
goole interjects this with a harsh juxtopsotion alerting the audeince to the warped societal standard of questioning a dead girls appearance
wed have to start all over again
sheila saying this has quite an abiguous meaning
it could show that even the young and deeply receptible youth- the proxy for the inspector- can stilll easily slip back into the comfort of capitalism and riches when complacant, triggering the cyclical ending as a warning sign
it could also show the change in sheila as she recognises that regardless of the truth behind the inspector she has changed morally and matured- meaning her previous warped view of gerlad no longer stands
a motif repeated by miss birlings, it has blantatly backwards connotations as it refers to the behaviour of inferiors and how societhy expects them to comply- hence acting as a metaphor for miss bs overalll backwards standards, sheila echos this multiple times at the beginning of the play showing her obedience and the damagning passing down of famiy views
later as an act of clear defiance sheila rejects it as ‘such a silly word’- this patronising tone mocks her mother and symbolises her new freedom
(involanterily) my god!
eric clearly has in his core a real deep sense of compassion utterly vacant by his older peers- and we feel empathy for his volantary need to compress it as its viewed as a shunned femenine trait such as hysteria- meaning womb
why shouldnt they try for higher wages?
eric is not as overtly socialist as his sister, but its clear as a youth hes able to visualise a moral form of capitalism based off of merit and hence a recepitbility towards socialism. he is a clear foil to his fathers behaviours
thats when IT happened, i threatened to make a row
both of these have clear euphamistic colloquial language to soften the serverity of his actions, i thretaened is a very violent term but a row utterly softens the blow and downplays his actiosn, ‘IT’ leaves the serverity of the rape utterly up to the imagination in a way a visual description would be unforgivable
i was in a state in which a chap easily turns nasty
chap is a third person idssociation from his actions, it downplays it and is so colloqial it soundsas if any man would be capable of rape. here he so blames the serverity on alchohol as he deems it easy to commi such as atrocity
nasty is euphamistic
you dont understand anything, you never did, you never even tried
here the repetition and hyperbole shows erics naivity and feactured relationship with his nuclear maternal figure as it comes off as the kind of vast statemnts made by an angry teenager
we alsp get sympathy and a sense of juxatposed maturity as hes defying his family
i hate those fat old tarts
eric is not that empathetic, he seeks out porisitues but has a masculine backwards view of women, he discorages non societal conforming ideals such as obesoty and aging- tarts is derogatory showing self loathing as hes after them
i remember..
sympathy for eric here as its clear he frequently vsitis his actions and has a grasp of his immorality, hes haunted by what he did
she treated me as if i were a kid
this subverts negative stereotypes of the lower class through evas moral prissiness- she pities him despite him being a rapist he knows nothing of scoities standards only the actions of the influence of older men, and its also sad for eva how she ahs to aid soemone who abuses her- a sad testament to the hopeless nature of her situation
there are millions and millions of eva smiths and john smiths
with eva having no face and indeitty in the play, its clear she can represent any of the working class and they all have her struggles, eva and john are both very common names and smith is the popualrist name, bt also derrives from the labour job blacksmith showing that class sint a choice but a generational path.
young and fresh
here gerald is able to mask his lust for a chivalrous saving of a fallen woman, young and frsh draws connoations to food- lust, but also youth and virginity. he is completely objectifiying her
the name eva
eve is a biblical name, the upmost purity, she is the creator of all of humanity and similarly eva is the faace and symbol of the vast majoirty of britain. eve is hebrew for life which is a sad irony as eva kills herself, showing life is virtually hopeless. theres an uncanny warped view of society as eve is supposed to corrupt adam yet the men steal evas autonomy
burnt her insides out
this is very visual uncanny imagery which makes the extremity of her symbolic death all the more gruesome, burn links with hell- suidcide is a coneemporary christian sin- so here we can see eva is unphased byb the prospect of hell as her life is so poor
with dignity- mrs b
she discuses her charity not with an air of compassion but a pride that shows she only acts upon societal merit
pretty and a good sport
men utterly objectify eva- eric and many see her looks as priotiy over her character, in fact they only pay attention to her over the other tarts because of this, a good sport is both euthamism to the sexual act but also a hunting term revealing the predatory nature
ive just taken it in that shes dead
this wave of shock comes after his visual recout of her appearnace, so this shock could be more a shallow horror as he views her as nothing more than an object of his desire, but also the sadness being insupressable shows his real feelings as it was deemed overtly femenine to be sad
man about town
this has two meanings, we know gerald is a well off and persoanble socialite which is a good persona but it also alludes to him being a darker and more intense character as hes phsyically about town but also mimicing the women about town at the palace bar
i made her take some money
gerlad paints himself as chivalrous, masking his usage of prostitutes as charitable as possible however this is a very shallow lust driven idea and also its clear he does not wish to truly help her as a bit of money is a momentary action