setting in j&h Flashcards

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  • used throughout a very popular gothic trope that would be readily recogniseable to the reader, creates tension and emphasieses the prescence of the supernatural as it is as if they are dictating the entire surroudnings, also frequently used as foreshadowing
  • at the violent climax of the novella in chapter four, the murder of carrew, stevenson uses pathetic fallacy multiple times to show the overturn of evil as hyde the freudian id unleases the extent of mans primal evil on someone so deeply unsuspecting. The maid, one of the few woman and so a symbol of purity, views the commenecing evening as peaceful and cloudless reflective of her innocence and the lack of curruption present. However upon hydes arrival it appears a ‘fog rolled over the city’ which is a very common gothic trope for the concealment of truth. Utterson struggles to visit hyde after the event as the fog is so thick and dark, this highlights the climax of the novel as the amount of secrecy and uncertainess from the narrator creates a clear sense of fear in the reader. The street lamp cannot show way through the fog symbolic of how hydes primal evil has enveloped london
  • Pathetic fallacy is further used i the novella when he states how a ‘great chocolate covered pall lowered over heaven’ this is a particularly graphic use of pathetic fallacy that utilises the gothic convention, mentioned as utterson struggles to journey to hydes quarters post murder of carrew so continuing the fog motif. a pall can both mean a huge cloud but also a cover for a casket in a funeral, symbolic of how hydes primative evil has envoked the death of safetey in the city, a pall was known to victorians and so would be unsettling. The idea that it is chocolate is unnvering as the chocllate feels out of place as it draws connotations to sweetness and nostalgia, the fact that it is brown is confusing and symolises the opacity of the weather that makes it more adapt to conceal secrets. Heaven envokes biblical connotations but is also offputting as hes insinuating heaven has been blocked off reconing london as a place of intense immorality
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Houses thesis


Stevenson uses the scenergy of the houses of both jekyll and hyde as foreshadowing for their dual characters and the decieivng aspect of man

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dual houses paragraph

  • Jekylls house is reflective of the dual aspect of his persona, though everyone agrees he lives on one of the ‘pleasentent room in london’ even from a similarly bland enfields point of view there is a real air of invitation in jekylls household and area, the nearby places stretch out like ‘rows of smiling saleswomen’ this symbolises duality in itself, that of the contrast between the business of the streets some days and its vacancy in others, and of the behaviours of saleswomen who could represent prosperity but also promiscuous undertones. Though jekylls land is undeniably pretty it cannot be missed that the door of hyde, and indeed the desolate lower class slums of london, sit just around the corner from jekylls abode, symbolic surely through stevenson as reminding the upper class bourgeois that they cannot isolate themselves from the lives of the poor, and a way of foreshadowing jekylls duality
    Similarly to jekyll hydes household serves a sense of duality, his own quarters, not just the door. Theyre placed in the ‘dismal’ soho region, infamous as one of the most disreputable in london, this location in itself wouldve evoked a deep sense of dislike by the victorian reader. In this ‘dismal quarter’ in soho, the sense of duality is perpetuated as the inside of the house is surprisingly well done, complete with bourgeois paintings and luxury furnishings. This invoking duality creates a sense of mystery as the misjudgement of hydes house makes the reader further question his nature and too his relationship with jekyll as he is known by utterson to have a hand for interior design.
    Stevenson subverts the viewers expectations of the habitat of an antagonist, as he subverts the gothic trope of a clear hero vs villain arc, this room almost serves as foreshadowing for the reveal as though the outside is disreputable and provokes very negative connotations, the inside has remains of someone with societal respect, blurring the lines bteween jekyll and hyde. The reminisce of hydes id like primal evil is still highly present in the room, as the luxurious remains of a civilised interior hae been roughly thrown about- liking to hydes savage animalistic persoanlity.
    IN hydes house attached to jekylls, showing the proximity of the poor and unconforming who the rich chose to alienate, his dismal door is seen as ‘scarcely a house’- the word scarcely is later repeated at the presence of hyde, whom utterson deems downright detestable but he ‘scarcely know why’- so here stevenson is liking hydes evil persona to his household. This description alienates hyde from any of the other characters, whom we all get a solid description of their habitats, from jekylls pleasant rooms to uttersons simple quarters, its clear the presence of this embodiment of primal evil seeps throguh into all of his doings.
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