R&j Quotes Flashcards
Underneath the grove of a sycamore
This is a common trope for a Petrarchan tormented lover and one that would’ve been recognised by an Elizabethan audience for its femeninity and self inflicted woe
Contrasts to the first scenes vioent atmosphere
Got of my idolatry
Holy shrine
Winged messenger from heaven
This is a semantic field of religion of which subverts gender rolls by presenting juliet as a divine and thus superior being to romeo- it also portrays how their love transcends mortal emotion
Newly baptised
Romeo is subverting gender roles by asking to take her name upon marriage, shows their fighting against society and fate
Thy beauty hath made me effeminate
Julliet is the antidote to vioence and hegemonic masculinity, she has stopped the men who love her from fighting in pointless duels and hence this lack of vioence leads them to display femenine traits
Send me word
Have my lips
Swear not by the moon
Julliet uses a series of instructive commands that show that she has the agency and the logicality in order to act upon her desires rather than conforming
Too unadvised too like the lifhtning
FATE! This shows that julliet as the antithesis to fate uses this simile in order to liken her passion for something fleeting and bright but quickly ending, she tries to search for logic to her feelings and subverts the universes commands for her emotions
Ancient grudge
Very vauge term in the prologue gives no detail into the source of the battle, leads us to believe the men involved too have little idea and instead are blindly fighting over the facade of pride and dignity
Plauge on both your houses
FATE AND MASC! Here mercutio foreshadows the quick and untimely deaths of his two peers and the turmoil it will face his houses, but can also be seen as a desperate attempt to subvert blame for his own rash and unadvised death as is his pride
A scratch a scratch
Mercutio plays into masculine tropes here by trying to push off his fatal suffering in order to not project an outward display of emotion
Red lip
Quivering thigh
Red is associated with promiscuity and scandal, whilst the lip and thigh are both overtly sexual body parts. Quivering insinuates sex. Mercutio tries to tempt Romeo with images of sex as his perception of love is shallow, romeo scolds this but often refers to Diana godess of chasitity
I will push montagnes m’en from the wall and thrust his maids to the wall
Weaker vessels
In act 1 Sampson is a vehicle to show how quickly a comedic atmosphere can escalate to bloodshed through the concept of mens pride, here he uses very crude sexual inurndos to how his distain for the opposition but also his warped idea of women for the purpose of sex. The pronoun his shows the women do not have their own autonomy and are ruled by men, weaker vessels is a warped version of a bible quote by Peter which tells people to protby women. Shakespeare shows how it can be misconstrued
Calm dishonerable vile submission
MASCULINITY, FRIENDSHIP, VIOLENCE. The tricolon and the oxymorons show the bewilderment of Romeo subverting standards by refusing battle, it was out of norm and men were expected to conform and battle when their dignity was challenged
Son/ father
The term father was reserved for the clergy and though he was a religious figure it feels out of place as a term unless he is referring to the friar literally as a father figure/ in return friar calls him son
Pardon sin
The friar is a religious aid and is looking to god with understanding of Romeo’s wrong to forgive
Romeo hath not been in bed
Friar Lawrence is clearly very trusted with Romeo’s knowlege in a way his family are not
Seek happy days to happy nights
FRIENDSJIP/LOVE | the nurse like the friar is aware that her child is up to business not of societal norms however has their best interest in heart and is a trsuted confidante
Part fools
Benvolio in all forms of character description is seen to be a level headed character who works to stop street brawls
Thy swan a crow
Swans are white- purity- and regal whilst crows are bad luck and black so phsyically less attractive. Romeo is mocked by his friends for being committed to a girl
Stumble if they run fast
Here the friar uses foreshadowing to warn the couples of the effects of rash decisions that may send them towards a fast and untimely death- he equally aids them in this path
This is not romeo
Romeos warped Petrarchan idea of love tells him that in order to feel it he has to have been completely shifted as a person to a shell of his previous being- contrasted with ‘thou art romeo’
O brawling love o loving hate
Oxymorons here show how he has an abrastact idea of love as being entwined with hatred and dispair
He makes an artificial night
Juliet is the spn
As a Petrarchan self inflicted turmoil lover romeo makes darkness and suffering for himself for self woe, however witn Juliet a semantic field of light imagery is used to show her brightness
Fall back
Juliet is passively subejct to many comments on her in a sexual manner even as a child much as women had to in the eta
Your consent
If looking liking move
Juliet is very passive in her transactional marriage pre romeo and has no agency over her own fate, she’s carelessly consenting to s non human style wedding
Jousts at scars
Mercutio has never expericned any form of love or attraction apart from sexual so is injust to pick at his friends separate and different experince
Two more summers
Earth has swallowed my hopes
Both show Lord c to be a good and just men who we feel sympathy for, he is very devoted to his children referring to them as his hopes, helpless to the hand of Mother Nature. Two more summers fives a feeling of youth and nostalgia and reminds us of Juliet’s youthn
Woo her
Get her heart
Lord c perpétuâtes a modern style of love rather than a parent dictated transactional wedding, very progressive for Elizabeth wan era as it takes care for the idea of female desire
Sweetest flower
Death is on her
Death is personified as a person gives unnerving feeling as she is devoured by death which makes it more of a being and a threat instead of an isolated event, shows his adoration for his daughter
She doth teach the torches to burn bright
- regular rhyming couplets create a sense of excitement
- sense of love, the lines fit together as a single unit
- Juliet is portrayed as a transcendent divine figure
- lexically cohesive conflict between light and dark, juliet has ridden romeo of his ‘artificial night’ whcih emphasises her prescence