structure , growth and devolopment of plants Flashcards
unit 4
define a tissue
a tissue is a group of one or more cell types that carry out a specilized function .
what is a meristem
a meristem is undifferenciated tissues that are constently dividing under suitable condions to produce other new cells or new meristems .
what are the characteristics of meristems (6)
- living cells
3.has a dense cytoplasm
4.has a central nucleus
5.structurally and functionally undifferenciated
6.has the ability to multiply
what are the 3 overlapping zones of cells consisting of succesive stages
cell divison
cell elongation
cell differenciated
what are the 3 types of meristems and explain the functions of the 3
apical , lateral , intercalary
1.apical - located at the root and shoot tips and they add new cells that increase the length of the plant .
2.lateral - it is located in the vascular and cork cambium . it increases the circumfarence of the root .the vascular cambium produces the secondary xylem and phloem and the cork cambium produces a thick and tough periderm to replace the epidermis .
3.intercalary - it is located in the base of stems and roots of monocots (grass) and involves in the rapid regrowth of the damaged leaves .
define the primery growth of the root
elognation of the root due to the activity of the primery meristems located in the root apex is called primery growth of the root
what are the 3 process that take place during the primery growth of the root and where do they take place
cell division - zone of cell division
cell elongation - zone of elongation
cell maturation - zone of differenciation
what type of cells do the zone of cell divison contain , what is its function , what is the function of the structure made .
the zone of cell divison contains root apical meristems and it s derivatives
it cuts cells to both sides and the cells cut downwards differenciate to form the root cap
the root cap will protect the root from the damage from friction when travelling through the soil .
the cells cut inwards go through cell elongation to more than 10 times the original .
define the primery growth of the shoot
the elongation of the shoot due to the activity of primery meristems located on the shoot apex called the primery growth of the shoot
unlike the root apex this only produce cells inwards
from what part of the shoot does the leaves devolop
leaf primodia
what are the changes that take place during the process of differenciation
changes in cytoplasm , cell wall and orgenelles
what are the 3 main tissue systems in vascular plants
vascular tissue system
dermal tissue system
ground tissue system
: What is the outer protective covering of plants?
The outer protective covering of plants is the epidermis.
Where is the epidermis found in plants?
The epidermis is found in the stems and roots of the primary plant body and leaves.
Describe the structure of the epidermis.
The epidermis is a tightly packed single-cell layer, normally covered by a cuticle in aerial parts.
what is the the cuticle
The cuticle is a waxy epidermal coating found on the aerial parts of the plant.
Name the specialized cells found in the epidermis.
what is the specialty in the guard cell ?
Specialized cells in the epidermis include:
- Guard cells - the only dermal tissue to contain a chloroplast
- Trichomes - epidermal outgrowths such as hairs and glands
- Root hair
list the functions of the epidermis
cutical -
root hair -
guard cells -
Defense against physical damage and pathogens
- Cuticle prevents water loss
- Root hairs absorb water and mineral ions
- Guard cells facilitate gaseous exchange
- hair like trichomes reduce water loss and reflect excess light
What role do trichomes play in plant defense?
Some trichomes secrete chemicals that defend against insects , pathogens, and herbivores
What replaces the epidermis in older stems and roots after secondary growth?
A protective layer called the periderm
what are 2 types of ground tissue
pith - inside the vascular bundle
cortex - outside the vascular bundle
what are the functions of ground tissue cells
storage , photosynthesis , support and short distence transport
what are the 3 major types of cells present in the ground tissue system
true or false
1.parenchyma cells are living even at maturity
2.parenchyma cells have secondary cell walls most of the time
3.they have a large central nucleus
2.flase , they all have the primery cell wall which is thin flexible and most lack the secondary wall
3.false , they have a large central vacuole
explain the functions of the parenchyma cells
1.performs most of the metabolic activities in the plant - they synthesise various organic compounds - some cells in the root and the stem contain plasmids(leucoplast ) which store more starch .
3.parenchyma cells often has the ability to divide and differenciate and has meristematic properties .this property helps it to restroe dammaged tissue and also helps in tissue culture practices .
compare the collenchyma cell with the parenchyma
the collenchyma is generally elongated and has a thicker primery cell wall than the parenchyma , the primery cell wall is unevenly thickened with cellulose .these cells are also flexible and they are living even in maturity
where is collechyma situated and what is it ‘s function
the young stems and petioles have collenchyma cells just below the epidermis .
function - the give mechanical support to leaves and stems without restraining growth .