Structure and function of the respiratory system Flashcards
What is the nasal cavity?
Nasal cavity is a large chamber which warms and humidifies inhaled air and sends it to the lungs. Hairs and mucus line the nasal cavity to trap pathogens and particulates.
What is the pharynx?
Pharynx is a tube like structure which connects nasal cavity to mouth and down to the lungs. It carries air and food.
What is the epiglottis?
Epiglottis is a cartilage flap which closes over the windpipe when swallowing to prevent food going down the trachea.
What is the larynx?
Larynx is the voice box, located above the trachea which contains vocal chords to manipulate pitch and volume. Prevents foreign objects into the lungs by coughing and reflexing actions.
What are the lungs?
Lungs are organs located in the thoracic cavity with the primary function of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide.
What is the trachea?
The trachea is the windpipe (tube of cartilage) which connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs. It warms the oxygen and allows it to flow openly into the lungs as it branches into two bronchi.
What is the bronchus?
The bronchus is a passage of airway which connects air to the lungs. There are two main bronchi.
What are bronchioles?
Bronchioles branch off of the bronchi and are further passageways of air to the alveoli. Bronchioles change diameter to increase or decrease the airflow.
What are the alveoli?
The alveoli are hollow cavities within the end of the lungs. These air sacs are the site of gaseous exchange and site where blood is oxygenated.
What is the diaphragm?
The diaphragm is a dome-shaped sheet of muscle that separates the chest and abdomen. When you inhale the diaphragm flattens to create more space for air in the lungs.
What is the thoracic cavity?
The thoracic cavity is the chamber containing the heart and lungs protected by the ribcage.
What is the pleural membrane?
The pleural membrane is sheath that covers each lung. The outer membrane is called the parietal pleura and the inner membrane is called the visceral pleura.
What is the pleural cavity?
The pleural cavity is between the two membranes and it is filled with pleural fluid.
What are the intercostal muscles?
The intercostal muscles are muscles within the ribs that help with inspiration and expiration.
What is the function of the external intercoastal muscles?
The external intercostal muscles extend the ribcage up and out which increases chest volume and draws more air into the lungs via inspiration.
What is the function of the internal intercostal muscles?
The internal intercostal muscles draw the ribcage downwards and back in to decrease the chest volume and force air out the space via exhalation.
What are the lobes?
There are three lobes in the right lung and two in the left. Each lobe will be served by its own artery, vein and bronchus.