Structure And Function Of Body System Flashcards
The ________________ of the human body consists of bones, joints, muscles, and tendons configured to allow the great variety f movements characteristic of human activity.
Musculoskeletal System
Muscle can on _______________: but through the system of bony levers, muscle pulling forces can be manifested as either pulling or pushing forces against external Objects.
Pull, not push
The _________ consisted of the skull(cranium), vetebral column(C1 through the coccyx), ribs and sternum.
Axial Skeleton
The _______Includes the shoulder (or pectoral) girdle (left and right scapula and clavicle; bone of the arms, wrists, and hands (left and right humeru, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges); the pelvic girdle(left and right coral or innominate bones); and the bones of the legs, ankles and feet
Appendicular Skeleton
Junctions of the bones are called ____________
___________allow virtually no movement
___________ allow limited movement (intervebral discs)
___________ allow considerable movement (elbow and Knee)
Fibrous joints
Cartilaginous joints
Synovial joints
Articulating bone ends are covered with smooth ___________, and the entire joint is enclosed in a capsule filled with ____________.
Hyaline cartilage
Synovial Fluid
____________, such as the elbow, operate as hinges, essentially rotating about only one axis.
Uniaxial Joints
_________, such as the angle and wrist, allow movement about two perpendicular axes.
Biaxial joints
____________, including the shoulder and hip ball-and-socket joints, allow movement about all three perpendicular axes that define space.
Multiaxial Joints
the _____________ is made up of bones separated by flexible disks that allow movement to occur.
Vertebral column
__ cervical vertebrae
__thoracic Vertebrae
__ Lumbar vertebrae
__ sacral Vertebrae
Fibrous connective tissue, or ______________, covers the body’s more than 430 skeletal muscles
The ______ is attached to the bone periosteum, a specialized connective tissue covering all bones, any contraction of the muscle pulls on the tendon and, in turn, the bones.
Limb muscles have two attachment to bone: ___________(closer to the trunk) and ___________ (further from the trunk)
The two attachments of trunk muscles are termed ____________ (closer to the head) and ___________ (Closer to the feet)
Muscle cells, often called ______________, are long (sometimes running the entire length of a muscle), cylindrical cells 50 to 100um in diameter (about the diameter of a human hair.
Muscle Fibers
Under the _____________ the muscle fibers are grouped in bundles (fasciculi) that consist of up to 150 fibers.
The bundles of fasciculi are surrounded by connective tissue called _____________
Each muscle fiber is surrounded by connective tissue called _________
Endomysium is encircled by and is contiguous with the fibers membrane, or ______________
A nerve cell is a what ?
Motor Neuron
The junction between a motor neuron and the muscle fibers it innervates is call the motor end plate, or, more often, the ______________
Neuromuscular Junction
A mother neuron and the muscle fibers it innervates are called _________________
Motor unit
The ____________, which is the cytoplasm of a muscle fibers contains contractile components consisting of protein filaments, other proteins, stored glycogen and fat particles, enzymes, and specialized organelles such as mitochondria and the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Hundreds of _____________ (each about 1 um in diameter, 1/100 the diameter of a hair) dominate the sarcoplasm.)
- contain the apparatus that contracts the muscle cell.
Myfibrils contain the apparatus that contracts the muscle cell, which consists primarily of two types of _______________________.
Myofilament: myosin & Actin
The globular heads protude away from the myosin filament at regular intervals, and a pair of myosin filament forms a ________________
Myosin and actin filaments are organized longitudinally in the smallest contractile unit of skeletal muscle, the ______________.
____ actin filaments surround each myosin filament, and each actin filament is surrounded by ____ myosin filament.
- 6
- 3
The dark _______ corresponds with the alignment of the myosin filament, whereas the light _________ corresponds with the areas in two adjacent sarcomeres that contain actin filaments.
The ________ is in the middle of the I-band and appears as thin, dark line running longitudinally through the I-ban.
The ________ is the area in the center of the sarcomere where only myosin filaments are present.
- During muscle contraction, _______ decreases as the actin slides over the myosin toward the center of the sarcomere.
Parallel to an surrounding each myofibril is an intricate system of tubules called the _______________________ which terminates as vesicles in the vicinity of the Z-lines.
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
____________, or ____________, run perpendicular to the sacoplasmic reticulum and terminate in the vicinity of Z-line between two vesicles.
T-Tubules or Transverse Tubules
An Electrical Nerve Impulse is a ?
Action Potential
____________ states that the actin filaments at each end of the sarcomere slide inward on myosin filaments, pulling the Z-lines toward the center of the sarcomere and thus shortening the muscle fiber.
Sliding -Filament Theory
____________ - little calcium is present in the myofibril (most of its is stored in the sarcoplasmic Reticulum), so very few of the myosin crossbridges are bound to the actin.
Resting Phase of Sliding Filament Theory
_______________ Before myosin crossbridges can flex, they must first attach to the actin filament. When the sarcoplasmic reticulum is stimulated to release calcium ions, the calcium binds with the trope in, a protein that is situated at regular intervals along the actin filament and has a high affinity for calcium ions. Etc.
Excitation-Contraction Coupling Phase
The number of ______________ that are formed between actin and myosin at any instant in time dictates the force production of a muscle.
The energy for pulling action, or _________, comes from hydrolysis (breakdown) of ATP to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and phosphate, a reaction catalyze by the enzyme myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase).
Power Stroke
_______ and __________are necessary for crossbridge cycling with actin and myosin filament.
Calcium & ATP
The quadriceps sure muscle group, which moves the leg with much less precision, may have serval hundred fibers served my one ___________.
Motor neuron
_____________Diffuses across the neuromuscular junction, causing excitation of the sarcolemma.
The brief contraction that results is referred to as a ____________.
All of the muscle fibers in the motor unit contract and develop force at the same time. ________________
All-or-none Principle
The stimuli may be delivered at so high a frequency that the twitches begin to merge and eventually completely fuse, a condition called ____________.
__________ are composed of muscle fibers with specific morphological and physiological characteristics that determine their functional capacity.
Motor Units.
What is the Slow-Twitch Muscle Fiber?
Type 1
What is the fast twitch muscle fibers ?
Type IIa /Type IIx
The contrast in mechanical characteristics of Type 1 and 2 fibers is accompanied by a______________________________________________________.
-distinct difference in the ability of the fibers to demand and supply energy from contraction and thus withstand fatigue.
Which fiber is generally
- efficient
- fatigue resistant
- have a high capacity for Aerobic energy supply
- have limited potential for rapid force development
- characterized by low myosin ATPase activity And Low Anaerobic Power.
Type 1
Which fiber is generally
- inefficient
- fatiguable
- having lower aerobic power
- rapid force development
- high myosin ATPase activity
- high anaerobic power
Type II
This muscle fiber has greater capacity for aerobic metabolism and more capillaries surrounding them.
Type IIa
This muscle fiber shows greater resistance to fatigue in comparison to its counter part.
Type IIx
All the sports listed below have a high involvement of which muscle fiber type?
- 100m sprint
- Oly. Weightlifting
- Soccer, Lacrosse, Hockey
- American football (most positions)
- basketball
- volleyball
- Baseball
- speed skating
Type II
Which muscle fiber would be recruited most likely in the sport of long distance running?
Type I
__________ are specialized sensory receptors located within joints, muscles, and tendons.
- They relay information concerning muscle dynamics to the conscious and subconscious parts of the central nervous system.
- Most of the information is processed at subconscious levels so we do not have to dedicate conscious activity toward tasks such as maintaining posture or position of body parts.
____________ we proprioceptors that consist of several modified muscle fibers enclosed in a sheath of connective tissue.
- provide information concerning muscle length and the rate of change in length.
Muscle Spindles
_______________ are proprioceptors located in the dons near the myotendinous junction and are in series, that is, attached end to end, with extrafusal muscle fibers.
- are activated when the tendon attached to an active muscle is stretched.
- as the tendon of the muscle increases the discharge of the _____ increases.
GTO- Golgi tendon Organ
The primary roles of the _______________________ are to transport nutrients and remove waste and by-products while assisting with maintaining the environment fr all the body’s functions.
Cardiovascular System
The _________ is a muscular organ composed of two interconnected but separate pumps: the right side pumps blood through the the lungs, and the left side pumps blood through the rest of the body.
The left and right ______ deliverer blood into the right and left ventricles.
The right and left _________ supply the main force for moving blood through the pulmonary and peripheral circulations, respectively.
The __________&____________ prevent the flow of blood from the ventricles back into the atria during ventricular contraction(systole)
Tricuspid & Mitral Valves
The _________&____________ prevent backflow from the aorta and pulmonary arteries into the ventricles during ventricular relaxation.
Aortic & Pulmonary Valves
The __________________- the intrinsic pacemaker-where rhythmic electrical impulses are normally initiated.
Sinoatrial Nodes
The _________________ - where the impulse is delayed slightly before passing into the ventricles;
Atrioventircular Noes
The ________________, which conducts the impulse to the ventricles
Atriventricular Bundles
The __________&_____________ which further divide into the PURKINJE FIBERS and conduct impulses to all parts of the ventricles.
Left bundle Branch & Right bundle branch
The SA node normally controls heart rhythmic it’s because it discharge rate is considerably greater, What is the rate?
60-80 times per minutes
What is the rate at which the AV node beats?
40-60 per minute
The ventricular fibers (__________________)
15-40 times per minute.
Myocardium (heart muscle) are influenced by the cardiovascular center of the medulla, which transmits signals to the heart through the ____________&____________, both of which are a component of the Autonomic Nervous System.
Sympathetic/Parasympathetic Nervous Systems
The resting heart rate normally range from 60 to 100 beats/min; fewer than 60 beats/min is called ____________ and more than 100 beats/min is called ____________
- Bradycardia
- Tachycardia
The electrical activity of the heart can be recorded at the surface of the body; a graphic representation. Of this activity is called an _____________
Electrocardiograph (ECG)
The ORS complex is often three separate waves, _________, an________ and an _________
Q wave
R wave
S wave
________________ is the reversal of the membrane electrical potential, whereby the normally negative potential inside the membrane becomes slightly positive and the outside becomes slightly negative.
The t-wave is caused by the electrical potential generated as the ventricles recover from the state of depolarization; this process called ____________________, occurs in ventricular muscle shortly afte depolarization.
_____________ which carries blood away from the heart
Arterial System
_________________ which returns blood towards the heart.
Venous system
The function of ___________ is to rapidly transport blood pumped from the heart.
Small branches of arteries called ___________ act as control vessels through which blood enters the capillaries.
-play a major role in regulation of blood flow to the capillaries.
The function of ____________ is to facilitate exchange of oxygen, fluid, nutrients, electrolytes, hormones and other substances between the blood and the interstitial fluid in the various tissues of the body.
_____________ collect blood from the capillaries and gradually converge into the progressively larger veins.
______________, which transport blood back to the heart
The transport if oxygen is accomplished by _______________, the iron-protein molecule carried by the red blood cells.
______________, the major component of blood.
- they contain a large quantity of carbonic a hydrate, which catalyzes the reaction between carbon dioxide and water to facilitate carbon dioxide removal.
Red Blood Cells
The ______________ is called the first-generation respiratory passage.
The right and left main __________ are the second-generation passages; each division thereafter is an additional generation (Bronchioles)
There are approximately 23 generations before the air finally reaches the _____________, where the gases are exchanged in respiration.
____________ the pressure in the narrow space between the lung pleura and the chest all pleura(membranes enveloping the lungs and lining the chest walls.
Pleural Pressure
____________ is the pressure inside the alveoli when the glottis is open and no air is flowing into or out of the lungs
Alveolar pressure
During normal respiration at rest, only ______ to ______of the total energy expended by the body is required for pulmonary ventilation.
3 to 5%
During very heavy exercise, however, the amount of energy required can increase to as much as __ to _____ of total body energy expenditure, especially if the person has any degree of increased airway resistance, as occurs with exercise-induced asthma.
8 to 15%
The process of _____________ is a simple random motion of molecules moving in opposite directions through the alveolar capillary membrane.