Endocrine Responses to Resistance Exercise Flashcards
______________________- a Canadian endocrinologist, unknowingly provided the theoretical basis for periodization with his work on the adrenal gland the role of stress hormones in the adaptation to stress, distress, and illness.
Hans Selye
______________ to refer to how the adrenal gland responds to a noxious stimulus (stressor).
This increase in resistance to the stress is referred to as adaptation; when the stressor is exercise, it is called ___________________.
Training adaptation
_______________________play roles in a variety of mechanisms from anabolic (to build) to permissive (to allow) and catabolic (to break down)
Hormonal Signals
_______________________ are influenced by the changes in circulating hormonal concentrations following exercise, and manipulating the endocrine system naturally, through the proper selection for each acute program variable can enhance the development of target tissues and improve performance.
Tissue adaptations
__________________ - stimulates insulin-like growth factor I secretion from the liver protein synthesis, growth, and metabolism.
Growth Hormone
_________________ - stimulate glucocorticoid secretion from the adrenal cortex.
Adrenocorticotropic hormone
___________________ - stimulates analgesia
____________________- stimulates thyroid hormone secretion from the thyroid gland.
Thyroid-stimulating hormone
_________________ - stimulates growth of follicles in ovary and seminiferous tubules in testes; stimulates ovum and sperm production.
Follicle-stimulating hormone
________________ - stimulates milk production in mammary glands; maintains corpora lutes and secretion of progesterone
Luteinizing hormones
___________________ - stimulates milk production in mammary glands; maintains corpora lutes and secretion of progesterone
_________________ - increases contraction of smooth muscle and reabsorption of water by kidneys.
Antidiuretic Hormone
______________ - Stimulates uterine contractions and release of milk by mammary glands.
_______________ - Stimulates oxidative metabolism in mitochondria and cell growth.
___________ - Reduces Calcium phosphate levels in blood
Calcitonin -
_______________ - Increases blood calcium; decreases blood phosphate; stimulates bone formation
Parathyroid Hormone
_____________ - Reduce blood glucose concentrations via promotion of glucose uptake by cells; promotes glycogen storage; suppresses fat oxidation and gluconeogensis; is involved in protein synthesis
_____________ - increases blood glucose levels
_____________ - Catabolic and anti-anabolic: promotes protein breakdown and inhibits amino acid incorporation into proteins; conserve blood glucose concentrations via stimulation of conversion of protein into carbohydrates (gluconeogenesis); suppress immune cell function; promote fat oxidation.
Glucocorticoids (cortisol, cortisone, and so on)
__________________ - increase body fluids via sodium-potassium retention
Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone, deoxycorticosterone, an so on)
________________ - Increase protein synthesis in cells
Insulin-like growth Factors
_______________ - increases cardiac output; increases blood sugar and glycogen breakdown and fat metabolism
________________ - Has properties of epinephrine; also constricts blood vessels
______________ - Enhance immune cell function, have analgesia effects.
Proenkephalin fragments (Peptide F)
____________ - stimulate development of female sex characteristics
______________ - Stimulates development of female sex characteristics and mammary glands; maintains pregnancy.
_____________ - Anabolic and anticatabolic: promotes amino acid incorporation into proteins and inhibits protein breakdown; stimulates growth and development and maintenance oof male sex characteristics
_______________ - Regulates sodium, potassium, and fluid Volume
Atrial Peptide
________________ - Regulates kidney function, permeability, solute.
The study of connection between the neural, endocrine, and immune systems is called _____________________.
Neuroendocrine immunology
___________ - hormones that proton tissue building
Anabolic hormone
One of the basic principles in endocrinology is that a given hormone interacts with a specific receptor. This principle is generally referred to as the ______________ (in which the receptor is lock and the hormone is the key)
Low-and - key THeory
_____________ - a given receptor partially interacts with other hormones.
Receptors can have _______________ at which substances other than hormones can enhance or reduce the cellular response to the primary hormone.
Allosteric Binding Site
The inability of a hormone to interact with a receptor is Called _______________ of receptor function
It has been shown for the hormone ____________ that exercise training affects only the maximal number of receptors, not the binding sensitivity of the receptors.
After discussing across the sarcolemma, the hormone binds with its receptor to for a ________________, causing a conformational shift in the receptor and thus activating it.
Hormone - Receptor Complex (H-RC)
_______________ - are made up of chains amino acids; examples are growth hormone and insulin.
- are not fat soluble and thus cannot cross the cell membrane.
Polypeptide Hormones
_________________ is the primary androgen that interacts with skeletal muscle tissue; I’d hydro testosterone is the primary androgen that interacts with sex-linked tissues.
- It can promote growth hormone release from the pituitary, which can influence protein synthesis in muscle; and in turn growth hormone appears to have a permissive or synergistic effect on testosterones promotion of protein synthesis.
______________________________ can cause a dramatic catabolic tissue response, and increase in testosterone may be related to the need for protein synthesis to keep up with protein loss.
High-intensity aerobic endurance
- Large muscle group exercise
- heavy resistance (85-95% of 1rm)
- Moderate to high volume of exercise, achieved with multiple sets, multiple exercises, or both
- Short rest intervals (30sec to 1min)
- Two years or more of resistance training experience
These all are variables that can do what to testosterone?
Can increase serum testosterone concentrations in boy and younger men
________________ - normal fluctuation in hormone levels throughout the day.
Diurnal Variations
______________ - using an adequate volume of total work result in acute increased total testosterone concentrations in men
Large muscle group exercises
__________________ - accounts for only 0.5 to 2% of total testosterone; thus higher total testosterone concentration allow for more.
- Heavy resistance exercise 9e.g. Sic sets of 10 reps of 80% of 1RM) can acutely increase ____________ in men and women, although the increase is much smaller for women.
Free testosterone
Women have about ______ to____ fold lower concentrations of circulating testosterone than men do.
15 to 20 fold
____________________ concentrations increase in response to breath holding and hyperventilation alone, as well as to hypoxia.
Growth Hormone
Throughtout the men steal cycle, women have a higher blood concentrations of the __________ than men to greater frequency and amplitude of secretion.
22 kDa GH
The typical trends for training-related changes in GH appear to be a reduction -______________ response to an absolute exercise stress and alteration in ___________ pulsatilla you characteristics.
22 kDa GH
Some of the effects of 22 kDa GH are mediated through small polypeptides called _________________.
- is a 70 amino acid polypeptide
- this is secret by the liver after 22 kDa GH stimulates liver cells to synthesize it.
Insulin - Like Growth Factors