Program Design For Resistance Training Flashcards
_____________ - this Term, first suggested by Delorme in 1945 refers to the method whereby an athlete is trained in a specific manner to produce a specific adaptation or training outcome.
As an athlete through the preseason, in-season, and postseason, all forms of training should gradually ____________ in an organized manner from generalized to sport specific.
_____________ refers to assigning a workout or training regimen of greater intensity than the athlete is accustomed too.
__________________- when applied properly, promotes long-term training benefits.
- alteration of reps, sets, intensity, durations.
The strength and conditioning professionals initial task is to perform a ______________, a two-stage process that includes an evaluation of the requirements and characteristics of the sport and an assessment of the athlete.
Needs analysis
What is the first task in a Need Analysis ?
To determine the unique characteristics of the sport.
- general physiological
- biomechanical profile
- common injury sites
- position specific attributes
Body limb and movement patterns and muscular involvement ___________________.
Movement analysis
- strength, power, hypertrophy, and muscular endurance priorities
Physiological Analysis `
Common sites for joint and muscle injury and causative factors __________________
Injury analysis
The second task is to _________ the athletes needs and goals by evaluating training (and injury) status, conducting a variety of tests, evaluating the results, and determining the primary goal of training.
An athletes current condition or level of preparedness to begin a new or revised program (_________________) is an important consideration in the design of training programs.
Training status
____________________ - training that occurred before he or she began a new or revised program.
Exercise history or Training Background.
What should an assessment of the athletes training background look like ?
- type of training program
- length of recent regular participation in previous training program
- level of intensity involved in previous training programs.
- degree of exercise technique experience
_________- involves choosing exercises for a resistance training program.
Exercise Selection
_____________ recruit one or more large muscle areas, involve to mor more primary joints (multipoint exercises) and receive priority when one is selecting exercises because of their priority when one is selecting exercises because of their direct application to the sport.
Core Exercise
______________usually recruit smaller muscle areas, involve only one primary joint (single-joint exercises) and are considered less important to improving sport performance.
Assistance exercise
What is a common application of assistance exercises?
Injury prevention and rehab
Score exercise that emphasizes loading the spine directly(e.g. back squat) or indirectly (e.g. power clean) can be further described as a _____________________.
Structural exercise
A structural exercise that is performed very quickly or explosively is considered a ____________________.
Power Exercise
The more similar the training activity is to the actual sport movement, the greater the likelihood that there will be ?
Positive transfer to that sport
exercises that don’t involve high muscular stress and high stress on the nervous system but promote movement and restoration can be classified as ______________________.
Recovery exercise
Training Status Frequency guidelines (sesh /wk)
Beginner 1.____________________
Intermediate. 2.___________________
Advanced 3.____________________
- 2-3 days a week
- 3-4 days a week
- 4-7 days a week
If the athlete trains only on Monday and Wednesday the absence of a training stimulus between Wednesday and the following Monday may result in a __________ in the athletes training status.
A _______________ in which different muscle groups are trained on different days.
Split Routine
Athletes who train with maximal or near-maximal loads require more _________________ before their next training session
Recovery time
Sport Season Frequency Guidelines per week Offseason Preseason In season Post season
Offseason - 4 to 6
Preseason - 3 to 4
In-season - 1 to 3
Post season - 0 to 3
______________ - refers to a sequence of resistance exercises performed during one training session
Exercise Order
_____________ require the highest level of skill and concentration off all the exercises and are most affected by fatigue.
Power exercises
If power exercises are not selected in step 2 (exercise selection), than the recommended order of exercise is _______________ and then_____________.
Core exercises and then Assistance exercises
If the exercises are performed with minimal rest periods (20–30sec), this method is also referred to as ______________.
- a method sometimes also used to improve cardiorespiratory endurance.
Circuit training
The Alternation of ________ and _______ exercises is also used in circuit training programs and is ideal for arrangement for athletes beginning or returning to a resistance training program.
Push and Pull
A _____________ involves two sequentially performed exercises that stress two opposing muscles or muscle areas.
- bench press. To bent over rows
a ___________________ involves sequentially performing two different exercises for the same muscle groups.
Compound set
_________ most simply refers to the amount of weight assigned to an exercise set and is often characterized as the most critical aspect of a resistance training program.
_______________ can be defined as the product of force and displacement (sometimes referred to as distance).
- An athlete can perform this via demands made on the body to generate (internal) metabolic Energy.
Mechanical Work
____________ - May be a better term than just load.
For example; if a barbell that has 100 “weight units” is lifted 2 vertical “distance units” for 15 reps, the total concentric mechanical work is 3,000 “work units (100X2x15)
____________ - this quantity is highly related to mechanical work and the associated metabolic energy demands and physiological stress, and also is distinguished from _____________ (the total number of repetitions)
Various repetition and set scheme affect the true ____________ value for resistance exercise and indicate the quality of work performed.
The number of times an exercise van be performed _________ is inversely related to the load lifted; the heavier the load, the lower the number of repetitions that can be performed.
______________ - the greatest amount of weight that can be lifted with proper technique for only one repetition.
1-rep Max
The most weight lifted for a specified number of repetitions
Repetition maximum
If yo were to hit 95% oof your 1 rep max then you would probably be able to achieve how many reps?
What are three different options for testing the 1RM?
- actual 1rm test
- estimated 1rm from a multiple-RM test (e.g. a 10RM)
- multiple RM based on the number of repetitions planned for that exercise.
A third option for determining training loads requires the strength and conditioning professional to first decide on the number of repetitions. ________________
Goal Repetitions
What are the load(%1rm) and Goal Repetitions for a Strength training goal?
Load-Greater than or equal to 85%
Rep - less than or equal to 6 reps
What are the load(%1rm) and Goal Repetitions for a Power (Single effort event training goal?
What are the load(%1rm) and Goal Repetitions for a Hypertrophy training goal?
6-12 (Reps)
What are the load(%1rm) and Goal Repetitions for a Muscular Endurance training goal?
Less than or equal to 67%
Greater than or equal to 12 reps
What are the load(%1rm) and Goal Repetitions for a Power (Multi- effort event ) training goal?
75-85% (load)
33-5 reps
What sports are examples of a single-effort power event ?
Shot put, high jump , weightlifting
What sports are an example of a Multiple effort event (power) ?
Basketball, volleyball
____________________ cannot bemaximally loaded at any rep scheme, because the quality of the movement technique will decline before momentary muscle fatigue defines a true multiple-RM set.
Power Exercises
A conservation method that can be used to increase an athletes training loads is called the _______________.
*if an athlete can perform two or more reps over his or her assigned repetition goal for a given exercise in the last set in two consecutive workouts, weight should be added to that exercise for the next training session.
2-for-2 Rule
To contend with this variability, relative load increase of ____ to _____ can be used instead of absolute values.
2.5 to 10%
In a smaller, weaker, less trained athlete what should his upper body and lower body load increases be?
Upper - 2.5-5lbs
Lower - 5-10lbs
In a larger, stronger, more trained athlete what should his upper and lowerbody load increases be?
10-15lbs+ (Lowerbody)
______________ relates to the total amount of weight lifted in a training session.
A _________ is a group of repetitions sequentially performed before the athlete stops to rest.
Repetition-volume is the __________________ performed during a workout session.
___________________ is the total number of sets multiplied by the number of repetitions per set, then multiplied by the weight per repetition.
Volume assignments based on the training goal. Strength Power -single effort event -multiple effort event Hypertrophy Muscular Endurance
Strength - 2-6SETS X 6or less reps
- single effort event - 3to5X1-2 reps
- multiple effort event - 3to5X3-5 reps
Hypertrophy 3to6 x 6to12 reps
Muscular Endurance - 2to3 x greater than or equal to 12reps
The time dedicated to recovery between sets and exercises is called the ____________ or ____________.
Rest period or Interset rest
Athletes who seek to perform maximal or ear-maximal repetitions with a heavy load usually need long _________________.
Rest. PEriods
Rest time for strength and Power ?
2 to 5min
Rest times for Hypertrophy ?
30sec to 1.5min
Rest time for Muscular Endurance ?
30sec or less