Stroke session teaching Flashcards
History aspects of which suggests stroke cause
- Sudden onset
- Maximal at onset
- Focal neurology - specific
- Negative symptoms
In TIA they will make complete recovery
Ischaemic vs haemorrhagic stroke
- Can present the same until CT - more likely to vomit as blood irritates brain
- Ischaemic - normal CT initially, then black on CT after time passes (12 hrs or more usually)
- Haemorrhagic - white on CT
early CT changes for ischaemic stroke
- Hyperdense artery sign (MCA travels within sylvian fissure, thrombus)
- Sulcal effacement - brain oedema
- Loss of grey-white matter differentiation - swollen brain, cytotoxic oedema - often causes loss of caudate nucleus and internal capsule
Other causes of hyperdense sign
- Hypercoagulable state - eg clotting disorder, renal failure
- Calcification
Vasogenic oedema
NOT for stroke oedema - this is caused by tumour instead
CT for stroke symptoms older than 10 days?
- Haemorrhage will go from white to black on CT as time progresses
- If delayed presentation - need to do MR to differentiate cause
Non-focal neurological symptoms of stroke - THESE CAN HAVE OTHER CAUSES
- Light-headedness/faint
- Blackouts
- Incontinence
- Confusion
Any of following if isolated:
* Vertigo
* Tinnitus
* Dysphagia
* Slurred speech
* Double vision
* Loss balance
Clinical description of stroke
- Geographical
- Vascular region
- Ipsilateral CN palsy + contralateral motorsensory loss OR
- Bilateral motorsensory loss OR
- Cerebellar signs OR
- Pure homonymous hemianopia OR
- Cortical blindness (infarcts both lobes)
- Motor/sensory loss of at least 2 of face/arm/eg + dysphasia (if dominant) or neglect (if not) and HH
- PACS is 2 of 3 TACS
- OR cortical dysfunction alone
- 13 item scoring system
- Structured neuro exam
- Takes 5 mins
- Indicates score severity
- Can predict outcome - if below 12 good or excellent
ASPECTS scoring
- Validated score looking at anterior circulation
- Divides into 10 areas
- 10 = normal score - all areas look fine
- Ischaemic change = lose point per area
- Can help make decisions about what treatments to give - thrombolyse sometimes down to 5 or sometimes less
Need to do before thrombolysis
- Weigh patient
- IV access and x 2 stroke bloods (but don’t wait for results)
- CT head
- Assess exclusion criteria
- Consultant make decision
Contraindications to thrombolysis
- Previous intracranial haemorrhage
- Seizure at onset of stroke
- Intracranial neoplasm
- Suspected subarachnoid haemorrhage
- Stroke or traumatic brain injury in preceding 3 months
- Lumbar puncture in preceding 7 days
- Gastrointestinal haemorrhage in preceding 3 weeks
- Active bleeding
- Oesophageal varices
- Uncontrolled hypertension - >200/120mmHg
When to anticoagulant post ischaemic stroke for AF?
early as 3 days after stroke
Change of practice recently