GP Tutorial 2 - falls, MDT and ACP Flashcards
What is postural hypotension?
20mmHg or more of systolic drop on standing BP or 10mmHg diastolic
Measuring postural drop
Lie down 5 mins
Stand up
Measure shortly after, at 1 minute and at 3 minutes
Causes of postural drop
* Dehydration
* Medications
* Autonomic dysfunction
* Poor vascular tone
* Baroreceptor insensitivity
Does everyone get postural drop despite symptoms?
No - some get symptoms and have delayed postural drop
Risk factors for osteoporosis
- Premature menopause
- Long term steroids
- Older age
- Smoking
- Alcohol >3 units perd day
- FH fracture
- PMH fracture
- Rheumatoid arthiritis
RF for secondary OP
- Type 1 diabetes
- Untreated hyperthyroidism
- Hypogonadism
- Premature menopause
- Chronic malabsorption
Calculating osteoporotic fracture risk
FRAX score - risk of OP fracture over next 10 years
* Green = lifestyle advice
* Amber = measure BMD
* Red - bisphosphonates
Management of OP
- Bisphosphate - alendronic acid 70mg OW/risedronate 5mg OD
- Calcium replacement/vitamin D
Polypharmacy - why is it a problem in adults
- Treat symptoms
- Numbers needed to treat say benefit>risk - this changes as people get older when life expectancy is no longer as long
- Polypharmacy is at least 4 or 5 meds
Tools for polypharmacy
What is the definition of a fall?
- An event which causes a person to unintentionally rest on the ground or other lower level
- Can be simple fall - due to chronic impairment of cognition, vision, balance or mobility
- Or a collapse - neurogenic/cardiac
- Syncopal or non-syncopal
Risk factors for falls and 3 domains
* What was the person doing?
* Where was the person?
* Any safety risks? eg cluttered
* History of falls
* Older age
* Visual problems
* Muscle weakness
* Abnormal gait eg Parkinsons
* Impaired balance
* Medications
Splitting a falls history up
- Before fall
- During fall
- After fall
- Now
What to ask re before fall?
- Pre-syncopal symptoms - dizzy? lightheaded? palps?
- Had they just stood up - postural drop?
- In middle of walking –> arrhythmia?
- Turning head - carotid sinus hypersensitivity
- General health - infection?
- How do they usually mobilise?
During fall - what to ask
- Do they remember hitting the floor/falling? - if no –> LOC ?cardiac/seizure/stroke
- Was it witnessed? - if yes, take a collateral
- Can they describe how they fell?
- Did they put their hands out to try and protect themselves? - no ?LOC –> worry re head injury
Questions to ask re after fall
- Any limb jerking/urinary/faecal incontinence - seizure?
- Were they well orientated after fall?
- Able to mobilise independently after fall?
- How long on the floor - rhabdo?
- How did they feel after
- How did they get up?
Questions to ask re now?
- How they feel now?
- Any pain? Bruising or swelling?
RF in PMH for fall
- Diabetes - hypoglycaemia? peripheral neuropathy?
- HTN - antihypertensives –> pos drop
- Epilepsy
- Previous falls
- Arrhytmias
- Parkinsons
- Stroke/neuro problem
- Incontinence/OAB - wake up at night –> fall
- Vision
- Cognition impairment