Older persons medicine lecture Flashcards
What is carer strain?
- When family member cares for another family member and this becomes overwhelming leading to stress, depression and ill physical health
- Often as private care is expensive
Falls history
- When and where
- Frequency, time course - how many falls within last 12 months?
- What was the patient doing just before? - change of posture? head movement/bending? turning?
- What happened after?
- Get witness report - ask
- Be cautious with ‘I tripped’ and ‘blackout’
- If fall in toilet at night - often due to postural drop
Red flags for falls
- Loss of consciousness
- New confusion
- Trauma to head
- Vomitting
- Incontinence
- Seizure activity
Definition of recurrent falls
More than 2 within last 12 months
If someone does not lose consciousness, how do they fall?
Have protective mechanism - reach out arms eg wounds on hands
Those who don’t - just hit the ground, could have nose fracture or head wound
Who can you contact for urgent review of home for falls risk?
- Intensive community support team
- Have OT, physio and nurses - assess and prevent admission
Financial threshold for carers being funded?
If you have £25,000 of savings - you will have to pay for carers
Below this they are government funded
Inv for falls and management general
- Look for injuries - body map, WHOLE body
- Lying and standing BP
- Medication review - polypharmacy = 5 and above
- Gait/functional assessment
- Bone health review
- Fear of falling/loss of confidence - ask about this
- Exercise program - strengthen muscles and teach how to fall
If on 3 or more BP tabs, do they have compliant issues?
Key components of CGA
- Medical - problem, co-morbids, meds, nutrition
- Functional - activities of daily living, gait and balance, exercise
- Psychological - cognitive status, mood
- Social - informal social support?
- Environmental - home safety, care resource eligibility, access to transport
If change in environment occurs, can make changes in elderly more obviou
Clinical frailty score
If 6 and above - see by geriatrician for advanced care planning and review
When is POA valid?
When someone is determined to have lost their capacity
Otherwise they make the decision themselves
(originally signed when has capacity with solicitor)
What does someone have to lack to be deemed lacking capacity?
They will lack the ability to:
* Understand information given about specific decision
* Retain information long enough to make decision
* Weight up information
* Communicate decision
Capacity can be…
- Fluctuant
- Decision specific for that decision alone at that point of time
Safeguarding - what is it
- Measures to protect health, wellbeing and human rights of individuals
- Allows people - esp children, young people and vulnerable adults to live free from abuse, harm and neglect
- Concerns can be raised to either local safeguard team or social services
- If crime been comitted may need police input
Types of fluids and foods - SALT
What is feed at risk?
- Person continues to eat and drink despite significant risk of aspiration/choking
- Ensures QOL - highest priority
- Allows continued enjoyment, comfort, pleasure and social interaction
When is feed at risk more appropriate?
- Advanced stage of illness
- Swallow safety not likely to improve
- Preference is to eat and drink over swallow safety
- Tube feeding is declined/inappropriate
What can you do if you are concerned about a patient at home who does not need acute hospital admission but cannot cope at home alone?
- Community hopsital admission can be considered
What is DTA bed? - discharge to assess
- Bed in care home
- Funded by council - first 4-6 weeks
- Then observed by community team - will have MDT whether need care home or can go home
- If need to be care home - will assess funding needs
Nursing home vs residential home
- Nursing home - staffed by nurses, eg if PEG feed needs, advanced dementia, more expensive
- Residential home - staff are trained but not in nursing care
Referral for ?dementia
Memory clinic
Prognosis if needing to be admitted to nursing home
18 months - 2 years
Tips for OSCE
- Use every second - write down differentials at start and structure
- Make sure ask about differentials specifically to eliminate them - eg if suspect PE - ask about haemoptysis, stroke ask about weakness
- Every sentence means something in the exam
What medication in elderly can cause GI bleed?