Stroke- Clinical Features And Management Flashcards
Hemiplegia/hemiparesis definition
Paralysis of one side of body
Due to crossing of pathways in medulla of brainstem
Rt CVA- Lt hemiplegia
Lt CVA- rt hemiplegia
Motor symptoms of stroke
Tone alterations (low,high, ataxia) Weakness Asymmetry Loss of normal movement pattern Loss of postural adjustments- loss of balance Compensations
Sensory symptoms
Sensory impaired- impaired cutaneous sensation, sterognosis, proprioceptive impairment
Visual impairment- visual field loss, homonymous hemonopia
Speech symptoms
Expressive dysphasia (Brocas)
Receptive dysphasia (wernickes)
Global aphasia
Cognitive symptoms
Perceptual problems- agnosia, astereognosis, visual agnosia, auditory agnosia, depth perception
Fail to attend to stimuli from left side
Poor prognosis if persists
Functional problems- self care, eating, dressing, walking
Other related problems to hemiparesis
Emotional disorders Dysphasia Incontinence Secondary msk problems Balance/gait problems Functional difficulties Social problems
Physio treatment for hemiparesis
Prevent complications,minimise impairments, max function Assessment Identification of problems Clinical reasoning Goal setting Obj outcomes Choice of Rx methods Interdisciplinary input
Factors affecting hemiparesis recovery
Extent and nature of lesion Integrity of collateral circulation Pre-morbid status Age Capacity of nervous system to re-organise Environment Motivation and patients attitude Patient participation Patient experience Co- existing conditions Nutrition/hydration Medication