Stroke Flashcards
What is a stroke?
A stroke is a set of neurological symptoms caused by a vascular disease which leads to brain damage
Lasting >24hrs
What differentiates a stroke from a TIA (transient isceamic attack)
Stroke symptoms last >24hrs
What are the 2 sub groups of causes of stroke?
What one is more common?
Ischaemic - clot gets stuck and blood can’t reach
- more common
What are the symptoms of stroke?
Face - slumped face, can’t properly smile
Arm - can’t raise arm on ipsilateral side
Speech - speech is slurred and confused, struggle to speak a sentence
~Loss of Vision
~Muscle paralysis
What drugs are a person started on post stroke?
Dual anti platelet - ticagerlor and aspirin
When is aspirin started in a stroke?
Post CT scan which rules out haemorraghic stroke
What is the gold standard of imaging?
What is the difference between appearance of ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke?
Ischaemic = hypodense - dark because loss of blood Haemorrhagic = hyper dense - more blood
What is currently the gold standard of treatment of an infarction caused stroke?
After what point is it no longer effective?
How do you manage a haemorraghic stroke?
Supportive treatment (ABCDE) and get neurosurgery involved
Cardiovascular problems e.g. HTN are the number one risk factor for strokes.
What is the other main one for ischaemic and same q for haemorrghaic?
Ischaemic - AF
Haemorrhagic - anticoagulation therapy
What is the one contradiction of thrombolysis that isn’t just time?
Critical HTN (>180/95)
How can you tell the difference between total and partial anterior stroke?
- Unilateral weakness of face, arm and leg
- Homonymous hemianopia
- Higher cerebral dysfunction (dysphasia, visuopatial disorder)
Total = all 3 Partial = 2/3
Both Bell’s palsy and strokes present with facial paralysis. How do you tell the difference?
Stroke you are still able to raise the eyebrow
What are the other types of stroke beyond anterior?
Lacunar 1 of... - pure sensory - pure motor - sensori-motor stroke - ataxic hemiparesis
What are the other types of stroke beyond anterior?
Lacunar 1 of... - pure sensory - pure motor - sensori-motor stroke - ataxic hemiparesis
How long after stroke can you drive a car or lorry?
Car = 4 weeks Lorry = 1 year
How long after stroke can you drive a car or lorry?
Car = 4 weeks Lorry = 1 year