Stress 2 Flashcards
Devised the ‘Hassles scale’ with 117 hassles and an Uplifts scale with 135 items
Lazarus & Kanner
Scores on the hassles scale correlate with levels of depression anxiety and health problems
Kanner et al (1981)
In an Austrialian study ……. found that daily hassles produced greater psychological and physical dysfuncation than major negative life events
Ruffin (1993)
Did is a study comparing both score on the haddles scale and life event scale, and found that corretations weith health outcome were greater for the haddles scores. Uplifts were unrelated to health scores.
Delongis (1982)
Found African Americans used more social networking than white Americans
Kim and McKentry
Found that Korean adolescents reported having more daily hassles that contributed to malajustment than they had social support from significant others.
Sim 2000
Measure of job control on stress related illness
civil service employees
Marmot et al 1997
Suggests that the relationship between control and stress related illness may be more complicated- tested moneys in pairs. The experimental ‘executive’ was responsible for pressing a leaer which controlled whether an electric hock was given to the other money (High control) while the other money received the shocks but couldnt control the lever (low control). The executive monkeys developed ulcers and died therefore if high control comes with high levels of reponsibility (such as in executive level jobs) stress related illness can still be a problem.
Workload- quantitative oerload as a workplace stressors
Claims that study into workplace stressors misses the point that there are differences in the way individuals react to and cope with stress. For example ot all workers with high demand jobs an low control become ill.
found that certain aspects of type A personality in young individuals were unheathier than others, iwhthostility and impatience increasing chances of high blood pressure. Therefore it has been suggested that people with type A behaviour are more likely to be stressed and therefore be susceptible to stress related illness
Williams 2003
TYPE A BEHAVIOUR AND HEART DISEASE- lonitudinal study on 3,154 men aged 39-59 followed over 8 years how they dealt with stressful situations assessed in 2 ways;
1 structured interview- predetermined open-ended questions
2 self assessmenttest several multiple-choice questions
Tyhe interview was purposely done in a provocative manor to try and elicit type A behaviour FINDINGS- Eight years later a follow up, 257 had developed CHD. 69% WERE THOSE PREVIOUSLY ASSESSED AS TYPE A
conclusion - type a behaviour pattern increases vulnerability to heart disease
Friedman and Rosenman 1974
found that TAB assessed immediately after a heart attack doesnt predict future attacks which means its not a strong predictor for CHD in those already at rick of CHD anyway
Penny 1996
did a follow up study of te western collaborative group ppts 22 years after the study they confirmed that importance of CHD risk factors (smocking age high blood pressure) but found little/no evidence of a link between Type A behaviours and CHD
High hostility produces increased activity in the sympathetic nervous sysem
Mathews 1977
found evidence that people who have high scores on scales measuring hardiness are less likely to suffer from stress-related illnesses (depression, anxiety and physical illness) than those with low hardiness scores.
Kobasa et al 1985
Believes the power of positive tinking in S.I.T can succesfully change peoples behaviour