Inhabit various sites, notably the upper respiratory
tract, and live harmlessly as commensals.
Streptococcus and Enterococcus
More pronounced growth on media enriched with
blood or serum
This classification scheme was developed in
the 1930s
Rebecca Lancefield.
Produces a zone of partial hemolysis with a greenish
discoloration around the colonies on blood agar
● Streptococci producing α-hemolysis are also known as
Alpha-hemolytic (α) Streptococci
Produces a complete hemolysis
- Sharply defined, clear, colorless zone of
hemolysis around the colony induced by
bacterial hemolysins
- No red blood cell is visible on microscopic
examination in the clear zone of complete
constitutes the principal marker for
potentially pathogenic streptococci in cultures of throat
swabs or other clinical samples.
● Produce no hemolysis on blood agar
Gamma (γ) or Non-hemolytic Streptococci
is an important organism of Gamma (γ) or Non-hemolytic Streptococci
Enterococcus faecalis
beta h members
S. equisimilis
S. pyogenes
S. agalactiae
E. faealis
based on the serological
properties of the streptococci
A, B, C, D, and G Lancefield Grouping
Organisms in possess the same
antigenic C-carbohydrate organisms.
Group A
group a
group b
group c
s.equisimilis, ewqui, dysogalactiae, zoopidimidus
group d
enteroccoci, non entero
group does not grow
under 10°C but grows best at 37°C.
Pyogenic and viridans
group grows at all temperatures
group grows best at 10°C and 37°C,
but does not grow at 45°C
All of the grows best at optimum
temperature of 37°C
part of cell wall ps strep; antiphagocytic
m protein