Strength training Flashcards
- ability of a muscle to produce force, often represented by the 1rep max
- muscle’s ability to produce force over and over gain (ie number of sit-ups/push-ups for 1min)
- amount of work performed in a given amount of time, often considered the product of strength and speed
- ie explosive strength in jumping athletes or throwing athletes
what are 5 benefits of strength?
- improved physical performance in sport, recreational activities and everyday activities (especially elders)
- protection from injury
- increased resting metabolic rate –> more muscle = need more energy to sustain
- maintenance of bone mineral density –> stress bone through weight training –> bones respond by building more bone
- improved sense of well-being
what are the 4 principles of building strength?
- overload
- specificity
- individuality
- reversibility
- to increase strength, we must tax out muscles beyond their accustomed loads
- when muscles produce high (but not necessarily max) levels of force, time and time again, they respond, over time, by becoming larger (hypertrophy)
- ie use weight to do 5 reps, getting easier and can do more –> increase weight
- your strength-training program must be specific to your overall exercise objectives
- know which muscles are used for each movement
- ie lineman vs kicker vs QB will have different workouts
- you should evaluate your fitness level and exercise goals on a personal level
- we all have different potentials and different goals. be yourself
- each person reacts differently to programs
- when you stop overloading your muscles, your strength and muscular fitness will gradually return to their pre-exercise levels
- use it or lose it, but remember that you won’t lose it immediately
- it’s easier to maintain strength than always trying to increase strength
describe the 3 types of muscle action + 2 subtypes
- no movement but produce force
- ie pushing against immovable object
- muscles produce force and change their length
a) concentric: muscle shortens and overcomes external resistance (ie biceps when lift object from waist)
b) eccentric (negatives): muscle lengthens bc force is less than external resistance (ie lowering bicep) –> can produce more force! (ie you can eccentric 120% of 1rm)
- muscle produce force and its length changes at a constant rate –> usually seen only with computerized equipment in rehab settings (popular 20 years ago)
what are 5 things to take into consideration for building strength and muscular endurance
- training routine –> periodization
- training technique –> safely do movements + early gains we see often from neuromuscular adaptations/learning how to do mvt
- measuring strength: document it
- progression: don’t do same workout for next 10 years
- cross training: calisthenics, physio type exercises
what are the guidelines by the American College of Sports Medicine for muscular strength and endurance training? (3)
- which year did they add these guidelines?
- one set of 8-12 reps for healthy adults
- one set of 10-15 reps for older (>50) and frail individuals
- 8 to 10 exercises, for major muscle groups, 2 days per week
- in 1998
key point: does strength-training program need to be boring? –> explain
no! there are plenty of opportunities for variety in trainings while still adhering to wise training principles
- ie body weight, barbells, dumbbells, machines…
what are 4 hints for the weight room regarding training techniques?
- usually, large muscles first (ie upper back, bicep, forearms)
- variations include small before large muscles OR change order
- make sure proper technique to use muscle you’re supposed to use
- some exercise work several muscles vs some work individual muscle (isolated)
- instead of doing 1 x 10reps for 10 exercises, 3x/week –> can do 3 x 8-12 reps at 5 exercises for 2 days, then same thing for 5 dif exercise for another 2 days
- have a partner help with concentric portion of rep or just help you past a sticking point (point where you are the weakest)
how to measure strength (2) vs muscular endurance (2)?
a) 1RM = 1 repetition max
- how much you can lift with good form, only one
- a measure of strength for each muscle group (ie squat, BPress… depends on sport)
b) hand grip test: used when time is a factor –> isometric assessment –> provides modest correlation to overall body strength
- useful for athletes who need grip strength in their sport
a) 8RM or 12RM
- how much you can lift, with good form, only 8 or 12 times
- measures muscule endurance (but also some strength components)
- useful for describing intensity to use in training
b) muscular endurance tests: ie modified dip (men), modified push up (women), bent leg curl ups or abdominal crunches
- does not require extensive equipment
- could use metronome
how to predict 1RM?
use prediction charts from Birzycki, Beachele (a bit higher percentage for each rep range compared to 2 others) and Remedios
- ie 1 rep = 100%
3 reps = 90% for Bir and Rem (vs 93% for Bea)
8 reps = 78% for Bir, 75% for Rem, 80% for Bea)
progression: what to expect?
- how fast? how far? –> related to (3)
- expect rapid initial gains (for beginners, for 1-2 months as brain gets better at sending signal to muscles) followed by slower gains and the occasional plateau (ie work just as hard, but not improving anymore)
- remember that how fast and how far you improve is related to your genetic ability, your starting point and your commitment
what are 4 (physiological) factors that affect strength?
- neural stimulation
- types of muscle fiber
- overload
- specificity of training
explain neural stimulation as a factor that affects strength
- what
- causes what?
- strength of contraction determined by (2)
- number of muscle fibres that a motor neuron can innervate –> can vary! up to 1000 in large muscles doing work
- stimulations causes muscle fibres to contract or not at all
- strength of contraction determined by frequency of stimulation and number of fibres stimulated
*ie: max lifts: stimulate as many fibres as possible