Chapter 1 - Intro PH Flashcards
what are the 3 levels of PA?
Physical activity vs exercise
- what?
- requires what?
- required for 2 (only PA)
- benefit?
- requires what level of effort?
- bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles –> all activity you accumulate in a day
- requires energy expenditure
- required for growth and development
- produces progressive health benefits
- typically requires low to moderate intensity of effort
- type of physical activity
- requires planned structured and repetitive bodily movement
- maintains one or more component of physical fitness
- usually requires high intensity effort
- initial fitness fad in early _____ –> leads to what? vs earlier mentality?
- what did the research say?
- in early 1970s –> general increase in participation in organized fitness and wellness programs (decrease sedentary, increase running, tennis, aerobics)
- VS 1960s mentality: don’t exercise too much (especially after heart attacks)
- research in 1970s: links exercise to better health, longevity, quality of life, total well-being
current trends in physical activity?
caused by what?
- leads to what syndrome?
- survey results show a decline in daily PA
- cause: modern technology –> almost completely eliminates necessity for physical exertion in daily life (escalator vs stairs) + PA is no longer a natural part of our existence
- leads to sedentary death syndrome
PA recs from CSEP and ACSM (2 ish)
Canadian society for exercise physiology
American College of sports medicine
1) 30 minutes of moderate (ie brisk walking + talking) physical activity on most days of the week in bouts of at least 10 minutes
2) burning 1000 calories per week
10 leading causes of death worldwide in 2016
- ischemic heart disease
- stroke or other cerbrovascular diseases
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- lower respiratory system infections
- alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
- trachea, bronchus and lung cancers
- diabetes metillus
- road traffic accidents
- diarreal diseases
- tuberculosis
9 causes of death in canada
- what is common in the first 4?
- cardiovascular diseases
- cancer
- heart disease
- respiratory diseases
- accidents
- influenza and pneumonia
- suicide
- kidney diseases
- liver diseases
- first 4: all lifestyle related!
what was the leading cause of death in first 4 months of 2020?
COVID! more deaths than diabetes, alzheimer’s, suicide and kidney diseases
5 pillars of public health
- epidemiology and disease control
- environmental health (ie heat)
- health promotion and health education
- health administration and policy (ie lights in parks at night, bixi lanes)
- biostatistics
PA and Health throughout history
- 400 BC
- 1950s
- 1990
- 1996
- 2000
- 400 BC: Hippocrates and ancient greeks
- 1950s: Dr. Jeremy N. Morris and London transit authority study (bus driver vs ticket checkers who go up stairs)
- 1990: healthy people 2000 –> recs + goals
- 1996: physical activity and health: a report form the surgeon general: sedentary lifestyle is hazardous to health
- 2000: Healthy people 2010
what is health (2)
- freedom from disease
- quality of life: can you do what you want to do? do people feel well physically? emotionally?
average lifespan of canadians 1900 vs 2019
- causes of death 1900 vs 2024?
1900: less than 48 –> no vaccines, no insulin, not a lot of meds, no quality surgeries
2019: avg 80 years
- men 79.9
- women 84.9
1900: infectious disease: cholera, tuberculosis, polio, measles
2024: chronic, age-related, lifestyle-related diseases
health benefits of PA:
- reduces risk of (8)
- coronary heart disease
- diabetes
- hypertension
- colon cancer
- osteoporosis
- obesity
- anxiety
- depression
excuses from real world of why people don’t do exercise
- don’t want to waste heart beats on exercise
- no time for exercise
- don’ t want to look like female body builders
- mother told me uterus would fall out if i jog
what is epidemiology?
study of how disease is distributed in the population AND the factors that influence or determine the distribution
what are 4 things epidemiology studies ish?
- frequencies and types (of disease, healthy factors, dietary patterns…)
- groups with and at risk of disease
- factors that influence their distribution
- findings causes and preventing future cases –> can develop into policy/curriculum
what is the premise behind epidemiology?
disease, illness and ill health are NOT randomly distributed in the population –> rather, each of us has certain characteristics (controllable and uncontrollable) that predispose us or protect us from certain diseases
- ie obese people have higher prevalence to diabetes, low-income vs high income neighbourhoods
*genetics play a huge role in disease
what is the IPAQ?
- what is it for?
international physical activity questionnaire
- used for surveillance! to understand PA levels in different populations –> similar questionnaires from country to country in order to compare more easily
explain cholera outbreak
- what period of time?
- first __________ study
- killed over ________ people
- most health care professionals believes that cholera was ___-borne
- symptoms?
- outbreaks in London = people fleeing London
- who did the study? what did he find?
- mid 1800s (1850s)
- first epidemiology study
- 14 000 people
- air-borne
- GI symptoms: diarrhea, vomit, electrolyte imbalance
- John Snow: 1854 –> made circles about where there were the most cholera. Pinpointed the pump on Broad Street. lots of people went there bc very clean water. convinced authorities to close down –> cholera went away! = cholera is conveyed by water
what are retrospective analyses? why do them?
- give example
- when you look at past events –> Sturgis Motorcycle Rally –> may have caused over 250 000 covid cases –> lead to 12.2 billion $ public health causes
- can learn about health economics, burden of the disease: economically and public health wise
why is “weight loss drug linked to fewer COVID deaths” not a good article? (2)
- funded by pharmaceutical company that produces Wegovy
- assumes that drug is responsible for less covid vs overweight population (already more at risk of getting covid) takes drugs –> lose weight –> not obese anymore = fewer covid (vs not directly bc of drug)
why do japanese people, especially from _________ live longer? (4)
- from Okinawa! women: 90 yo, men 85yo mean age at mortality!
- diet: only eat to 80% full, grow their own food, variety of food (good for microbiome)
- exercise, walking, gardening –> lots of moderate PA
- friends, community
- ikigai: live with sense of purpose
why do men die younger? (7)
- do silly things, more accidents, take more risks
- male hormones, testosterone associated with higher cardiovascular risk (+ lower estrogen levels = less protection)
- commit more suicide, more successful
- are bigger, larger
- are less socially connected
- have more dangerous jobs
- less likely to go see doctor + listen to Dr’s advice
leading causes of death 1900 vs 1997
- what’s common for causes in 1997?
- pneumonia > TB > Diarrhea > coronary heart disease > stroke
- CHD > cancer > stroke > COPD > accidents
- lifestyle related! active ppl + who eat f&v + decrease fat intake = less heart disease BUT genes also play a part
can you compare level of function of physically active people and sedentary people vs years of age?
yes! stats allow you to adjust for certain things
- physically active people live at higher level of function at each decade of life vs sedentary people! (graph)
what are risk factors for chronic diseases? (5)
- obesity
- high cholesterol
- high blood pressure
- poor nutrition
- poor fitness
can you start becoming physically active at 70 years old?
yes! it is never too early or too late to become physically active to reduce risk for chronic disease
what are the 3 components of health-related fitness?
- what does health-related fitness affect (3)
- cardiorespiratory fitness/aerobic fitness (helps a lot in longevity)
- body composition (think of football defence vs receiver)
- musculoskeletal fitness (flexibility, muscular strength (1 rep) and muscular endurance (max # of reps))
- affects our overall health and energy and our ability to perform daily tasks and activities
what are 6 components of skill-related fitness?
- agility (ie volleyball players)
- balance
- coordination
- speed (explosive mvt)
- power (exert strength fast)
- quickness (reaction time)
what are the 2 types of fitness?
- which is relevant for which type of population?
- health-related fitness –> for everyone!
- skill-related fitness –> more for athletes
- what is the PAR-Q?
- for who?
- developed by who?
- used by who?
- conservative screening tool to see if you can do physical activity (pain, chest pain, diziness, lose consciousness…)
- for adults aged 15-69
- Health Canada
- used around the world!
what was the key finding in the Surgeon General Report called Physical activity and health?
- what year?
- sedentary lifestyle is hazardous to health –> 30min moderate activity on most days of the week
- 1996
when is world health day?
- celebrated in which country? what is it called?
- april 7th 2002
- Sao Paulo, Brazil –> “move for health” “Agita mundo”
for which disease did the prof want to prescribe strength and conditioning? explain
- rheumatoid arthritis! –> exercise was recommended for this disease in 9th century BC
- rheumatoid arthritis = debilitating disease –> systemic inflammation –> exercise will decrease flares and increase quality of life
who said:
- “Eating alone will not keep a man well; he must also take exercise. For food and exercise, while possessing opposite qualities, yet work together to produce health. Exercise should be many and of all kinds”
- “I know a man who set himself a task of sawing wood half an hour every day, and was nearly cured” (of heart disease)
- Hippocrates (460-377 BC)
- William Heberden (1802)
what did they say:
- Robert Burton
- Aristotle
- idleness = sin
“As too much and violent exercise offends on the one side, so doth an idle life on the other. Opposite to exercise is idleness or want of exercise, the bane of body and minde… the chiefe author of all mischief, one of the seven deadly sinnes” (sloth)
- if no exercise, will fall ill:
“Bodily health is the results of a fondness of gymnastics; a man falls into ill health as a result of not caring for exercise.”
who is Robert Tait McKenzie (1867-1938)? (4)
- mcgill undergrad and medicine
- assisted James Naismith in teaching gymnastics + inventing games
- professor at Mcgill from 1894 and 1904 + started Phys Ed department
- moved to Penn –> did lots of sculptures that are now on Penn campus
- created/sculpted the Joy Of Effort bronze medal at 1914 olympics!
- published book: Exercise in Education and Medicine –> strongly advocated for active living/lifestyle in adults
- Who is James Naismith?
- invented basketball in Canada
- interest in gymnastics
who is the famous physician who developed the tests of condition?
- what time period?
- 3 important dates
- T.K. Cureton (1960s) University of Illinois
- 1936: test of conditions (fire, police, army
1944: physical fitness and research laboratory in the department of physical education for men, university of illinois - 1945: physical fitness appraisal and guidance (cardiovascular, strength, endurance, ability testing)
who is the famous cardiologist who founded what?
- 3 important dates
- Joseph B. Wolffe (1945)
- 1940s: heart health
- 1946: “The Heart of the Athlete”, Journal Lancet –> one of the first to look at heart of athletes –> stronger and bigger hearts than sedentary people BUT triathletes and ultramarathoners might have overworked hearts
- 1945: cardiologist becomes first president of american college of sports medicine
who was the founder of physical fitness movement in America?
- 3 important dates
- key takeaway
- Jack LaLanne!
- 1936: Jack Lalanne’s physical culture studio, oakland california
- 1952: Jack Lalanne TV show –> ppl follow him live for exercise
- 1960: The Jack LaLanne way to vibrant good health
“if you can’t take 20-30min 3,4,5 times a week out of 24 hours, taking case of the most priceless possession you have on this earth, you’ve got to be sick”
what is the 5 BX plan?
- what year?
- popular?
- short program to get fit, few pages, calisthenics = can do in living room
- 1960
- federal gvt sold 23M copies + translated into 13 languages
- program sold to american air force for 2M$
what are the alameda county healthy 7?
- sleeping 7-8h
- breakfast every day
- never or rarely snack
- at or near ideal weight/height
- never smoke
- moderate use of alcohol
- regulat physical activity
what is the alameda county study?
- conclusion? (graph)
- longitudinal study: baseline assessment + reassess every couple of years –> BP, height, wt, EKG, sleep, questionnaire
- came up with 7 things that people did: the more you do things on that list (0-3 VS 4-5 VS 6-7), the less % of chance you will die. from 45 to 85 yo. after 85, all 3 lines kinda get together
- who did the london bus drivers study?
- what is it?
- conclusion?
- Jeremy Morris (1953) first modern physical activity epidemiologist
- one of first occupational studies –> conductors (go up and down stairs to check ticket) vs drivers
- conductors have a lot less chance of heart attack compared to drivers: “men in physically active jobs suffer less coronary - ischemic - heart disease than comparable men in sedentary jobs, such disease as the active do develop is less sever and strikes at later ages”
what was met with considerable skepticism by medical scientists and practitionners?
the early hypothesis (1950s ish) that men doing physically active work have a lower mortality from coronary heart disease in middle age than men in less active work
who is a great ambassador for PA and active living in Canada?
Jack Rabbit Johannsen –> norwegian skiier —> skies a lot every year. lived in Tremblant
- 1960-1980s
what is the Framingham Heart study?
- who was chosen?
- what was found in 1967? 1971? 1995? now?
*Modern era of PA epidemiology
- questionnaires and physical exams
- recruited people from a town in Massachusetts –> follow them for years to look for predictors of death. 5209 men and women from 30 to 62
1967: PA found to reduce risk of heart disease
1971: offspring study to study genetic component
1995: omni study: 500 minority residents
now recruiting grand children (3500)
what are 3 landmark research?
- Tecumseh community health study (1957): 8600 ppl (20+ years) –> 1961-1965 (cycle 2): asses PA of men + 1967-1969: cycle 3
- College Alumni study (Harvard and Penn): 21000+ (graduated 1916-1950) –> 1962 and follow-up in 1996 –> questionnaire + medical exam
- by Ralph Paffenbarger –> found out who died by sending xmas cards and asking for death certificates (for cause of death) - aerobics center longitudinal study in Dallas Texas
- more than 25000 men and 10000 women since 1980
- questionnaire and medical exam + fitness measured by treadmill testing (objective fitness test)
- Dr. Ken Cooper hired Dr Blair to start ACLS –> follow cohort for many years
what are the 8 themes for health promotion in healthy people 2000?
- PA and fitness
- nutrition
- tobacco
- alcohol and drugs
- family planning
- mental health
- violence
- education
what are the 4 Rs?
Running! (4th R)
what is the problem with kids from the 19__s up until now?
from 1970s
- soft, unhealthy teenagers, flunk fitness tests, 2/3 fail AAU’s fitness test, physical wimps, too soft
- in 2012: 30% of Canadian kids are overweight or obese = public health concern