Chapter 1 - Intro PH Flashcards
what are the 3 levels of PA?
Physical activity vs exercise
- what?
- requires what?
- required for 2 (only PA)
- benefit?
- requires what level of effort?
- bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles –> all activity you accumulate in a day
- requires energy expenditure
- required for growth and development
- produces progressive health benefits
- typically requires low to moderate intensity of effort
- type of physical activity
- requires planned structured and repetitive bodily movement
- maintains one or more component of physical fitness
- usually requires high intensity effort
- initial fitness fad in early _____ –> leads to what? vs earlier mentality?
- what did the research say?
- in early 1970s –> general increase in participation in organized fitness and wellness programs (decrease sedentary, increase running, tennis, aerobics)
- VS 1960s mentality: don’t exercise too much (especially after heart attacks)
- research in 1970s: links exercise to better health, longevity, quality of life, total well-being
current trends in physical activity?
caused by what?
- leads to what syndrome?
- survey results show a decline in daily PA
- cause: modern technology –> almost completely eliminates necessity for physical exertion in daily life (escalator vs stairs) + PA is no longer a natural part of our existence
- leads to sedentary death syndrome
PA recs from CSEP and ACSM (2 ish)
Canadian society for exercise physiology
American College of sports medicine
1) 30 minutes of moderate (ie brisk walking + talking) physical activity on most days of the week in bouts of at least 10 minutes
2) burning 1000 calories per week
10 leading causes of death worldwide in 2016
- ischemic heart disease
- stroke or other cerbrovascular diseases
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- lower respiratory system infections
- alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
- trachea, bronchus and lung cancers
- diabetes metillus
- road traffic accidents
- diarreal diseases
- tuberculosis
9 causes of death in canada
- what is common in the first 4?
- cardiovascular diseases
- cancer
- heart disease
- respiratory diseases
- accidents
- influenza and pneumonia
- suicide
- kidney diseases
- liver diseases
- first 4: all lifestyle related!
what was the leading cause of death in first 4 months of 2020?
COVID! more deaths than diabetes, alzheimer’s, suicide and kidney diseases
5 pillars of public health
- epidemiology and disease control
- environmental health (ie heat)
- health promotion and health education
- health administration and policy (ie lights in parks at night, bixi lanes)
- biostatistics
PA and Health throughout history
- 400 BC
- 1950s
- 1990
- 1996
- 2000
- 400 BC: Hippocrates and ancient greeks
- 1950s: Dr. Jeremy N. Morris and London transit authority study (bus driver vs ticket checkers who go up stairs)
- 1990: healthy people 2000 –> recs + goals
- 1996: physical activity and health: a report form the surgeon general: sedentary lifestyle is hazardous to health
- 2000: Healthy people 2010
what is health (2)
- freedom from disease
- quality of life: can you do what you want to do? do people feel well physically? emotionally?
average lifespan of canadians 1900 vs 2019
- causes of death 1900 vs 2024?
1900: less than 48 –> no vaccines, no insulin, not a lot of meds, no quality surgeries
2019: avg 80 years
- men 79.9
- women 84.9
1900: infectious disease: cholera, tuberculosis, polio, measles
2024: chronic, age-related, lifestyle-related diseases
health benefits of PA:
- reduces risk of (8)
- coronary heart disease
- diabetes
- hypertension
- colon cancer
- osteoporosis
- obesity
- anxiety
- depression
excuses from real world of why people don’t do exercise
- don’t want to waste heart beats on exercise
- no time for exercise
- don’ t want to look like female body builders
- mother told me uterus would fall out if i jog
what is epidemiology?
study of how disease is distributed in the population AND the factors that influence or determine the distribution
what are 4 things epidemiology studies ish?
- frequencies and types (of disease, healthy factors, dietary patterns…)
- groups with and at risk of disease
- factors that influence their distribution
- findings causes and preventing future cases –> can develop into policy/curriculum
what is the premise behind epidemiology?
disease, illness and ill health are NOT randomly distributed in the population –> rather, each of us has certain characteristics (controllable and uncontrollable) that predispose us or protect us from certain diseases
- ie obese people have higher prevalence to diabetes, low-income vs high income neighbourhoods
*genetics play a huge role in disease
what is the IPAQ?
- what is it for?
international physical activity questionnaire
- used for surveillance! to understand PA levels in different populations –> similar questionnaires from country to country in order to compare more easily
explain cholera outbreak
- what period of time?
- first __________ study
- killed over ________ people
- most health care professionals believes that cholera was ___-borne
- symptoms?
- outbreaks in London = people fleeing London
- who did the study? what did he find?
- mid 1800s (1850s)
- first epidemiology study
- 14 000 people
- air-borne
- GI symptoms: diarrhea, vomit, electrolyte imbalance
- John Snow: 1854 –> made circles about where there were the most cholera. Pinpointed the pump on Broad Street. lots of people went there bc very clean water. convinced authorities to close down –> cholera went away! = cholera is conveyed by water
what are retrospective analyses? why do them?
- give example
- when you look at past events –> Sturgis Motorcycle Rally –> may have caused over 250 000 covid cases –> lead to 12.2 billion $ public health causes
- can learn about health economics, burden of the disease: economically and public health wise