Counseling and communication Flashcards
what are the 5 main goals ish of the CSEP?
canadian society of exercise physiology –> gold standard in exercise science and personal training
1. rapport and structure (develop rapport with client)
2. gather information (ie history of PA, time available, goals)
3. generate and evaluate alternatives for change (depending on their goals)
4. develop and action plan/road map
5. follow-up
define self-esteem
- global self-esteem includes what (4)
- how one feels about oneself and their characteristics
- intellectual, social, emotional, physical –> can have good social self-esteem but low physical self-esteem
what/who may create unrealistic expectations and may contribute to reduced physical self-esteem? (4)
- media (models…)
- advertising
- social pressures (ie student in kin should exercise more than engineering…)
- cultural pressures (ie public health priority in canada but maybe not in Africa)
what is body image?
- what is our job as health consultants
- what we feel our body should feel like
*can have distorted view of your own body - have to work in our scope of practice. we are not psychologist or therapists. should refer people with body image issues/ED to the right people
what is a belief?
- shaped by (3)
- what is an attitude? example
- belief = a thought (cognitive)
- shaped by personal experience (ie being embarrassed in gym class), observation of others’ experience (targeted ads, testimonials), media, etc.
- attitude = it is a value attached to a belief
- ie: i hate exercising
more important definitions:
- self-efficacy: define + depends on what? strong predictor for what?
- outcome expectations: 3 important components
- self efficacy = how confident that you can carry this out. that you can succeed. readiness
- depends on success and failures (?)
*strong predictor of if people will succeed! - outcome expectations: must believe that you can succeed + have realistic goals + depends on their experience (ie what lead them to relapse?)
stages of readiness
- _________ of readiness
- clients progress through stages in a ________ not ________ way
- what would lead to treatment noncompliance?
- what would lead therapeutic alliance to break down?
- what is an event, not a stage?
- motivation of readiness
- a spiral! not linear
- when enhancing motivation, if the clinicians use strategies in a stage other than the one the client is in, the result could be treatment noncompliance
- if clinicians push clients at a faster pace than they are ready to take, therapeutic alliance may break down
- RELAPSE is an event, not a stage (you can lapse when you go on a cruise/in Las Vegas, and if you keep on that behaviour when you come back home = relapse)
what are the 5 stages of change model? describe
- initially developed for what? by who?
where do we enter the spiral? where can we exit and re-enter?
- precontemplation: ignorant of the problem, doesn’t consider it
- contemplation: thinking about it, will start a bit later
- preparation/determination: search up gyms, gather information, get clothing and equipment ready, find partners
- action: start program
(relapse) - maintenance –> then goes back to precontemplation
(can also go to termination!)
*for smoking cessation! but morphed into a lot of other behavioural counseling –> by Spochaska & DiClemente
- enter at precontemplation
- can exit and re-enter at any stage!
*much more successful if you meet the person in their own stage of change
describe the 4 types of counseling
name + what + type ish
- emphasizes what to do, but not how to do it (descriptive)
- ie you need to start exercising - DIRECTOR:
- tells client to perform certain tasks (ie exercise prescription) after having both discussed goals and objectives (prescriptive) - EDUCATOR:
- provides information in a clear non-judgmental way to help clients integrate the info into their life (informative)
- ie ask them info, time availability, budget and give them info - COUNSELLOR:
- will have the clients active in all aspects of the change process so essentially the appraiser would be having clients arrive at solutions and set goals (collaborative)
*continuum! from preacher to counsellor ish
what can each type of counselling help in doing? (ie what is the strength of each?)
- to establish the health benefits of positive lifestyle habits - DIRECTOR:
- can be used in developing an effective physical activity and lifestyle change program - EDUCATOR:
- can be used to help clients understand the results of their appraisal (ie teach the client how to use the machines, how to interpret the results of the tests) - COUNSELLOR:
- can be used to work with the client to establish lifestyle and PA alternatives
what are 5 things to look for in non-verbal communication?
- eye contact
- vocal tone/level of enthusiasm
- rate of speech: if too fast, client thinks you want to get to your next client
- physical space: so patient feels comfortable
- body language
*look at client’s non-verbal skills!
what are 4 + 2 important things to do in the process of counseling within context of appraisal/assessment?
- developing rapport with the client and creating a comfortable environment in which the appraiser works with the client
- establishing a helping relationship between appraiser and client
- engaging in mutual problem solving to help the client make appropriate lifestyle and activity changes
- counsellor works with clients to assist them in developing insights, generating alternatives and making decisions about PA and other lifestyle behaviors
+ gather data about client
+ determine unrealistic goals and aspirations
what are the 2 main steps in the context of the appraisal?
- gathering data about the client’s:
- lifestyle behaviours (what are they doing now, and what do they want to do)
- activity past and preferences
- activity level (commute, work, recreational…)
- goals and aspirations (what would count as success for you?)
- physical condition - determining realistic vs potentially unrealistic goals and aspirations
counseling can be viewed from which 3 perspectives?
- helping
- a process
- problem solving (have a plan for relapse)
counseling uses 2 approaches ish
- it is not what?
- use classic communication skills + use a problem solving approach
- no psychotherapy! (we’re not therapists)
what are the 5 core conditions of effective counseling?
- developing a relationship and establishing a rapport
- empathy and communication of empathy
- unconditional positive regard and non-judgemental stance
- authenticity and genuineness
- congruence
define authenticity and genuineness? how to show ish?
- appraiser should express genuine concern for clients
- effective attending and listening will enhance authenticity. are you interested in their needs and concerns?
unconditional positive regard and non-judgemental stance –> clients should not (3)
- feel that they are being judged
- perceive that the appraiser has a negative view of them
- preacher stance may alienate them
define congruence
- discrepancy btw client’s real and desired self, unrealistic vs realistic goal –> must be congruence between appraiser and client
- dictionary: agreement or harmony, compatibility
- trust for the appraiser develops when?
- trust for the appraiser develops when clients sense the appraiser truly understands what they are going through
what are 5 ways to show active listening?
- open and closed questions. mostly open questions!
- restating (to make sure you’re understanding)
- paraphrasing (and ask if that’s correct)
- reflection of meaning and feeling
- summarizing!
what are 6 ways communication can break down?
- allowing your mind to wander
- giving advice without listening (2 way listening)
- being insincere or condescending
- using inappropriate humour (remain professional!)
- appearing to be inattentive
- being insensitive to clients’ concerns or judging their behaviour (normalize!)