Stomach Flashcards
What causes gastroduodenal ulceration?
Disequilibirum between mucosal aggressive factors (hydrochloric acid, pepsin, bile acids, organic acid) and protective factors (mucus and bicarbonte)
Where are mucosal protective factors more developed?
In the glandular mucosa
What is the cause of ulcers in the squamous mucosa
Infrequent feeding and recumbency (low gastric pH in foals) → prolonged exposure to acid
Feed deprivation
Time of feeding and type of roughage source
Concurrent dz or gastric outflow obstruction, ↓ gastric motility, or delayed gastric emptying
Desquamation of squamous epithelium in foals
Which types of roughage is good for gastric ulcers?
Alfalfa (less acidity and lower gastric ulcer scores)
High protein and Ca concentration provide buffering of acid 5 hrs after feeding
Stimulate production of bicarb rich saliva
Squamous gastric ulcers frequent with _______
Performance horses → prolonged exposure to acid, exercise and abdominal pressure
Which organic acids act synergistically with hydrochloric acid?
Volatile fatty acids: fermentation byproducts of carbohydrates induce injury to gastroesophageal (squamous) mucosa → penetrate squamous mucosa when acid concentrations high → cell damage, inflamm. and ulceration
Causes of ulcers in the glandular mucosa
Due to disruption of blood flow and ↓ mucus and bicarb secretion
Back diffusion of H+ ions and damage
Inhibition of PGs
What does blocking PG synthesis do?
↓mucosal blood flow, stimulate gastric acid secretion and inhibits bicarb
Stop production of surface- acting phospholipids
What inhibits PGs?
Endogenous corticosteroids, parturition, training and confinement
CS of gastroduodenal ulcers in foals
Intermittent colic after suckling/ eating
Interrupted nursing due to discomfort
Diarrhea or history of diarrhea
Pyloric obstruction (bruxism- grinding teeth and ptyalism)
Advanced gastroduodenal ulceration
Partial blockage of the duodenum due to the structure by scar formation
Disrupts gastric emptying —> secondary squamous gastritis and esophagitis
CS of gastroduodenal ulceration in adult horses
Poor appetite, fullness, attitude changes, decreased performance, reluctance to train, poor body condition, rough hair coat, WL, excessive recumbency, and low-grade colic
Definitive dx of gastroduodenal ulcers
Fiberoptic endoscope
5-6 ft in foals, 11 ft in horses
What is the most common medical cause of gastroduodenal ulcers in horses?
Phenyl-butazone toxicity
usually just stress from clinics
Main tx for gastroduodenal ulcers
Omeprazole: inhibits gastric acid secretion
Other gastroduodenal ulcer tx
Type 2 histamine antagonists: cimetidine, ranitidine
Magnesium hydroxide antacids
Sucralfate (mucosal protectant)
Sx tx for ulcers in foals
Pylorus: gastrojejunostomy
Duodenum (prox to heparicopancreatic ampulla): gastroduodenostomy
Duodenum (distal to heparicopancreatic ampulla): duodenojejunostomy
Pylorus and duodenum: subtotal gastrectomy and gastroduodenostomy
Complications for ulcers
Septic peritonitis
Blind loop syndrome
Reflux alkalotic gastritis
Prognosis for ulcers
Duodenal structures have the worst prog
30-50% for life on average