Endocrinology of Horses (PPID and EMS) Flashcards
Pathophysiology of PPID
Hypertrophy/hyperplasia of Pars intermedia (neoplasia) → Loss of dopaminergic control (oxidative stress and ↓ dopamine secretion and loss in inhibition) → Excess proopiolipomelanocortin (POMC, no neg feedback control) → ↑ ACTH and hyperadrenocorticism
What products are produced from Pars intermedia dysfunction
↑ cortisol
MSH and ↑ androgen from adrenal cortex: Hirtuism
Compression of Pars nervosa: seizures
B-endorphins: lethargy
CS associated with ↑ cortisol?
Protein depletion in dermis
Protein catabolism
IR (laminitis)
Resting plasma ACTH or a MSH (test for PPID)
Collect blood in EDTA tube
Resting ACTH >35 pg/ ml (not cortisol)
TRH stimulation test (test for PPID)*
Most sensitive for early cases
Corticotrophs abnormally stimulated by TRH (give IV)
If @ baseline >36 pg/ ml, >110 pg/mL @ 10 min (measures ACTH response)
Drugs for tx PPID
Pergolide mesylate
Pergolide mesylate
Doperminergic agonist → compensates for less dopaminergic neurons and slows progression
Long-acting dopamine receptor agonist
Inhibits action of excitatory NT serotonin
Equine metabolic syndrome (EMS)
A cluster of risk factors that indicate that a horse is greater risk of developing endocrine laminitis
Pathophysiology of EMS
↓ in tissue response to circulating insulin which impairs insulin-mediated glucose → more insulin secreted from pancreas to compensate for lower tissue response → hyperinsulinemia → laminitis
Resting serum insulin (test for EMS)
Blood collected after short fasting period
Insulin > 20 uU/ mL, baseline elevated
False negs, poor sensitivity
Oral sugar test/ OST (test for EMS)
More sensitive
Syrup given → 60-90 min to collect blood → place in a red top/ purple top tube
Leptin baseline (test for EMS)
Hormone produced by adipocytes
↑ in EMS horses
EMS management
Limit calorie intake, eliminate pasture access and ↑ exercise
Forage with non-structural carbs <10% with soaking and balancer feeds
Avoid treats and high fat feeds
No exercise with laminitis