Sterilization Flashcards
Prevention of Contact with Microoganisms by disinfecetion and sterilization
Process that kill all forms of Microbes physical and chem
Eliminates many pathogens(not spores… inhibit growth)
Living, stops growth or action of microorganisms
physical disinfection
Bioling, filter, paseurization
Phsical Steriliation
Heat, Radiation, UV
Chemical Sterilization
Chemical Disinfection
Infections that origninate in hospital like settings
Nosocomial Infection
Infections acquired before administration
Infections acquired after administrat
Nosocomial infections
Patients own microbiota
Transmission of organism from external enviroment to patient
Causes a range of illness from skin to wound to pneumonia and blood. LEads to steptous and death. Most common healthcare-associated infection
Few treatment bacteria due to antibiotic resistance
A set of coordinated strategies to improve the use of antimicrobial meds with to reduce resistance to antibiotic and reduce costs
Antimicrobials stewardship
Substances used to treat infectous disease
Antibacterials come from
Fungi or bacteria, also chem synthesized
The lowest concentration able to inhibit microorganisms growth in vitro
Minimal inhibitory concentration
Target of Antibacterials
that which is not present in eukaryotes (cell wall, 70s ribosome, Folic acid synth)
Cell wall targeting
Penicillins, VAncomycin
DNA synth target
RNA synth target
Plasma membrane target
Ribsome target
Aminoglycoside(30s), macrolides(50s)
Folic acid target
What is Penicillin
A beta Lactam
What is Vancomycin
Non-beta-lactam (glycopeptide antimicrobials)
How Beta-LActams work
Bind to transpeptidase and inhibit cross linking of amino acid side chains
What is Transpeptidase
Penicillin-binding proteins (target of Beta lactams)
Action of Non-beta-lactams
Inhibit assembly of the linear peptiodglycan binding directly to amino acid side chains to prevent peptidoglycan cross linking
Treat MRSA
Action of Chloramohenicol
Bind to amino acids
Macrolide action
Bind to tRNA and 50s
Action of Streptogramins and oxazolidinones
50s block
Action of AMinoglycosides
30s block
Action of Tetracyclins
30s block
Action of sulfonamides and trimethoprin
Inhibit folate synth
Action of Rifampin
Inhibit RNA polymerase
Action of Metronidazole
Breaks DNA
Action of Quinolones
inhibit DNA topoisomers and gyrase
Action of amphotericin
Bind to sterol-contain membranes of fungi
Action of polymyxins
Disrupt gram negative outer membrane as a detergent
Mechanisms of Resistance
Efflux pumps Blocked Penetraion Altered target Enzymatic inactivation Genetic resitsance
Why MRSA is reistant to Methicillin
Altered PBP’s
treating MRSA
Non-beta lactans
Why can’t Vancomysin attack VRSA
Altered peptide is a dipeptide so reduced affininty
the innate ability of a bcaterial species to resist activty of antimicrobial agent though structure and function characteristis
Intrinisc Resitsance
when a speices develops resistance to anitbiotic
Acquired resitsance
Mutational resistanec
Mutation chanages ti so antibacterial no longer has effect