Stepping Stones to Walking Flashcards
Motivation is Key!
- M = Motivate…
- O = ? the environment
- T = ? to promote your purpose
- I = Instruct…
- V = ? the activity
- A= ? good posture
- T = Talk through the…
- I = Involve the…
- O = ? of development is important
- N = ? objects are helpful
- M =Motivate a child or infant to move
- O = Organize the environment to provide desired movement
- T =Toys to promote your purpose are essential
- I = Instruct family in strategies
- V = Vary the activity to produce the same outcome
- A = Achieve good posture throughout movement
- T = Talk through the movement
- I = Involve the family
- O = Order of development is important
- N = Novel objects are a helpful motivator
Principles of Developmental Direction
Flip to review, not a real question
- Child moves reflexively first
- Generalized (aka total) before local
- Proximal moving distally
- Medial before lateral
- Cephalocaudal
- Cervical to rostral
- Gross motor before fine motor
- Flexor muscle tone develops before extensor
- Extensor anti-gravity control before flexor anti-gravity
- Weight bearing on flexed arms before extended
How does dynamic mobility aid motor development?
It helps in progressing towards more functional movement patterns.
What are handling techniques used for?
To promote movement through the developmental progression.
How should handling techniques be applied?
With careful control, facilitating movement and stability.
Why is weight shifting important?
It promotes typical movement patterns by facilitating balanced movement.
How can weight shifting be promoted?
Through activities that encourage shifting weight from one side to another.
What developmental positions are important for motor progression?
- supine
- prone
- sidelying
- quadruped
- tall kneel
- half kneel
- standing
Why is supine an important developmental position?
It helps develop anti-gravity movements and body coordination.
What is the significance of prone position?
It aids in developing head control and trunk stability.
What does the quadruped position promote?
It promotes stability in arms and legs, preparing for creeping.
Why is standing important in gross motor development?
It prepares the child for weight-bearing and walking.
What role does motivation play in motor development?
It encourages a child to move and explore, driving developmental progress.
How can toys be used to motivate a child to move?
They can be used as a target for reaching, pulling, and other movements.
Why is variety important in promoting motor development?
It ensures the child develops a wide range of movements and responses.
What is the first direction of motor development?
Child moves reflexively first.
What is meant by proximal to distal development?
Movement control develops first near the body’s center and progresses outward.
What is cephalocaudal development?
Development proceeds from the head down through the body.
Which develops first, flexor or extensor muscle tone?
Flexor muscle tone develops before extensor tone.
Why is hand placement important when facilitating movement?
Where you place your hands affects stability and movement control.
How does proximal support differ from distal support?
Proximal support offers more stability, while distal support allows more movement.
What is the significance of covering more surface area with your hands?
The more surface area your hands cover, the more assist you’re providing.
What is the initial prone progression?
Physiological flexion, followed by prone on elbows and extended arms.
How can prone on elbows be promoted?
By positioning the elbows under the shoulders and supporting the pelvis.
At what age does segmental rolling develop?
Around 6 months of age.
What is the progression from sitting to standing?
- supported sitting,
- propped sitting,
- half ring sit,
- long sit,
- side sit,
*pull to stand.
What strategies can promote pull to stand?
Using toys for motivation and practicing weight shifts with support.
How does independent walking develop?
By practicing with push toys, cruising, and eventually unsupported steps.