STD pg2 to Mental health pg3 Flashcards
Chancre DDx
Clamydia -Painful (Soft) “weepy”
Chancroid - Painful (Soft) “Bloody”
Syphilis - Painless (Hard)
Chlamydia DDx
Lymphogranuloma Venereum
Reiter’s disease (feet)
Asymptomatic Female DDx
Gonorrhea (knee)
Human Papilloma virus (HPV)
Asymptomatic Male DDx
Canidia albicans
Discharge DDx Gonorrhea - Trichomonas - Chronic vaginitis - Candidiasis - Herpes - Chlamydia -
Gonorrhea - Copius & clear Trichomonas - Frothy, foul & itchy Chronic vaginitis - Foul & itchy Candidiasis - Curdy & itchy Herpes - Watery Chlamydia - Yellow
MC SDT in US. Yellow, odorless copiusdischarge leads to nongonococcal and nonspecific genitourinary infection (NGU), painful soft lesions, Reiter’s (feet). Asymptomatic in females
Neisseria gonorrhea, tonsillitis, pharyntgitis -> arthritis(knee), gram negative Coipious clear discharge from the urethra (Skene’s& Bartholin’s glands) Male (urethritis &epididimitis) Female (vaginitis, salpinitis, arthritis)
painful vessicles, latency, tissue culture, red lesions with yellow oozing center, watery discharge, contagious. Type 1 & 2 recurrent, prodome of itching. Treatment: Valtrex, L-lysine, acyclovir
Trichomonas Vaginalis (Protozoa) Females - greenish yellow, severly itchy, foul discharge. Males - Asymptomatic
Haemophilus Ducrey (aka soft chancre). Lesions rapidly ulcerate and beed. large, painful ulcers, pus ->buboes (bloody)
Candida Albicans, thrush, yeast, fungus, moniliasis. Gram Positive, red, itchy & irritable. Female - White cheese material covers vaginal walls. Males - usually asymptomatic , Treatment: Acedophilus and Lactobacillus
Treponema Pallidum (Spirochete)There are3 stages, can be congenitaly contracted
Syphilis stage 1
Primary (4-8 wks) Painless lesion, hard, indurated, singular
Syphilis stage 2
Secondary (appears at 12 weeks) Rash (80%), persists for months. Lymphadenopathy (50%). Condylomata lata (warts). Alopecia (hair loss)
Syphilis stage 3
Tertiary (about 1/3 develop if untreated). Gumma (skin, viscera granulomatous lesion). General Paresis (Dementia), Argyll Robertson pupil. Tabes dorsalis, Romberg’s test, Charcot’s joints. FTA -ABS, VDRL, RPR, Wassermann, Darkfield Microscopy
Congenital Syphilis
Hutchinson’s triad: saddle nose, interstitial keratosis, peg teeth
Lymphogranuloma Venereum
(caused by Chlamydia) Enlarged regional inguinal lymph nodes that may lead to elephantitis and rectal abscesses
Granuloma Inguinale
Donovania Granulomatous (Donovans hamburger) painless, velvety, slow going. Bright Beefy red granulomatus lesions. Diagnosis: Giemsa/Wright stain to demonstrate Donovan bodies
Genital Warts
Human Papiloma Virus (16&18). Condlomata Acuminata cervical dysplasia leads to cervical cancer. Usually small, itchy, cluster(cauliflower), speculum (screen), PAP (confirm - specific test)
Molluscum contagiosum
Multiple skin tags the exfoliate, waxy papules
Autoimmune - MC type,bulla lesion, lethal middle aged, south americans, IgG (many types)
Dermatitis Herpetiformis
(aka ichthyosis bullous siemens) Genital and extensor lesions, bulla, vesicles, papules, IgA (tip). Itchy, peeling, blistering, bluten sensitive, hereditary (blacks, Asians)
Voluntary Motor
Posterior edge frontal lobe & cerebellum
Personality, problem solving
frontal lobe
Somatosensory (temperature, pressure, position)
anterior edge of parietal lobes
Vision (color & shape)
Occipital lobe
Auditory & Smell
Superior temporal lobe
Speech (motor)
Broca’s area in frontal lobe (left hemisphere)
Speech (sensory, planning & understanding)
Wernick’s area at junction of parietal, temporal, & occipital lobes
Biological drives (thirst, hunger)
Emotions (limbic)
Near corpus callosum & temporal lobe
Visual & spacial
Right parietal
Understanding language
Left parietal
Left Brain Hemisphere Attributes
Analytical, speech, organization, time awareness, visual, needs a reason to follow rules, enjoys sensory stimulation
Right Brain Hemisphere Attributes
Intuitive, Music & art appreciation, drawing ability, words to remember, follows rules, likes to observe rather than participate
History of mental health Pre and Post 1960s
Pre: Isolation, lobotomies, electronoconculsive shock therapy (ECT) Post: Drugs, therapy, de-instiutionalization
Spear’s Chiropractic Hospital details
1955 very successful with mental disease
Theory of Reasoned Action
Perception + family/friends + beliefs = Action (to go to Chiropractor or nto to go to Chiropractor
Communication is based on
Speech, eye contact, body language, body contact and language
combination of open ended and direct questions
Hostility has a strong connection to
chronic heart disease
non reversable deterioration of cognition and behavior
often reversable acute confusion that may fluctuate