STATS Flashcards
Observational study
We observe the behavior or ask people questions as they are going about their day to day lives. Ex. Call people and ask them how often they eat out.
We impose some treatment on people and then observe their behavior or ask questions. Ex. Give people a drug and then do chemical analysis of their blood.
Confounded variables
wo variables where the effect of one on the dependent variable cannot be separated from the effect of the other. Ex. If you take drugs and drink alcohol and then have a car accident, the effect of the drugs vs. the alcohol cannot be separated from each other as the cause of the accident.
The set of everything. Ex. All the people in America
A small group pulled from the population. Ex. Sample 40 voters from the population of America
Voluntary response sampling
People volunteer to give data for a study. Ex. people text to a phone number if they agree with a statement and text to a different one if they disagree
Convenience sampling
Convenience sampling People are selected to be in a sample because of convenience or low expense. Ex. Mall intercepts, or asking the people on the floor of your dorm to fill out a survey.
Bias (1)
Bias (1) Systematically favoring a certain outcome from research
imple random sampling
Label all the people in the population with a number. Have a computer select a set of random numbers in that range. People labeled with the number are selected for the sample. Therefore, every person or sub-group of people has an equal chance of being in the sample.
Stratified sampling
First breaking the population into natural segments (called strata) and then using random sampling within the strata. Ex. Radio stations or types of colleges (community colleges, public universities, private universities, stand-alone liberal arts colleges)
Multi stage sampling
Basically practicing stratified sampling repeatedly to get to a final sample.
Where some members of the population cannot be selected for the sample. Ex. People without phones if one is collecting data over the phone.
Non response
When an individual selected for the sample does not provide information.
Response bias
Not answering truthfully when asked question about sensitive subjects. Ex. “How much pot do you smoke”
people who are involved in the experiment
A unique combination of levels of factors given to a set of subjects
Placebo Effect
When a subject thinks that they are feeling better simply because they are involved in a study. Ex. A subject reports decreased amounts of pain even though he is being give a pill that does not contain any drug in it.
Completely Randomized Design
Within an experiment, use random sampling to assign the subjects to the different treatments
Statistical Significance
A finding that is unlikely to be due to random chance alone
Double Blind Experiment
Double Blind Experiment Neither the researcher nor the subject knows who is receiving which treatments in a study.
Random or Stochastic phenomenon
The outcome of any one trial is unknown, but after a large number of trials the expected pattern is seen. Ex. Relatively equal number of heads and tails in a large number of tosses or a coin.
he pieces of a Probability Model
See below: S, event, probability to assign chances of seeing the even occur
Sample space—the set of everything that can happen in a random phenomenon
The thing of interest in a random phenomenon. Ex. Role an even number on a single roll of a die.