Statistics 1929-1945 Flashcards
What were the number of people unemployed on 1928 compared to 1930?
Unemployment in 1928 was at 1.4 million people, with 3.1 million unemployed by 1930
What were the percentages that Hitler and Paul Von Hindenburg got in the 1932 elections?
Hitler got 36% of the vote, only beaten by Hindenburg at 53%
What were the number of deputies the NSDAP, KPD and the SPD received in 1930?
The NSDAP got the second highest with 107 deputies, beaten by the SPD with 143 deputies at the top, the KPD had 77 seats
Between 1930-1932 how many minor bills were passed in comparison to how many emergency degrees were ratified by the President
Between 1930-1932 the Reichstag only passed 29 relatively minor bills while 109 emergency degrees were ratified by the President
How many were unemployed in 1929, 1931 and 1932?
Just under 2 million unemployed in 1929, to 4.5 million in 1931 and nearly 6 million in 1932 and by that point, a third of Germans had no regular wages
What were the main reasons why Weimar fell
- Weimar’s inheritance from the Kaiserreich and WW1
- The state of the economy, reparations, the invasion of the Ruhr, and hyperinflation
- Social disunity amongst the people and political leaders, to many parties in the reichstag
- The treaty of Versailles
- There were barely any strong leaders
- Weakness in the formation of the Weimar constitution, such as article 48
- Due to the poor stability in Weimar, Hitler could make a scapegoat out of anything
When was the SA Ban lifted, and by who?
Franz Von Papen in June 1932
When was the Reichstag Fire?
27th February 1933
When was the Reichstag fire decree?
28th February 1933
What did the Reichstag fire decree allow Hitler to do?
- The power to contain all political, social, and military rivals
- Gave Hitler the power the dissolve parties such as the KPD
When was the enabling act passed?
23rd March 1933
What was the Reichstag fire?
A communist arsonist Marius Van der Lubbe set the Reichstag on fire, Hitler used this as propaganda to rid the country of the “boogieman” that is communism, by giving Hitler powers to quash rivals
What were some important people killed in the Night of the Long Knives?
- General von Kahr (From the Munich Putsch)
- Von Schleicher
- Gregor Strasser (Hitlers opposition in the party)
- Rohm (head of the SA)
What were the main aspects of the Nazi ideology
- Control of the media
- Supremacy of state
- Supremacy of race
- Authoritarian leadership
- Social Darwinism
- Territory expansion (weltpolitik)
- Anti communism
- Anti semitism
- Architecture similar to the Romans (the eagles) to connote power
What were the election results for the Nazis and SPD in July 1932?
37.3% if the vote, getting them 230 seats in the Reichstag, making 1 in every 4 people voted for Hitler and the Nazis. SPD got 133 seats in comparison. Extremist vote due to Papen forcing his authoritarian control in the Prussian Coup, electing himself Reich Commissioner in July 1932
How many votes did the Nazis get in 1932?
13 million votes
What did the Hitler myth include?
- Popular justice (doing what the people want)
- National interest (working for overall interests, not just his own)
- Economic miracle (lack of unemployment and good industry credited to him)
- Protected Germany from enemies (Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, anybody who was lazy, the world, also stood up for German rights, freedom, and recapturing land)
- Military genius (better than Ludendorff and Hindenburg)
How many times did the Cabinet meet during 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936 and 1938
1933 they met 72 times, 1934 met 19 times, 1935 met 12 times, 1936 met 4 times, 1938 did not meet at all, shows a disconnect between Hitler and the Cabinet, disunity and chaos
How many members did the Nazi party have in 1933, 1939 and 1945?
1933 they had 2.5 million members, 1939 they had 5.3 million members, and by 1945 they had 8 million members
When was Nazi party membership made compulsory
In the two rounds in the elections in 1932 how many votes did Hitler and Paul Von Hindenburg get?
In the first round Hitler got 11,000 million votes and Hindenburg got 18,000 million votes, in the second round Hitler got 13,000 million votes and Hindenburg for 19,000 million votes
How many men were in the SA by 1931?
Over 100,000 men were in the SA by 1931
How many seats in the Reichstag and drop in percentage of votes for the Nazis drop between July-November 1932
Seats dropped from 230-196 and percentage of voters dropped from 37.3-33.1%, due to hitlers repeated attacks on Papen and refusal to accept the vice chancellorship
When was Hitler appointed chancellor?
30th January 1933
The elections in March 1933 gave the Nazis what percentage of the total vote cast?
43.9% of the total vote cast
What did the Enabling act allow Hitler to do?
Enabled him to issue laws without the consultation of the Reichstag for a period of 4 years
What is Gleichschaltung?
A coordination process where all German industries were to conform to national socialist ideals
What did the Law for the Restoration of the Professional civil service allow Hitler to do?
Enabled the Nazis to remove Jews and other political opponents from all civil service positions
When was the Law for the restoration of the professional civil service passed?
1933 April
When were all trade unions disbanded and workers forced to join the DAF (German labour front)
May 1933
When was the SPD banned?
June 1933
When was the concordat with the Catholic Church made?
July 1933
What did the concordat with the Catholic Church do
The church is banned from political activity in return for a promise that its religious freedom will be upheld
What percentage of the votes did the Nazi candidates win in November 1933?
When was the Night of the Long knives?
30 June 1934
When did Paul Von Hindenburg die?
2 August 1934
When was the law against the establishment of parties passed?
July 1933 (alongside the concordat with the church) which made it a criminal offence to organise a non Nazi party
What is Fuhrerprinzip
Belief in a strong leader as a necessary instrument for the achievement of national greatness
What is Lebensruam
Belief that the superior Aaryan race was entitled to “living space” at the expenses of lesser races
What is Volksgemeinschaft
Class divisions and the interests of individuals should be subordinate to those of racially superior Aaryans
Between 1933-1939 how many Germans were convicted of political crimes
225,000 Germans were convicted of political crimes
How many pastors were incarcerated in March 1937?
800 pastors were incarcerated due to opposing the Nazi regime
What happens despite the concordat between the church and the Nazis in July 1933
The Nazis closed down Catholic schools, youth groups and newspapers
When was the July Bomb Plot?
20th July 1944
Who was involved in the July Bomb Plot?
- Ludwig Beck (the army chief of staff from 1935 until 1938 where he resigned in protest of the Nazi movement)
- Military officer Von Stauffenberg
- Dr Schacht
How much of a budget deficit was there by the end of 1929?
There was a budget deficit of 1700 million marks
How much did the value of German exports drop between 1929 compared to 1932
In 1929 German exports were at £630 million and by 1932 they had fallen to £280 million
What did Hitler do in March 1933 regarding debts?
Hitler suspended 12 billion Reichmarks among all peasants to gain popularity
How many Germans were sent to concentration camps between 1933-1939?
1.3 million Germans were sent to concentration camps
When was Dr Schachts Economic plan
How much did unemployment drop between 1932-1936?
1932 unemployment was at 6 million, with 1.5 million unemployed in 1936, but Jews and Women were excluded from the later statistics by the Nazis
How much did production increase due to Schachts economic plan?
Production increased by 50%
How much did Government spending on Rearmament increase between 1933-1939?
Rearmament increased from 1933 with 3.5 billion marks, to 1939 with 26 billion marks being spent
What were the positives of Schachts economic plan?
- Unemployment “dropped”
- Large landowners benefited from increased demand for food in a growing economy, made them encouraged to boost food supply
- Production increased
- Workers prices and rent were fixed, which gave them economic stability
- The autobahn network was created, provided efficient transport
What were the negatives of Schachts economic plan?
- Women and Jews were pushed out of unemployment stats and out of jobs
- R.A.D. we’re compulsory for men and we’re only paid “pocket money”, and not included in unemployment stats
- Battle for production was flawed, lack of machinery coupled with bad harvests led to a flop
When did Reparations end? And by who?
Reparations were postponed due to Bruning in 1931, and ended in June 1932 under Papen
When was Goring’s four year plan?
What was Goring’s four year plan?
- Self sufficiency
- Plants were built for synthetic materials (artificial rubber called Buna)
- Promotion of the chemical industry and development of synthetic fuels (using coal to make oil)
- Development of steelworks that could use Germany’s lower grade ores
- Production of heavy machinery
By 1939 what was the amount of imports of raw materials? Despite Goring’s four year plan
One third of raw materials was still being imported (such as iron ore, rubber and oil)
When was the bible banned in Germany?
When were the Nuremberg Laws? And who were they aimed at? What did it do?
The Nuremberg Laws were aimed at the Sinti, Roma and Jews to prevent them marrying Aryans (due to their inferior racial being) in 1935, made them have no political rights, and deprived them of citizenship
When was the 1 day boycott for Jewish shops and businesses?
March 1933, encouraged by Hitler and the SA
When was Reichskristallnacht?
9-10 November 1938
What was Reichskristallnacht?
A series of attacks unofficially encouraged by the police, which destroyed Jewish businesses, homes and shops
What were the casualties from Reichskristallnacht?
91 were murdered, 200,000 sent to concentration camps and 100s were injured
When were Jews barred from entering Aaryan only areas?
What happened at the Wansee Conference? When was it?
January 1942, 6 million Jews were gassed and exterminated in camps created near Auchwitz, and gave inspiration to the “final solution”
When were there book burnings in Germany?
May 1933
When was the Protestant Reich Church established? Who was the Reich Bishop?
May 1933, Reich bishop being Ludwig Muller
When was the Confessional Church formed? What was it?
Formed in October 1934, 100 pastors headed by Martin Neinmoller refused to acknowledge the Reich Church, to protect the church and state interference from the Nazis
How many children were murdered by 1945 from lethal injections for being “biological outsiders”
5000 were killed by lethal injections
What was programme “14F13”? When was it?
1941-1944, A programme that led to the gassing of between 30,000-50,000 people suffering from mental illness or physical incapacity
How many people were euthanised between 1939-1941
100,000 were euthanised, with 20,000 being children, as they were not seen fit to carry on the German legacy
When was the League of German girls created? What was it?
June 1930, a group that was nazified to prepare girls for motherhood, and were the only legal group of female youths in Germany
When was the Nazi Lecturers Association set up by?
November 1933 (uni lecturers were required to swear declaration of support of Hitler)