1945 Upwards Flashcards
When was the Yalta Coneference? Who joined it?
4-11 Feburaury 1945 with Churchill, Stalin and FDR
What was Marshall Aid? When was it?
June 1947 George Marshall (US secretary of state) called for large sums of money and machinery to be distributed to promote European recovery (helped to recover trade and industry). Soviets rejected it and forced their satelite states to reject it also
What happened in 1948 regarding reformation of the economy?
The Bank Deutscher Lander was established in 1948. And later on June 1948 the Deutschmark was issued in the Western Zones replacing the Reichsmark. The Soviets declared that the Western currency reform had broken the Potsdam agreement which stated that Germany should be treated as a single economic unit. Possession of it in the Soviet zone would be a criminal offence, and the reform provoked the Soviet authorities still further and broke relations
What happened between the 20-23 June 1948?
Road and railway traffic to and from Berlin was halted, to protect the Soviet Zone from an influx of the okd devalued currency. And on the 23rd the SMAD the issued the Ostmark
What happened at the Yalta conference?
- Germany was to be split into 4 different spheres
- Russia agreed to help invade Japan in exchange for land lost in the Russo Japanese war before the Manhattan project came into effect (1905)
- The 4 D’s were issued
How much % of Germanys coal and steel did the UK zone hold?
They held 87% of Germanys coal and 70% if their steel
What happened in March 1946?
The ‘Law for Liberation from National Socialism’ established new tribunals staffed by Germans but supervised by the allies to investigate ex nazi members. Each zone had its own Minister of Denazification and turned over responsibility to the Germans
What were the 4 D’s?
Denazification, decentralisation, democratisation and demilitarisation
When did Hitler commit suicide?
30th April 1945 while the battle for Berlin raged
How many Germans had been killed in WW2?
6.5 million Germans were killed and many were still unacounted for
In the first elections for the FRG in August 1949, what was the voter turnout to that of the election in 1933?
In August 1949 the voter turnout was at 78.5%, and the 1933 election there was a 88.7% voter turnout
How many seats the the CDU/CSU, KPD and SPD gain in the first election?
CDU/CSU gained 139 seats, KPD at only 15 seats and SPD at 131 seats
When did allied occupation of zones end?
May 1955
When was the Basic Law passed? What was it?
In May 1949 The Basic Law approved the new West German constitution
When was the Reinstatement act? What was it?
1951, the Reinstatement act made it so ex nazis could be re-emplyed into the civil services
How many nazis were re-employed in the 1950s due to the Reinstatement Act?
40-80% of officials, including members of the judicairy were former ex nazis
Between 1949-1957 how many seats did the SPD and CDU increase by?
CDU increased from 139-270 seats and the SPD increased from 131-169 seats
How much did the Marshall Plan give?
The Marshall Plan gave $15 million to provide aid
What happened in 1952 regarding Isreal and Germany?
100 billion Deutchmarks were sent to Isreal in 1952 by Adenuaer in conpensation for the Nazis on the Jewish
What was the outcome of Adenuaer sending money to Isreal?
- This raised Germanys status internationally but domestically it was met with opposition from the public and his cabinet
- Indicated that Germany was excepting guilt for the war (Versailles)
- Might have had a negative effect ok Germanys already crippled economy
When was the Equalisation of Burdens Act, what did it do?
1953, it gave compensation to victims of wartime bombing/those effected by the Nazis. Claims were verified by the new government committe
How many members of the foreign ministry created in 1949 were Nazis?
Out of the 49 members, 39 members were ex nazis
When was the Reconstruction Law? What did it do?
1950, the Reconstruction Law aimed to build houses and apartments (which also increased job opportunities)
How long did Hans Globke serve as Secretary of State?
1953-1963, he was an ex nazi
What parties did Adenuaer shut down for being anti democratic and extremist?
- The SRP (Socialist Reich Party) in 1952
- And the KDP in 1956
When was the Bad Godesberg Programme? What was it?
In 1959 the program made the SPD drop its commitment for anti capitalism and accepted supporting Western integration
When did Adenauer run for presidency? What happened?
In 1959 Adenuaer ran for President of the FRG, but withdrew because he could not identify a protege to replace himself as chancellor- his arrogant behaviour caused friction in his party
When was the Berlin Wall erected? What did it do to weaken Adenuaer?
In 1961 the GDR erected the Berlin Wall. Despite the outcry in the west, Adenuaer didn’t visit Berlin until later, allowing Brandt to accuse him of indifference
What were the election results for 1961?
In the 1961 elections the CDU/CSU vote fell to 46% from 50.2% in 1957, the FDP increased its vote from 7.7% to 12.8%- increased influence
What was the only condition Adenuaer could secure his coalition after the fall in reputation in the 1960s?
Adenuaer negotiated a coalition but only on the terms he would resign in favour of Erhard after 2 years. However after a political scandal he had to resign after 1 year
When was the Spiegel Affair? What was it?
In 1963 Adenuaers defence minister Franz-Josef Strauss ordered the arrest of the editors of Magazine Dee Speigel after it published an article condemning the insufficiencies of the army (Bundeswehr). Police seized the journalists at night (similar to the Nazis)
What was an outcome of the Spiegel affair?
- Promoted a press outcry, student demonstrations
- Resignation of the 5 FDP ministers in Adenuaers cabinet. Without the FDP the CDU/CSU led coalition couldn’t survive
- the FDP’s price for return was the dismissal of Strauss and the resignation of Adenuaer- both were granted
What were the Schwabing riots? When were they?
In the summer of 1962 police took action against Buskers, led to violent clashes between youths and the Munich police. This made the city and police rethink their police policy on intervention- linked with Adenuaer as he encouraged them and got him lack of support from youths
What was the growth of the GDP in the FRG in the 1950s compared to the 1960s
GDP growth rate was 8.2% in the 1950s and by the 1960s it was at 4.6% growth rate
How much was lent to Germany from the Marshall plan between 1948-1952
$1.5 billion to help German industry
What was the unemployment rate in the 1950s despite a flow of refugees from the GDR
0.5% unemployment
How much did investment increase between 1950s to 1960s?
Investing increased from 19% to 24% partly through government schemes and reinvestment profits
What was the size of the FRGs economy by 1960
By 1960 the FRG had the 3rd largest economy in the world after USA and USSR
What was the percentage of exports that was cars, electrical goods and chemical products in 1950?
50% of exports were cars, electrical goods and chemical products in 1950
What was the Co-Determination law? What did it do?
1951, made workers in iron and steel industries have some say in management discussions
The Social Market Economy wasn’t infallible, what did Erhard do to counteract this?
In the 1950s he implemented government ‘work creation schemes’ to reduce unemployment
What was the Investment Aid Law? When was it?
1951 provided government aid to heavy manufacturing industries
What is a social market economy?
- Private businesses were free to set their own prices and wages
- The state would regulate fair competition and fair labour relations, such as maintaining conditions in which industries could compete
What was the GDP growth rate in 1945?
0%, making any growth an improvement
What was the Brain Drain?
A drain of intellectuals and people from the GDR to the FRG, hence to the erection of the Berlin Wall in 1961
When was the Anti Trust Law? What was it?
The 1957 Anti Trust Law prevented the establishment of monopolies to increase competition
How was the worker shortage problem in the 1960s addressed?
The employment of guest workers (Gastarbeiter) who were encourage by government work schemes to come to the FRG (mainly from Southern Europe)
How many guest workers were there in an increase from 1959-1966?
150,000 in 1959 to 1.2 million in 1966, making up 10% of the workforce in the 1970s
What was the inflation increase in 1966?
4% inflation
How did Erhard try to address the economic slump in the 1960s?
- Erhard cut his spending plans by 10% and raising interest rates, this only plunged Germany further into recession and was forced to resign in November 1966
- He tried to suggest everyone working an extra hour a week with no pay- increased public angst
What was the Stabilisation Law? When was it?
1967 Stabilisation Law allowed the federal government to raise loans and alter taxes, and build funds for economic investment. A key statement of the FRGs commitment to economic growth, making employment, price stability and a healthy trade balance into prime governmental concern
How did Keisingers coalition deal with the recession?
- Stabilisation Law 1967
- An increase in taxation
- Public spending cuts of 2000 million marks
- Idea of ‘Kanzertierte Aktion’ encouraged a ‘constant exchange’ of views with all participants in industry
What was the industrial growth increase in 1968?
There was an industrial growth of 6% in 1968
What was inflation in 1969?
Inflation fell to 1.5% in 1969
What was the treaty of Paris? When was it?
April 1951 Treaty of Paris established a single authority, merging the coal, iron and steel industries of West Germany, France, Italy and so on, eliminating tariffs and creating a free labour market
When was the treaty of Rome, what was it?
March 1957 Treaty of Rome set up the EEC (European Economic Commission). Members agreed to establish common policies for agriculture, transport, capital and labour, and to establish common external tariffs
Why was membership to the EEC such a success for the FRG?
Between 1958-1968 trade amount the EEC members quadrupled in value
What did OPEC do to the price of crude oil in 1973? What did it do?
1973 OPEC doubled the price of crude oil, oil prices has virtually been unchanged since the 1950s, which meant a lower cost of oil in the booms years, and the now depend industries struggled with the higher prices
By 1974 what was the budget deficit?
By 1974 there was a budget deficit of $692 million though there was a surplus in 1973
How did Unions react to the economic crisis?
Unions went on strike to demand wage increases. Such as in January 1974 the union of public employees went on strike and forced an 11% increase in wages
What happened in 1979?
The Shah of Iran was overthrown, producing panic in the oil-producing nations and a 150% increase of oil prices between 1979-1980
How did the FRG keep inflation down between 1973-1979 compared to the rest of Europe?
The FRG kept inflation down to 4.7% between 1973-1979 while there was an 11.9% rate for inflation average in Western Europe, and growth rates had been greater than those in 1913 and 1950
How much did inflation decrease between 1966-1969?
Reduced from 4% to 1.5% between 1966-1969
How does an economic recession in the world effect Germany?
Economic recessions in other countries means lower exports, which leads to a lower GDP growth, leading to a recession in jobs as businesses cut corners, leading to also lower pay
Why was Schmidt voted out of office?
- He lost the vote of the FDP, leading to a vote of no confidence (swing party)
- He was pro nuclear energy and agreed to have American nuclear missiles installed in Germany (lost half of the support of SPD and Green Party)
- Schmidt drove the FDP back to support the CDU/CSU rather than the SPD
What was the elections results for the March 1983 elections?
The CDU had 48.8% of the vote and FDP 7%, giving them a 58 seat majority
What was Die Wende?
Die Wende (the turn) under Kohl’s government with a change from the SPD to CDU
What was the Bitburg affair? When was it?
The Bitburg Affair in 1985 Kohl invited Ronald Reagan to Germany, to place a wreath in a german cemetery known famously for housing dead SS members, atleast 49 were marked SS. Excuse was that a US military base was positioned nearby and Kohl thought it would show unity
What did Kohls government do to warp unemployment rates?
- Benefits were extended for the young unemployed to 21
- Early retirement
- Re-training schemes were introduced, these were also very unsuccessful
What did Kohl’s government do regarding taxes and business?
- He cut taxes which were good for businesses, but they were enrolled over a 7 year period (useless)
- Lowering taxes in the social market economy increases the potential of businesses
- Started privatisation, businesses had more power but normally neglected inheritance
What did Kohl do regarding the spending of the SPD government?
Kohl abandoned the spending of the SPD government since 1966, the annual budget was held at a 3% max but inflation was going up higher
How much did state involvement in the GDP drop in 1990?
It dropped from 52% to 46%
What was the GDP growth in 1988?
3.7% growth rate
Why did oil prices fall in 1985?
The USA started mass producing oil which increased exports for German industry
How much did inflation fall between 1981-1986?
Inflation fell from 6.2% to 0.6%
What was the unemployment rate in 1987?
Still at 2.2 million people
When did the Berlin Wall fall?
What was the percentage of families that owned automobiles rise by between 1960-1989
Rose from 25% to 65%