Statistics 1871-1918 Flashcards
How much coal did Germany increase in production between 1871-1913?
Went from producing 29.4 million tonnes to 191.5 million tonnes
How much did Germany’s railway expansion expand between 1890-1913?
42,000 Km to 63,000 Km
1878 only a million tonnes of sulphuric acid produced by the world combined, how much did Germany produce in 1907 alone?
1,402,000 tonnes of sulphuric acid alone
How much did production of electrical energy increase by between 1901-1915?
In 1913 what was the comparison between Germany, the USA and Britain regarding production of electrical goods?
Germany exported £11 million worth, USA and Britain combined exported £8 million worth of electrical goods
Comparison of exports and imports in 1890s Germany compared to 1913 Germany
1890 Germany was buying £200 million worth and selling £153 million worth, by 1913 Germany’s imports rose to £526 million worth, and exporting £495 million worth
How much did the German mark decrease in value between 1913-1918?
How much of the reichstag hated Bismarck by 1881?
How much did the SPD seats in the reichstag rise between 1878-1890?
Went from 9-35, with a party ship of 1.5 million
When were there conferences outside of Germany regarding socialism?
Switzerland in 1880 and Denmark in 1883
In 1890 how many workers belonged to trade unions?
278000 workers, strike activity increasing escalated
Why was the reichstag dissolved in 1887?
Reichstag rejected Bismarck’s 10% increase in taxation to fund the army growth, rejected in 1886, 1887 Bismarck created a war scare crisis to get his way and get his 10% increase passed
Some examples of the Reichstag gaining power near the 1890s
Rejection of the Severe Anti Socialist bill and Bill to increase the army by 125,000 men in 1890, didn’t get dissolved due to them getting their voice heard by the new Kaiser
What did Wilhelm declare in 1891?
“There is only one man in charge of the Reich, and I will not tolerate any other”
What were the two bills that got rejected by Hohenlohe in 1894 and 1899?
1894 Subversion Bill and 1899 Anti union bill, rejected by the reichstag
When was the Pan German League formed?
How many reichstag deputies did the Pan German League have by 1914?
60 reichstag deputies
How many votes did the SPD have in 1912?
Over 4 million votes, was the biggest party in the reichstag and the biggest SPD party in Europe at the time
How many votes was the “Peace Resolution” passed by in July 1917?
212 votes to 126, SPD, Zentrum and USPD in favour, conservatives against
By 1876 how many Catholic parishes were without priests?
Out of the 4600, 1400 were without priests
When was the Christian Anti Socialist party formed?
1878, anti Semitic Party
What was the size of the army in comparison to that of 1890 in 1914?
By 1914 the army size was 4 Million men (8 times the size of 1890)
How much did the real wages increase by between 1895-1913?
25% increased
By 1914 how many people were covered by the Sickness Insurance act?
15 million
How many people were insured against accidents by 1914?
28 million people
How many people received annual pensions by 1914?
1 million people
What was the average number of workers that would go on strike between 1905-1913?
200,000 trade union workers would go on strike
How much did the mortality rate go up between 1913-1918?
What was the comparison of average calories of someone in 1913 to someone in 1916
In 1913 average calories for a German citizen was 3400 and by 1916 it was an average of 1000
How many soldiers were killed from WW1? (German)
2 million soldiers were killed
How much did living standards drop by between 1913-1918?
Roughly 20-30%
What happened to the 13 metre tall figure of Hindenburg?
90,000 iron and 10,000 steel nails were driven into the base as a fundraiser for the war, by 1915 they had raised over 1.4 million marks for the German war effort
How many members did the German Fatherland Party have by 1918?
1.2 million members
How many votes did the SPD have by 1919?
Over 11 million votes
What did Bismarck try to set up in 1880?
Try to set up a Reich Council to bypass the reichstag, the scheme was rejected by the reichstag
When were the May Laws?
What did the May Laws do?
- Catholic Education came under state supervision
- Only those who had studied in Germany and passed a state exam could become a priest
- Existing priests were made to retrain to prove their loyalty to the state
- State financial aid to the Catholic Church was ended
- Prussian Catholics were deprived of certain legal and civil rights
When was Kulturkampf established?
What did Kulturkampf do?
- Zentrum was portrayed as the Reichsfiend
- Clergy were forbidden from any mention that of politics while preaching
- May 1872 diplomatic relations with the Vatican were cut off
- The jesuits were forbidden from preaching and from entering Prussian schools, anti Jesuit campaign gradually spread across the whole of the empire
What were the effects of Kulturkampf
- Intensified division
- Alienated the German Protestants
- Kept Bismarck tied to a political party that were a hindrance
Why did Bismarck want to end Kulturkampf by 1878?
- He wanted a closer relation to Catholic Austria
- Bismarck’s allies of the Protestant Conservatives had grown increasingly opposed to Kulturkampf as it promoted hostility to religion, he couldn’t afford to lose their support
- There was a bigger threat of socialism
When was the Septennial Act passed
When was the Anti Socialist Law passed?
Denied in 1876, early 1878 but passed in October 1878
What did the Anti Socialist Law do?
- Socialist organisations were banned
- Socialist meetings were banned
- Socialist publications were banned
- Police powers were increased meaning the police could search homes on suspicion, break up meetings and censor publications
When was the Sickness insurance act passed?
When was the Accident insurance act passed?
When was the Old Age pension scheme passed by?
When was the Dreikaiserbund?
What was the Dreikaiserbund
The league of three emperors with Germany Austria and Russia, designed to alienate France and maintain the status quo in Europe and prevent revolution
How many people died from the Spanish Flu in Germany in 1918?
Over 1 million
How many Polish and Jewish people did Bismarck expel between 1885-1886?
How much did trade unions increase in members between 1891-1913?
Increased from 344,000 to an estimated 3 million
1871 in comparison to 1910, how many cities of more than 100,000 inhabitants were there?
Increased from 10 in 1871, to 48 in 1910 towns
Between 1913-1919 how much did the amount of momey owed by the government (national debt) increase by?
Increased from 5000 million marks to 144,000 million marks
Between 1871-1874 how many seats did the Liberals, Zentrum and Conservatives move by?
Liberals 125-155
Zentrum 63-91
Conservatives 57-22
Who was Bismarck nearly assasinated by in 1874?
A Catholic barrel maker
What is an example of Bismarck not being able to control the Liberals?
They forced him to pass the Septennial Act in 1874 but when he tried to pass a press law that would allow him to prosecute editors that published things he didnt like (went against liberals free speech)