Statistics 1918-1929 Flashcards
What was article 48?
Reserve powers for the president, rule by decree in an emergency without the reichstags consent
How much of the reichstag did the chancellor have to have to stay in power?
Atleast half
How did individual rights get better in Weimar?
- They got the vote for the president and reichstag, voting age was reduced from 25-20 and for all genders
- Occasionally got to vote on important matters
- Received individual rights
- All Germans were equal before the law
- Gained freedom of speech, travel and conscience (although Sinti and Roma were treated like beggars and forced into specially created campsites)
- Guaranteed the right to belong to trade unions and political parties and other organisations
How many Freikorps units did Germany have by 1919?
170-200 units
What happened on the 10th of November 1918?
Ebert Groener Pact
What was the Ebert Groener Pact?
An agreement between Ebert and German General Groener, where Groener assured loyalty of the armed forces, in return Ebert promised that the government would take action against leftist disturbances
When was the Armistice signed?
11 November 1918
What was the consequence of the signing of the Armistice for the Germans?
Ended the war but pinned a humiliating peace on the new Weimar Republic
When was the Stinnes Leigen Agreement?
15 November 1918
What was the Stinnes Leigen Agreement?
Employers recognised the loyalty of the trade unions and agreed to an 8 hour working day
What happened in January 1919?
There was a Spartacist Rebellion, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg encouraged workers to commit a rebellion, was put down by the Freikorps and against the Republics orders, both were murdered and executed by the Freikorps
How much did Germany have to pay in reparations by April 1921
Germany was to pay £6.6 billion in reparations with 66 annual instalments of £100 million
How much were the Ruhr mines producing by May 1923?
A third of the average of 1922 and overall output dropped by a fifth
How many members did the NSDAP (nazi party) have by Nov 1923 compared to August 1923
55,000 members in November, in August it was at 14,000 members
What happened to the seats between 1919-1920 for the SPD and DVP
Seats held by the SPD went from 163-103 and seats held by the DVP went from 19-65
How much did do the young plan reduce reparations by?
It reduced reparations from £6.6 billion to £2 billion instead
What was the percentage that Paul Von Hindenburg won the election by for president in 1925?
In 1919 what happened to the value of the Mark
The mark was worth less than 20% of its pre war value
What was the unemployment rate in Germany compared to Britain in 1921
Only 1.8% unemployment in Germany compared to 17% in Britain
How much was 1 retenmark worth to Marks by 1923
1 retenmark was worth to 1 trillion old marks
What was the number of companies that went bankrupt in Germany between 1923-1924?
Went from 233 in 1923 to over 6000 in 1924
What was the rate of industrial production in 1919?
It was a third of what was produced in 1913
How much did the German economy grow by between 1913-1929 compared to the USA?
German economy grew by 4% while America grew by 70%
What was the average rate of unemployment between 1920-1929?
Never fell below 1.3 million
By 1927 what was the coal production compared to 1913?
79% of what it was in 1913
By October 1918 what percentage of the workforce was female?
Over a third of the workforce was female, and 25% of these had become trade union members
By 1925 how many new houses had been built?
170,000, 70,000 more than 1924
1920 how many women were elected into the Reichstag?
111 women
How many members did the Pan German league have by 1922?
40,000 members
How much did the military budget increase by between 1924-1928?
What was Gustav Streeseman’s famous quote about the Weimar Republic?
“Dancing on the edge of a volcano”
What happened in March 1919?
There was another spartacist uprising in Berlin killing 1,200 workers
What happened between April-May 1919?
Wave of strikes in Halle and the Ruhr Valley (industrial areas supplying 80% of the country’s coal)
What happened in December 1920?
USPD with 400,000 members voted to join the KPD of 78,000 members, increased left wing strength and confidence
What were some things that the treaty of Versailles do to Germany?
- Territory was taken from them, depriving Germany of valuable industrial and agricultural income
- Army was reduced to a max of 100,000 and the Navy to 15,000, restrictions and bans on some vehicles such as tanks, u-boats and aircraft
- Excluded from the League of Nations (let back in 1926)
When was the treaty of Versailles?
28th June 1919
What happened on November 1923?
The Munich Putsch
What was the Munich Putsch?
The Nazis attempt a failed push in Munich. Hitler was sent to Landsberg for his involvement but only served 9 months of the 5 years he was supposed to serve for. The rebellion was quashed by the army
What happened in October 1925?
The Locarno Pact
What was the Locarno Pact?
An attempt to remove tensions between Germany and France that ensured peace between France and Germany and respect each other’s borders
What happened on the 14th February 1926?
The Bambourg Conference, Hitler meets with the leading Nazis to reorganise the party and cement his authority
What happened on the 27th August 1928?
Kellog Briand Pact binds nations into an agreement not to use war as a problem solver, anti temper tantrum act
What happened in August 1929?
The Young plan was negotiated by Gustav Streseman, reduced reparations by 75%
What happens on the 29th October 1929?
The Wall Street Crash
What happened on the 13 March 1920?
The Kapp Putsch, involved a rebellion by members of the Freikorps, General Von Luttwitz and Wolfgang Kapp, the Weimar government couldn’t fend them off and fled to Dresden, the Putsch was put in place without a single shot being fired, until there was a major strike that made them admit defeat on the 18th of March 1920
What was General Von Seeckt’s famous quote?
“Reichswehr do not fire on Reichswehr!”
Out of the 705 people prosecuted for the Kapp Putsch how many got punished?
1 person
How many political assassinations were committed by the right and left wing between 1919-1923
Right wing committed 354 assassinations and the Left wing committed 22 assassinations, total of 376
What was the number of people convicted for the political assassinations between 1919-1923 for both left and right wing
Number of people convicted and sentenced to death was 10 on the left and 0 on the right, number of people convicted and sentenced to serve punishment was 17 on the left and 1 on the right
How many people went on strike to overthrow the Kapp Putsch?
12 million workers
What happened on the 16th of April 1922?
Treaty of Rapallo
What was the treaty of Rapallo
Treaty between the German Republic and the Russians where Germany could place their military training operations in Russia
When was the Dawes Plan proposed?
April 1924
When was the Treaty of Berlin signed?
What did the treaty of Berlin do?
Treaty between Germany and the USSR that confirmed the treaty of Rapallo with an additional pledge of neutrality for five years in the event of an attack by a third party, helped with winning over favour from the army and the right, and made Germany able to conduct military training on Russian soil
How much did exports rise by between 1925-1929?
Early 1922 how many marks was it to one US dollar?
160 marks to 1 US dollar
How much was one loaf of bread in Jan 1923 and Nov 1923?
250 Marks in Jan 1923 and 200,000 million marks for a loaf in Nov 1923
In 1923 alone how many chancellorships were there?
3, shows political instability
When was the Kiel Mutiny?
29th October 1918
What was the turnout for the January 1919 elections?
80% voter turnout, ridiculously high
How much did The Treaty of Versailles decrease Germany’s iron ore and coal production?
Versailles made Germany lose 79% of its iron ore, and 25% of its coal production, which led to a mass drop in the GDP
How much did manufacturing decrease between 1914-1919?
There was a 30% in manufacturing
How many seats did the SPD gain between 1924-1928 and did the NSADAP lose between then?
SPD gained seats from 100-153 in the reichstag and the NSDAP dropped from 32-12
How long did the Grand Coalition last?
How much was lent to Germany between 1924-1930 in terms of loans
Loans to the value of 25.5 billion Marks received mainly from the USA
How much did the employment for women between 1907-1925 increase by?
Rose from 31.2% in 1907 to 35.6% in 1925
What happened in July 1930 regarding the Reichstag?
After Bruning forced through a new finance bill by presidential decree (article 48), and the SPD tried to force him to withdraw the bill he asked the President to dissolve the reichstag. This in turn caused the upsurge in votes for the KPD and NSDAP (previous stats)