State Capitalism Flashcards
What was State Capitalism?
A halfway house between Capitalism and Socialism. Private Wealth and Free Market Competition were allowed, but the state owned heavy industry, mining, finance etc.
Why was State Capitalism introduced?
Because the economic conditions ripe for Socialism required on a heavily industrialised society. So Lenin had industrialise Russia quickly.
Why did some Bolsheviks oppose State Capitalism?
They saw it as a retreat to Capitalism; an ideological betrayal. They demanded radical measures such as the abolition of money and the nationalisation of all businesses.
What was the Decree on Land in October 1917? How was it an example of State Capitalism?
It abolished the private ownership of land and stated that land passed into the use of those who cultivated it. However it didn’t nationalise the land, it encouraged peasants to grow crops and sell them.
What was the Decree on Workers’ Control of Factories in November 1917?
It recognised that workers had seized control of factories and gave them a new obligation to maintain order, discipline and production.
Give three examples of Nationalisation which gave the State a high degree of control over the economy
Nationalisation of the Banks Dec 1917
Nationalisation of External Trade June 1918
Nationalisation of the Railways June 1918 + Sep 1918
BER = Banks, External Trade, Railways
What was the Veshenka of December 1917?
Set up economic regulations for Russia, it was the Supreme Council of the National Economy.
What was GOELRO of 1920?
The distribution of electricity service.
How did workers abuse the Decree of Workers’ Control over Factories?
They gave themselves ridiculous pay rises.
What was a problem with workers running the factories?
They failed to organise production efficiently because they had no managerial experience, which resulted in a reduction in output.
How did the Civil War exacerbate poor production in factories?
There was a shortage of raw materials and a massive disruption to working life due to conscription and general contempt towards the regime.
What happened to ‘non-essential’ businesses during State Capitalism?
They were forced to close down due to money being essentially worthless; major inflation.
Why did inflation occur during State Capitalism?
Raw materials were in very short supply.
Why were peasants unwilling to sell their grain?
Money was basically worthless because there were no consumer goods to purchase, may as well just keep the food because what would you actually spend the money on?
Which ways did peasants use to survive the combination of State Capitalism and Civil War?
They ate their livestock, burned wood to stay warm and sold their horses to the military.
What was the biggest issue for urban dwellers?
Food supply levels were dangerously low because peasants had reverted to subsistence farming (farming just for themselves, not to trade with cities).
Why didn’t Russia just import food from abroad?
Hostile foreign powers had enacted trade blockades.
What was the bread ration in Petrograd in early 1918?
Only 50g a day.
Which percentage of city food consumption was from the black market? How did black market goods find their way to cities?
66%. Peasant Sackmen (Nepmen) smuggled them in.
Between January 1917 and January 1919, how did the urban proletariat number change?
3.6 million went down to 1.4 million.
How many people died of starvation or disease alone in the Civil War?
5 million.
In 1920, there was a typhus epidemic, how many people died from this?
3 million.
Why was there a shortage of doctors?
Bourgeoisie had been targeted through terror or imprisonment or labour duties. Those remaining had been conscripted to work on the front lines of the Civil War.
What was the bourgeoisie ration?
They weren’t given ration cards. They begged in the street or bartered what little possessions they had left.
Which religion suffered persecution by the Whites?
Judaism. Pogroms against the Jews were common. So were rape and murder.