What had Lenin stated about Stalin and Trotsky in his last will?
He thought that relations between them make up the greater part of the danger of a split.
What did Lenin state about Stalin as Secretary-General?
Becomes intolerable.
What does Lenin instruct the other Bolsheviks to do in terms of Stalin?
Think about a way of removing him from that post and appointing another man.
How much did Communist party membership rise from 1917 to the early 1920s?
26,000 in 1917 to 500,000 by the early 1920s.
What important positions was Stalin awarded in 1917 and 1919?
1917: People’s Commissar for the Nationalities.
1919: Liaison Officer between the Politburo and the Orgburo.
What important position was Stalin appointed as in 1922?
General Secretary of the Communist Party.
What was the emerging trend with new party members 1923-25?
Largely poorly educated and political novices. They saw their admission to the party as down to Stalin so they voted for him.
What was one of the main issues that led to Stalin becoming leader?
There was no clear process of succession.
How did Stalin himself achieve the position of leader?
Through his ability and ambition, administrative positions and the assistance of his wife.
What was the Lenin Enrolment?
Lenin purged the communist party - from 750,000 to 340,000. After Lenin’s death a campaign was started to increase the size of the party. By 1933, there were one million members.
How did Stalin use the ‘Lenin Legacy’ to his advantage?
Stalin was the chief architect in creating a ‘cult of Lenin’.
How did Stalin defeated Trotsky for the role as leader?
Told him the wrong date for Lenin’s funeral and Trotsky never spoke up against Stalin.
What was the one important detail about Lenin’s last will and testemant?
It was never published.
What did Zinoviev and Kamenev do in 1924?
They launched an attack on NEP, however, Rykov and Tomsky continued to back Stalin.
What did Zinoviev, Kamenev and Trotsky do in retaliation to Stalin?
Teamed up as the “United Opposition”. They were voted out of the Politburo.
What did the right-wing of the party do in 1927?
Bukharin tried to form a link with Kamenev but failed.
What did Stalin do in 1928 regarding the party?
Turned against the RW as they disagreed with his agricultural and industrial schemes.
What did Stalin receive heavy criticism for in the power struggle?
How he ran Rabkrin and his role in the 1921 ‘Georgian Affair’.