What aim did Khrushchev have against the USA?
Competed in the Space Race, which required much more investment.
What did Khrushchev want more emphasis placed on?
Chemical industry and consumer goods.
What did Khrushchev regard himself as?
An agricultural expert.
What did Khrushchev announce in 1953 to the Central Committee?
That grain stocks under Stalin were lower than under the Tsars.
What did Khrushchev create in 1959?
The 7 Year Plan in 1959 - with more realistic targets.
What did Khrushchev set up?
Regional economic councils in 105 areas to take the place of national ministries.
How were living standards affected by Khrushchev’s aims?
Increase in housing and communal flats of Stalin’s day were abandoned.
How did transport improve under Khrushchev?
Tracks electrified and new train lines in ‘Virgin Lands’, to transport grain and agricultural products.
What was introduced in 1955? What was introduced in 1956-9?
A sixth 5YP, but scrapped for being too optimistic.
In 1956-9 7 year plan was introduced.
Who became the first man in space? What year?
Yuri Gagarin, 1961.
What did Khrushchev devolutionise?
Powers to the republics, which strengthened Party control and decreased ministry control.
What did Khrushchev hope the reorganisation of the economy would achieve?
More realistic planning and more progress. Had to breakdown resistance from planners who had been trained to believe consumer goods were of little importance.
What campaign did Khrushchev launch?
The Virgin Lands Campaign.
What was the Virgin Lands campaign designed to do?
Plough up vast areas of virgin and fallow land in Kazakstan, the Urals and Siberia for grain.
How many Konsomol volunteers were there for the Virgin Lands campaign?
How much of the Virgin Lands had been cultivated by 1956?
35.9 million hectares.
What happened to the harvest in 1956?
Largest in Soviet history, over half of the 125 million tons came from Virgin Lands.
What was the result of the Virgin Lands campaign by 1963?
The grain harvest was disastrous, with a drop of nearly one-third of the expected grain output.
What was the long-term issue of the Virgin Lands campaign?
The scheme had been poorly managed and poorly planned.
What did Khrushchev claim in 1957 regarding the Virgin Lands campaign?
The USSR would catch up with the USA in per capita meat output by 1960.
Give an example of another agricultural change that occurred in 1958.
MTS Stations abolished. Kolkhozy now had to buy machinery.
Why were Khrushchev’s more radical and innovative policies a failure?
Due to lack of co-operation from senior Communist party officials and bureaucrats.
What was the issue with the highly bureaucratic Soviet ‘system’?
Too cumbersome to allow for reforms to be implemented quickly enough.
What did Khrushchev fail to realise about some of his policies?
Some communist party members may have felt threatened by the changes made.
When was there a significant fall in grain production?
What radical changes did Khrushchev make to the industrial infrastructure?
By focusing on the establishment of light industries.
What did Khrushchev have to prioritise, potentially over economic and social change?
Political problems, such as the ending of gulags and the placing of the NKVD under the control of party and state.
What did Khrushchev create in 1957? What did these do?
In 1957, the Sovnarkhozy was created, with 105 regional councils given control over economic development
What was seen socially from 1955-1964?
Rapid housing construction programme which doubled the number of homes in the USSR.
Where is there evidence of censorship?
1956 – Dr Zhivago – rejected as against the revolution.
How many books were being published per year by the late 1950s?
Nearly 65,000.
What was one instance in which Khrushchev was repressive in his censorship policy?
Dr Zhiavigo.
What did 1958 see the abolition of?
Tuition fees.
What did the 1961 New Party Programme show?
Khrushchev remained a ‘true believer’ in Communism.
What did Khrushchev believe had already been created?
Socialism, on its way to Communism.
How much did meat consumption increase?
What was also notable about agriculture?
Maize Obsession.