What was the significance of the 19th party congress?
First since 1939.
When did Stalin’s health begin to decline?
What health issues was Stalin experiencing in 1952?
He had a series of strokes.
Why did Stalin dismiss doctor’s help?
He believed the doctors were plotting to murder him.
Who was with Stalin on the 28th February 1953?
Beria, Khrushchev, Malenkov and Bulganin.
When did everyone leave Stalin? When was he found dead?
Left: 4am
Found: 10pm the next evening.
What leadership was assumed to follow Stalin’s death?
A collective leadership consisting of Malenkov, Molotov, Bulganin, Khrushchev and Beria.
What position did Malenkov hold?
Prime minister.
What position did Beria hold (until June)?
Minister of the Interior and Head of the Secret Police.
What position did Molotov hold?
Foreign Minister.
What position did Khrushchev hold from September?
First party secretary.
Why did the other men fear Beria?
Ambitious and head of the secret police.
What did Beria appear ready to accept? How did this help to build support for his removal?
Appeared ready to accept a unified, neutral and non-communist Germany. When there was a rising in East Berlin, he was blamed.
Who did Khrushchev have the support of that was beneficial in the arrest of Beria?
The army.
What was the consequence for Beria?
Denounced in Pravada, before being later executed.
What did Malenkov announce?
Agricultural taxes would be halved.
What was the issue with Malenkov’s announcement regarding harvest?
The harvest in 1953 was poor, and he was blamed.
When was Malenkov forced to resign as prime minister?
February 1955.
When was the 20th Party Congress?
February 1956.
What did Khrushchev deliver at the 20th congress?
His ‘Secret Speech’.
What are three of the main criticisms made of Stalin in the secret speech?
- Blamed personally for purges.
- Failures in agriculture/war.
- Cult of personality/the individual.
Why did Khrushchev also include praise of Stalin despite the speech being overwhelmingly negative?
He had to show the strength in communism.
What reasons does Khrushchev give for why nobody in the party stood up to Stalin?
Stalin had later plans to finish off the old members of the political bureau.
What was destalinisation?
Getting rid of Stalin’s influence in the USSR.
What did Khrushchev intend to do?
‘Thaw’ harshness from policy.
What was the key motive for destalinisation?
Blacken Stalin’s name, but not the reputation of the communist party. Exposing errors and crimes made by Stalin.
How did Stalingrad show evidence of destalinisation?
Renamed Volgograd.
What did Khrushchev do to labour camps?
Large numbers of political prisoners released, millions had convictions squashed.
What happened to Stalin’s mausoleum?
Stalin’s body was dug up and buried in a concrete pit.
What impact did destalinisation have on Hungary?
Hungary: Nagy allowed to return, but when his government began tolerating anti-soviet demonstrations, Khrushchev ordered invasion.
What impact did destalinisation have on Yugoslavia?
1956: Khrushchev emphasised the way Stalin mistreated communists, and they were allowed their own brand of communism under Khrushchev.
What impact did destalinisation have on Poland?
Gomułka was allowed a prominent position, but Poland had to sign the Warsaw Pact.
How much did membership of the Communist party increase from 1954 to 1964?
From 1954 to 1964, membership of the Communist Party increased from 6.9 million to 11 million
What did de-Stalinisation mark a move back to?
A form of democratic centralism.
What did Khrushchev transfer power from?
The Soviet central government to the fifteen republics of the USSR.
What is your argument regarding Khrushchev?
Changed aspects of the political system, not the system itself.