How did Lenin rule at this point?
Very like a dictator when he abolished the Duma and made the Bolsheviks the only party.
What action was taken to tackle food shortages?
Soldiers were sent into the countryside to seize grain and feed towns.
What was the implications of the actions against food shortages?
Discontent among peasants.
What resolution was taken to solve the on-going Russian involvement in the war?
March 1918: Lenin signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Had to pay 300 million gold roubles to Germany.
What was the reaction to the Treaty of Brest-Livosk?
Ordinary people and soldiers were pleased. Nationalists and army officers were displeased.
Britain and France concerned.
What happened in the elections of late 1917?
The Bolsheviks only won 175 seats out of 707. The SR’s won 370.
What action did Lenin take when the Assembly first met?
Lenin used Trotsky’s Red Guard to close down the Assembly when it first met on 18th jan 1918.
How was censorship introduced on 1st Dec?
All non-Bolshevik newspapers were banned.
How did other parties react to the events following the 1917 elections?
SRs dissatisfied as they had won.
Liberals unhappy with lack of democracy.
How did Lenin respond to demands of land reform?
From 8th Nov 1917, land belonging to the Tsar, Church and nobles was handed over to the peasants.
What actions did Lenin take to keep the industrial workers content on 12th November?
Working day was limited to 8 hours, the working week was limited to 48 hours.
What was the name of the secret police under Lenin?
What was formed in January 1918?
The Russian Soviet Federalist Republic - a new political structure with Sovnarkom at its centre.
What would there be before full communism could emerge?
A dictatorship of the proletariat.
What happened when the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets met on the 25th October?
Right-wing SRs and Mensheviks, who favoured a coalition government, walked out in protest.
What was proclaimed after the Constituent Assembly was closed?
The establishment of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR)
What was the name for the Council of People’s Commissars?