Who did Kerensky appoint as a new Supreme Commander of the Russian forces?
General Kornilov.
What did Kornilov see his new position as an opportunity to do?
To crush the radical socialists and restore authority in Petrograd.
What action did Kornilov take that sent Kerensky into panic?
He sent his troops marching towards the city in what was the beginning of an attempt to seize control of the government and establish military control.
In a panic, what action did Kerensky originally take?
He denounced Kornilov and called the Soviet to help in a counter-revolution.
Why were the people so panicked?
Terrified by the prospect of a military dictatorship and the soldiers were alarmed that they may lose their power.
Who provided help to the people?
The Bolsheviks.
Who was prepared to protect Petrograd? Who had arranged this?
Soldiers, workers and sailors, all provided by the Bolsheviks.
Who appeared on the streets?
The Bolshevik Red Guard.
What did Kerensky give to the Bolsheviks?
Supplied them with weapons, in the event the troops did not arrive.
What did railway workers do? What did the Bolsheviks do beyond this?
Railway workers halted the trains carrying them to Petrograd and Bolshevik agents persuaded them to leave their officers.
What was the consequence for Kornilov?
What was the consequence for Kerensky?
Reputation was irretrievably damaged.
Why were the Mensheviks and Social Revolutionary leaders discredited as a result?
By their association with Kerensky and their inability to change their policies.
Why were the Kadets and other liberals no longer supported?
As they were seen as agents of the industrialists and large landowners.
What actions did the soldiers take?
Murdered hundreds of officers.
What was the consequence of the affair for the Bolsheviks?
Popularity, seen as the saviours of the city.
What happened on the 9th of September?
The Bolsheviks gained overall control of the Petrograd Soviet and Trotsky was elected president.