Stages: Freud, Erikson, Maslow Flashcards
Freud: Oral
0 - 1 year
Feeding and weaning
Freud: Anal
1 - 3 years
Toilet training
Freud: Phallic
3 - 6 years
Must identify with same-sex parent and take on as many of his/her characteristics as possible
Freud: Latency
6 - 12 years
Conflicts and problems from earlier stages surface
Freud: Genital
12 years to young adult
Resurfacing of old conflicts/traits
Newborns (Birth - 1 month)
Infants (1 month - 12 months)
Trust vs. Mistrust
health promotion: Teach parents to meet infants social and physical needs
(ex. feeding, not abandoned)
virtue: Hope
Toddlers (1 - 3 years)
Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
health promotion: Provide child acceptable options
(ex. toilet training, clothing themselves)
virtue: Will
Preschoolers: (3 - 6 years)
Initiative vs Guilt
health promotion: Assist parents to identify age-appropriate activities
(ex. exploring, using tools or making art)
virtue: Purpose
School-Age Children (6 - 12 years)
Industry vs. Inferiority
health promotion: Encourage child’s participation in care
(ex. school, sports)
virtue: Competence
Adolescents (13 - 19 years)
Identity vs. Role Confusion
health promotion: Provide same-age support group
(ex. social relationships)
virtue: Fidelity
Erikson: Young adults (20 - 35 years)
Intimacy vs. Isolation
health promotion: Provide private time with partner
(ex. romantic relationships)
virtue: Love
Erikson: Middle adults (35 - 65 years)
Generativity vs. Stagnation
health promotion: Assist client adaptation w/ illness and home/work demands
(ex. work, parenthood)
virtue: Care
Erikson: Older adult (≥65 years)
Integrity vs. Despair
health promotion: Encourage use of personal items when not at home
(ex. reflection on life)
virtue: Wisdom
basic needs - food, oxygen, water, sleep, sex, constant body temperature
Safety and Security
safety needs - security, protection, freedom from fear, need for structure, order, and limits
Love and Belonging
need for intimate relationships and experiencing love and affection from others
need to have a high self-regard and have it reflected them from others
strive to become everything they’re capable of